Today's release notes can be found here:
October 17 Update - Discussion

tl dr: festival is coming to town.
minor stun fixes: hope they didnt fix Vana, i still stun-lock him from time to time.

While I am admittedly a little bummed that the masks are the same as last year, it's more than made up for with the prize boxes. ;w; Super excited about that. And a way to burn up all of my candies, by the looks of it! <3

First off, kudos to you OOO, for making F2P content and a reason to go back into the clockworks!
Secondly, are these boxes tradable?

I'm disappointed.
There is only two new things in this, a bomb head and aura. Everything else is just recolored.
I was expecting some new masks along with the ones from last year.
Oh well. :\

@cobalt theres conftti that shoots out a pumpkin and then....

I was so hoping to get the new 3 masks of this season.
the recoloured stuff is alright i guess.

Disappointing. Same masks? Really?
Most interesting part of this update for me: "- Two new proto armors and helms have been added to knight creation."
UPDATE: Wait, those boxes are available without CE purchase!? ZOMG where is my video camera, never thought this would happen.

Boxes whupidy do.. I gues at least they no require key. Or do they? Idk I just checked the update can't actually get on.
Well gues ill at least try for a toupe.

Anything that gives people a reason to start exploring the Clockworks again - even if only temporarily - is fine by me. I think we're all a bit sick of grinding away on missions but it's so hard to find a decent T3 party that the 'works have been all but abandoned.
I really think something akin to the Punkin King would be a brilliant way to reinvigorate player interest in the Clockworks. Having a randomly-attached sub-level that rewarded finders with unique tokens would be a big draw; grinding FSC for tokens and cash will still happen, and happen a lot, but the possibility of Clockworks exploration being rewarded with otherwise unobtainable items would be a huge draw. More players in the Clockworks = more players in different and diverse levels = less fatigue.

"- Two new proto armors and helms have been added to knight creation."
Will there be a way to attain these proto armors outside of the knight creation interface, or will we be forced to restart the game should we hope to use them as costume? I am of course, hoping for several of these to be placed on the auction house so that we might enjoy them as well.
For else I cannot help but feel that while beta players are sacred for their groundbreaker, and newer players for their "new proto armors", I have not even seasonal events to point towards. Of course, this is quite fallacious at its heart... it is the in the dreams of man that these ideals gain weight, and outside of such a realm they bear none.

I was deeply disappointed to see that the same masks were up for grabs. Up until I read that Dark Harvest Prize Boxes were obtainable via candy as well.
Trick or treat, everybody. We're goin' Punkin hunting!

Because it is not anywherre yet, how mmuch do boxes cost?
How many tokens are dropped between the different tiers? Ide like to know so I can plan before I get home.

I'm cool with having the same masks, as I was neck-deep in deadlines this time last year and never got around to grabbing any.
There's a thread in Suggestions about this, btw -

Boxes available without CE purchase.
Guaranteed Items.
I hope this is a sign that OOO is learning from their mistakes and actually growing in their orientation towards their customers. I have been very vocal about how OOO cannot get out of their own way when it comes servicing their supporters. While there are still some issues even with this (as many will be upset that last years masks are available again this year, and that the new items are just reskins agai) it is a big step in the right direction.
OOO, not to turn this post into a suggestion thread, but you guys should seriously consider retroactively changing surge, solstice, and nemesis boxes to guarantee an item as well. I applaud you for listening to the community and guaranteeing gear/accessories in these boxes, it would behoove you to go back and change the old boxes too.
Either way, good work on hearing some of the complaints associated with the way you conduct your business and aiming towards making the necessary changes to keep them happy. Hopefully more of the same is on the way.

Fehzor - There will likely be some way in the future for players to acquire costume versions of all the proto sets.

What the heck is a power scanner? Has that been a thing before?
I'd really appreciate a GM in a fountain wearing one so I could learn more.

Well, I wasn't here last year so the masks are heartily welcome from me, most MMO don't even try to differentiate halloween/Christmas etc events andjust put the same every year, so be glad that we got boxes too along with masks so that people who already got the masks can farm something else. :D
Also, I'd like to jump in to the question: how many tokens will it be for a box?

