I haven't played for awhile, but one of my friends just made an account, so I came back. When he was creating his first knight, he had the option to add two accessories. I thought that they were really cute, and that they helped each knight look original, but when I created my character this option hadn't been added yet. Is there any way that I can add them? I don't want to start all over with a new character, but I really kind of want that stupid antenna.
Optional Accessories in New Character Creation
Mon, 10/15/2012 - 10:12
Mon, 10/15/2012 - 10:49
You can still buy those
You can still buy those accessories on the auction house, and unfortunately, that is your only real option to get those items. No freebies for the current players.
Mon, 10/15/2012 - 11:55
Actually I still wear my proto gear as my costume most of the time and I have 4* actual gear. I just like the way it looks.
Mon, 10/15/2012 - 22:25
You aren't exactly the first to notice this inequity.
You're never going to use your proto gear again so what's the point?