I am a bit confused and I have gotten extremely impatient. If your not gonna release anything at all at least communicate with us. Tell us whats going on. Give something for the community to talk about. Is it so hard to take 5 minutes to write a post to people who play your game. Why taking so long with guild hall updates? You guys release info and pictures about it and about a month later still nothing. I don't understand what so hard about adding to a game. I mean I want content, I want a reason to keep playing. If you guys are just planning on sitting on what you have, then I am gonna take my time and money elsewhere. Heck I settle for Tortodrones being reintroduced, or magnus line getting buff. Heck fix stun already. Throw me a bone here for cripes sake. I love spiral knights. I just feel like this game has yet to tap into it's potential.
Why lack of updates?
I guess they just don't talk because they might mention stuff heavily prone to change and get people going for nothing in the end, or they just don't want to interact with feedback too much. I don't remember the last time they talked about something content-related, besides a 'we're working on it' here and there, though those rare comments are practically nonexistent in the Suggestions board...
The secrecy and lack of progression, whatever the reasons are, drive me crazy.
Also want to add if they release a CE promo before Guild hall update I will be livid!
IIRC, promos are basically filler content that the art team works on while the coders are busy. I just don't know why they do that EVERY time as opposed to taking some time to spruce up existing graphics, like overlapping DA bullets, making the old tiles look newer, making some stuff for Featured Auctions exclusively... etc.
I understand they should make money, but given how often we've been getting promos compared to content patches, it's a little silly.
And yes, if not a promo before the next update, definitely one during it.
The update wont be before the Dark Harvest festival returns. Hopefully it'll come out with it and it'll include something to help track the punkin out via a guildhall upgrade or something.
I think OOO is simply more focused on the doctor who game right now to give SK proper attention. But what do I know.
They are working on the guildhall update and will not release another patch until then.
You realize they tend to do a big update rarely rather than many small updates?
Yes its been a while since an update, but the next update may very well be huge.
October 17th, 2012: Dark Harvest update
October 31st, 2012: Guild Hall update
I can confirm the Dark Harvest date based off of what I know. I can also confirm that they've "made progress" on fixing the stun issue and was talking about it today with a few people.
So calm your tits.
EDIT: As far as the Stun bug, I'll even be kind enough to link everyone to Nick's Twitter where he clearly states it. So Holla, take the hate blinders off before you start claiming that there's no updates being put out there. Yeah, ideally it should be put on the forums, but at the end of the day they're not required to do anything at all. I can also assure you that if you left the game for reasons as small as that, you wouldn't see many people complaining.
i think they will release the dark harvest festival and GH update at the same time or whatever im just sick of waiting D:
they're not required to do anything at all
So what are they paying the "community manager" for?
16 hours a week of reading the same people patting them on the back for doing nothing?
Show me where it says "keep the community up-to-date on everything" under the title of Community Manager and I'll concede my point to you on that.
A Community Manager is the face of a company, managing communications in both directions. This digital-savvy employee is responsible for all communications, PR, social media, events, and content creation, among other things.
It’s a Web 2.0 communications role, incorporating online tools and in-person networking to create relationships and ultimately build the company’s brand, both online and off.
While every day as a Community Manager is different, this is what the role’s responsibilities may include:
1. Content creation - writing blog posts, articles, newsletters, communications materials, and material for social media channels
2. Social media marketing – creating, managing and growing the company’s presence through blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other strategically relevant online properties
3. Events and event planning – attending industry events in your city (often outside of 9-5 hours) and planning meetups for your community
4. Public relations – (note: some companies may have devoted PR departments so this may not be relevant) managing incoming media requests and building relationships with industry journalists; creating, executing and measuring media campaigns
5. Customer relations – the Community Manager is often responsible for customer support – answering questions however they come in (phone, e-mail, Twitter) and managing any online feedback forums such as GetSatisfaction pages
6. Communications/marketing strategy – the Community Manager is responsible for creating strategic marketing/communications plans to provide direction for the company’s public-facing communications
7. Analytics – Using Google Analytics and other measurement tools to provide reports on metrics, and continually find ways to improve on those metrics through testing and new initiatives
8. Business development - Depending on the company and depending on how senior the role is, a Community Manager can also be responsible for business development and sales
It's already evident she knows what's going on.
Three Rings is keeping her from doing her job because for some reason, not talking about possible updates removes all accountability?