Just like the free accessories+height mod+eyes of before, the veterans are once again given the middle finger...
Also why is the spookat mask a lame reskin of wolver cap instead of the legendary Purring Cap?

i'm 98% certain the powerscanner is the helm mounted display. I believe in spiralspy, if you tinker around in edit mode, you can find the "powerscanner" as an option. It is a slightly less refined model for the helm-mounted display. If memory serves me.
Below me, the boxes are not freebies, but another option for candy.
Most likely, this is to give impetus to players who already have all 3 masks to grind towards tokens. Otherwise, they'd have no reason to join in this autumn's witching.

if the toupee are gonna be orange as Halloween themed....
were gonna see a handful of players yelling, "GINGERS HAVE SOUL!" xD
also, like last year with the free pumkin bomb bundle, are the purchase-less boxes a freebie?

I would love you guys forever and ever if we were able to get all the different colors of proto armor for costume use.
(I would also be forced to make/buy Scale Mail, Draped Armor, and Tailed Helms in Every. Single. Color.)

"There will likely be some way in the future for players to acquire costume versions of all the proto sets."
IDK how to react to this...
If you mean the promo boxes recolors, then I would say you guys are full of bull- and to get bent.
If you mean featured auctions, a proto armor npc or something like this than I would say that this is awesome.

Aww, the masks are the same.
Does anyone know what the price per prize box is? Also, is the pumpkin bando the same as last years?

Virulent catalyzer was fixed, yay.
Also, I don't know why vets are disappointed at the masks, we can dedicate ourselves to that box hunting. Now I finally have some motivation to log again!

This is the update of the year! My Bday is right around the corner and we get awesome masks back up as well as new presents to open! This ROCKS! :D

The name of the Trick or Treat Confetti is currently incorrectly being displayed as Dark Harvest Treat Confetti. The confetti is also missing part of its visual effect but functionally works.
Both will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

Huh what? Since when did OOO start to give Lockboxes that don't need any keys and can be acquired pretty much for free?
Is that a good or bad sign now? :O

Nick, You say that Maskwell has boxes for trade, Are they CE/CR Purchasable? Or is it a CE purchase?

Just re-read the box contents. Jack-o-bombhead mask? Pumpkin Bombhead Mask? Success! Does anyone know if they used my texture?

every since the server gave me the boot, im still loading, slowing down at 80% percentile.
anybody having the same issue?

The Dark Harvest Prize Boxes are available from Maskwell for 25 candy tokens.

looking at the new proto helmets, that gives new design possibilities for the hero at the start of our game, CradleBound. It's not only limited to 3 different helms and armors. (I'm talking about right after the crash landing. Who is going to be wearing 3* equipment right after crash landing? XD)

Stuck at 97% for about 20 mins, anybody managed to get in?

Stunfix? Costumes that don't require stupid amounts of CE to obtain? Masks?

Nice mood there in Haven! Is there a chance that we could get a day-night cycle (without the purple fog) once event finishes that clocks with server time?
And another question, does the prestige mission lock itself when selecting it or when finishing it? Because depending on the flag, people could exploit going back to Haven and, with an elevator pass, it would be a outrageous mine of boxes.
Edit: Also, what was fixed about the stun bug? I mean, I couldn't experiment (I would have to take out that Haze Bomb that collects dust) and would be interested to know.

I just tried the prestige mission.
The gourdlings got a HUGE buff.
They are now really fast bombies that drop a 4 blast cube explosives on death.
They murdered me in seconds.

There's always an update that comes out whenever I take a break from SK, it always happens

whos the dofus who told OOO about the mission exploit?!

An update that includes boxes that are almost free that include accessories ON MY BIRTHDAY? Wow.

I thought it was just the same event with some CE promo, but you guys really got me with the "free" lockboxes; It was a real awesome move. Even thought I still want you guys to get bent for not giving the new protos to older players I gotta admit that it was a nice patch overall. :D

Why is this patch taking hours? It's been stuck at 52% for like 20 minutes now!!!

Same issue here.
Mine went to 71% in 5 seconds, and now it just won't budge.

how come ppl are saying this patch takes forever to update? it took my like 4 mins, and i have an OLD computer. :P

Are you using steam? Or maybe it's the server.
A 100% chance of getting something from a box that isn't a UV ticket? Is this a dream?