This may be a funny thing to bring up but I am not surprised of OOO being secretive as well as their employees. I thought development is usually kept under wraps to some degree, because it could be possible that part of that is scrapped and not used. I remember when people were making articles about Cata content for WoW, Blizzard did send a cease and desist because the stuff being looked at may not be like the final product. Spiral Knights in its closed beta was similar in that we weren't allowed to share information about the game. As beta testers we were aware that things in the game could radically change; and they did. Things like uninstanced towns, adding different tiers of items and the "best weapon in the game" changing every week were common. Development could possibly be like that, but instead players don't get to see and develop certain expectations. I think the information they do give us is something that they have planned with such certainty that won't get scrapped.
Aside from that I remember a joking comic on Three Panel Soul about the non-disclosure agreement. Even if you're likely not going to learn any of Sega's or OOO's secrets I am guessing if you work for them you have to sign the NDA. Those like me receiving money from whirled get it in the form of checks from Sega, and I did have to sit down and sign this agreement, even though it's very unlikely I'll ever find out anything that could be disclosed.
In the upcoming Clockwork Confidential, if one of these SK "engineers" does show up, do expect this do you eat your own dog food question.
It's better to be honest with ourselves because the community as a whole maybe in a position to do something for the Devs (instead of the other way around). I personally do not believe the CEO nor the COO want to see the Devs in direct conflict with the enthusiast sector in the player base, because their symbiosis relationship is like lovers. It's better off for the management to view this conflict as occasionally quarrels between teenage lovers, have them find the middle point and move on with life on good terms.
So I hope this "engineer" being picked for the next Clockwork Confidential would be the mastermind of the Shard Bomb patch. This is an excellent opportunity for us to settle the difference without involving upper management, have good news in my hands so I can write a formal and sincere reply to your COO and the COO report (an even better) news to the CEO. As a bonus, I am happy to write up my personal positive experience with the various Game Masters (Aphrodite, Atalanta, Coriolis, Cronus and Hyperion). I feel they are the unsung heroes that deserve the praise and perhaps Three Rings should treat them a free dinner at a restaurant of their choice.
It's always hard to predict the future. The only sure way is to create that future ourselves. And we are in that position to shape that future. Please do not lose this opportunity as opportunity does not come a long every single day.