Based on the link you posted on nick's twitter it's about the same stuff they have been posting for months. Making progress, or we are working on it. Nothing new doesn't prove anything.
I'm confused by the very last line of yours:
"Three Rings is keeping her from doing her job because for some reason, not talking about possible updates removes all accountability?"
Can you elaborate a bit on that?
Otherwise, I get the impression that this is geared more towards business-oriented endeavors and less so towards actual member interaction, at least from how I interpreted what you posted. Guess we can leave that for Eury to answer if she decides to.
"Based on the link you posted on nick's twitter it's about the same stuff they have been posting for months. Making progress, or we are working on it. Nothing new doesn't prove anything."
I'm sorry I didn't link specifically to the Tweet that Zeddy linked to, which says that they're making progress on fixing the Stun bug. That's your progress update, and if that's not enough for you, then get over it. Typically in the past, when they've said they're "working on it", an update's come out in the near future in regards to it.
"Three Rings is keeping her from doing her job because for some reason, not talking about possible updates removes all accountability?"
Ah, I missed that development. On one hand, I can understand the idea that maintaining your distance preserves objectivity and reduces accountability, but on the other I also understand that too much distance creates a wall moreso than anything else and works to disband the "ardently loyal" userbase they reference in that letter.
Either way, I'll take a backseat on this for a bit and see where it goes.
i completley agree with 1st comment.. but still better a big update than 100 of smal ones...
Perfection takes time :D. Also they might be wanting to release it around the same time they released Halloween Festival and Shadow Lairs last year.
The Facebook page has some sample Group Hall pics. Like them on Facebook? << Does this count as a spoiler? If so, please remove.
Altough I agree it'd be nice to have more communication, saying that tehre's been "no updates" is just ridiculously childish impatience. I took a hiatus for...idk, 4 months? Came back to expansions, missions, dailies, promos, announcement that they're finally updating guild halls...
Fact is, the game gets plenty of updates, which should be more important than their lack of communication. Altough it'd still be nice to hear them talk more...seeing "admin" posts feel like treasure hunting.
Altough I agree it'd be nice to have more communication, saying that tehre's been "no updates" is just ridiculously childish impatience. I took a hiatus for...idk, 4 months? Came back to expansions, missions, dailies, promos, announcement that they're finally updating guild halls...
Fact is, the game gets plenty of updates, which should be more important than their lack of communication. Altough it'd still be nice to hear them talk more...seeing "admin" posts feel like treasure hunting.
Its been a month and 2 days since last content adding update. Which gave us a new danger mission. In my opinion I don't even call danger missions content. Sure they are fun but if your not that keen on prestige they are rather pointless. They lose their appeal pretty quickly at least for me. Real content such as Bosses are the core part of the game. We haven't had a boss update that is (FREE) since Raormulus twins came in last November. I don't think i'm being impatient. Regardless I am sure when they release guild hall update it will be good.
Arguably, GitM was a boss update, considering that it had levels beforehand, danger mission, prestige bonuses aaaaand a boss! Easy boss maybe, but it's not as if RT was hard either...
And you're complaining that it's been one whole month since content came out, and that the next planned update isn't out yet?
Yeah, it's an MMO. It takes time, and expecting huge updates every month is impatient/greedy/childish etc etc. RT came out in November maybe, but since then we have had a fair amount of updates. Just because you don't like them enough doesn't mean they don't count as updates. You can't just ignore whatever you don't like and act as if nothing's been coming out.
Dark, the problem is that Ghosts in the Machine is only 1.2 depths and reuses art assets, enemies, and a remodeled boss from three months ago. There are actually VERY minor changes that can be called "New".
And that takes them a whole month to shell out just that. There's clearly something wrong here: Either they don't have enough members on their team or they're just being extremely lazy. However, I cannot say since I don't exactly know how Java works or how their steps go.
I'm curious as to why they have these things spaced out the way they do, but after peeking through the game files, I've found that they have finished or made pretty good progress on at least 3 major things: Halloween, Guild Halls, and something spoiler-y. They also have some more minor stuff being held back, like the proto gear used in the surge promo that I like to think they're delaying because they're trying to make it accessible to everyone. I'd expect some pretty heavy stuff being released in the coming weeks.
I understand the mind numbing feeling while waiting for updates on a game. There is nothing like waiting day in and day out for a game to release content that they have been promising for months now. But here is a suggestion " One I am currently using" Play a game other then Spiral Knights to keep your mind off it. Ever sense I saw the last update "Today's patch includes some preparation for an upcoming promotion." I got this huge burst of excitement, that has been slowly turned in to a eye ripping, hair pulling, pie throwing urge to compensate for the lack of content. But then I remembered I have other games to play. I started a new file on borderlands 2, and I have also started playing realm of mad god. "Play it on Kongregate , its not as laggy as it is on steam. What i am trying to get at is to save random people from being pied in the face, just play another game to keep you busy, and just check back every few days to see what happening on Spiral Knights. If you are so obsessed with Spiral Knights to the point you think your head will explode if you play another game, it wont trust me
I wouldn't commit treason if I were you. Its against the forum rules and help.
Shoebox, pulling a job description off the internet doesn't work well in this case. My job covers some things not mentioned in your list, and does not cover some others that are there.
Also, part of my job is to have the restraint not to spew info before OOO is ready to have it made public. I realize you're feeling impatient, but going on the attack about a staff member's job description is not a way to hasten things along.
[EDIT] Alright so is there any more info you can give us about the DHF, guild halls or the stun bug? And how did pawn get banned again?
If you want more updates I suggest just finding another game to play Holla. We've talked about this before. I found a game that updates once a week with new art and new quests or events. Completely forgotten how SK updates as fast as molasses since I only log on to do a run here and there with a friend. I'm sorry to say it that way Holla and I know you've had this great attitude for SK for such a long time and aways being hopeful.. but yeah it is just not happening here.
This game is no longer the main game I play as I do play others. I am just merely looking for a reason to make this my main game again. No signs of that yet.
I don't think Shoebox meant any disrespect.
Don't give up hope yet bro :). KEEP HOPE ALIVE!
Ah, the wrath of Eurydice. One of the few things that keeps me coming back here as often as I do...
*tips hat at Eurydice*
Hey Eurydice, I just met you and this is crazy but here's my IGN (extrajuicybits) so mail me maybe.
Which reminds me I still haven't written the reply to the COO. My apology in advance as something terrible happened last week (in-game) and I really need some time off.
I do have an idea of how to proceed with all the queries and concerns regarding SK's development, past mistakes, and future direction. But I would need the ears of the various experts and activists who know the problems and are willing to dedicate the time to see the problems through. Then combine with a formal, sincere reply to the COO, it could worth a shot.
So before Eury pulls out that Ban stick and waves it in front of me, let me assure you that the idea I described has taken into consideration the benefits of you (yes, the SK community manager), Nick and his crews, the COO and most importantly the people who play and pay for SK. It's just that now is a very bad time and I'm mentally exhausted in the last 4 days or so.
I know what you mean. I want to do the same, but it just does not look like SK will ever be my main game ever again.
Even logging on to say hello to long time in game friends just seems boring.
Aw, they deleted Shoebox's post...
I was going to tell him that what he said at the end there did not suffice, as I'm curious to know how Eurydice's interpretation of his Googled job description as a "personal attack" implies that "Community Manager" is not the correct title for Eurydice's position. We've yet to learn precisely what her position entails, and for all we know it could include that. I don't know whether it was Eurydice who deleted Shoebox's post, but I would personally consider that action to fit a fairly literal interpretation of managing the community.
I believe it can be said that the majority of people who read this thread sensed a tinge of malicious implications in Shoebox's comments, regardless of whether that was Shoebox's intention or not.
Anyway, regarding updates (or the apparent lack thereof) - nowadays I try to just play the game as I would have before getting involved in the forums. I tend to think that had I not started reading and writing things in the forums, I'd be more satisfied with Spiral Knights than I am now. I remember that when updates came around I would be excited to open up the patch notes in my Uplink and see what was new, and that excitement has all but dissipated now that I've started reading about what the developers are working on (whenever that information is released).
Eury's official responsibility (in her own words).
As some people have already pointed out, I sent a letter to the CEO of Three Rings regarding the shard bomb patch. It was sent under the context that somehow the concern of the community isn't heard by the development. But as it turns out, even if Eury did pass on the message to the SK Developers, they are the one that do not believe that the change they rolled out is not in the best interest of the community (and as a result it's either a non-issue or a low priority item).
So all I'm trying to say here is that I do not believe it is Eury's fault (at least not entirely) for the lack of updates, or that the developers do not read the concern of the community. And as this thread has shown, at least one developers have surfaced and commented.
I think what worries me more is that the SK developers are getting more and more disconnected from the community, while the community continues to blame the community manager (i.e. Eury) for the lack of progress. And when Eury pulls out her trusty ban stick and start waving it at the crowd, it could worsen the situation. The result is that no progress will be made.
Somehow, we need a bridge to cross that gap and pull the development back to user land (which is what I have been thinking about, the real cause of the lack of response to the COO). As I previously commented, it is my personal opinion that sometimes the SK developers come a little too arrogant for my taste. I think the situation would be a bit easier if the development plays the game more (with the player base).
e.g. according to the latest Clockworks Confidential with GM Cronus, the GMs do play the game (incognito). I think this is a good sign as my recent experience with 5 of them turn out to be very productive. They know exactly what the problems are, what their roles should be and most importantly, the fix! So perhaps what we really need is something similar: more free time for SK developers to play their own games. ("Eat your own dog food", no pun intended.)
But look at the bright side guys. Nick is fixing Stun bug! That's at least one good thing that is happening, right?
To Eury. Please read through what I wrote above. I'm not blaming the developers (and therefore there is no need to come to their defense with your trusty ban stick). There is a problem that not only me, but many other in the community have seen. I do not believe you are the core of that problem. The problem probably lies deeper within the policy that the developers are abiding to (which the public has no knowledge) and hence why I went full length (and stick my neck out) to explain my observation.
does shoebox have a brother named gloveball? XD
On topic, updates do take a while to make. Believe me, even the "Simplest" of things can be harder then they seem.
I am curious though. On average, how often do the SK dev team play their own game? None of us can know at all because we have no clue who each of you are when you casually play. XD
I am curious though. On average, how often do the SK dev team play their own game? None of us can know at all because we have no clue who each of you are when you casually play. XD
That's an excellent question and you should pass that on to one of the SK "Engineers" in the upcoming Clockwork Confidential. If that question is not being drafted, the answers are ambiguous, or the numbers are surprisingly low. I believe it's a sign that at the management level Three Rings needs to start promote this "Eat Your Own Dog Food" culture to keep their developers connected with the player base. (And that, would be within the responsibilities of the COO.)
Having Nick dressing up in the latest promo costume and show up in Haven, while nice and all, does not make the development more connected. They have to actually play the game with the player base, learn what they don't know (let's face it, many of us spend more time on SK than these developers do, just look at the new shard bombs), have fun and restructure the problems in their head. The key here is "restructuring". They are probably well aware of the problems. It's how they look at them (and approach them) that would be the key.
@ Eltia
The Dev's voice is much needed. And I salute the work you are doing in trying to address this to the devs. So Thank you :)
My thoughts
Nothing against Eurydice but Community manager is not an appropriate title. While this place would be Chaotic without Eurydice, I think Forum Mod is a much more suitable title. Eury is very limited because he/she can't really get involved actively with community. If you can't get involved with the community, then being called Community manager is misleading no? A point Shoebox raised before it was deleted. Regardless Eurydice does an excellent job keeping these forums in line no doubt.
are you sure about that? What if Eury is actually doing much more which is behind the scenes. She isn't just a forum mod; I think she is the main Game Master in the game.
Also, Eltia, one thing that is good to note is that because they have names which don't sound like GM names so that players don't swarm them and treat them like a god. XD
Actually....now I'm...curious....
Have I ever...played with a GM? *Looks around nervously* Ummmm............................................... O.o
@ autofire
Ya i was part of that crowd when they appeared on the day of Sk's anniversary that swarmed them. SO guilty lol.
Well it might seem unfair I personally don't think Eury actively engages with the community. Tho I do believe he/she does most of the twitter/facebook posts. That is mostly reporting on updates game wise tho. Eury does more keeping the forums in line then actually lending a voice. Well if he/she is doing stuff behind the scenes how is that engaging with the Community? It just what I feel, take it with a grain of salt. Like I said Eury does an awesome job keeping these forums in line.
I'm pretty sure I agree with everything he just said.
SeriOOOusly, an update or ETA would be cool :)
Since I've payed off most of my new car, I'm feeling confident that I will spend some $$ on this game...should there ever be an update.