Last update my loading bar was stopped at 62%, and after about two hours I decided to try to do something, but my computer was frozen.
October 17 Update - Discussion
You know what this is only the first day and I have to say OOO this is how you do it!!!!!
Great job this is f2p the right way this is awesome I love it!!
Super great job I'm so happy with you guys.
A Box that can be obtained via collecting candies? Finally a patch I can get on board with Hurray! TYTY
This means one thing for my thinking.
muahahahaha i am the king of the microgames
Yay. I can't be a hipster anymore.
Oh well, at least There're other stuff to get.
- Fixed some issues with stunned monsters. More fixes are on the way.
Details, mon cheri?
Did someone even moved a finger to do something about the "bad[gear]" update to come, the guild update?
yes we all like tokens and "new" masks and the rest?
You don't seem to understand things well. Or have any common sense whatsoever. I can help!
Lemme explain things for ya:
There's this concept. It's called "priority." Now, whenever you try to make an event in-game that is based on a real-world holiday, you try to get that update out around the same time as that holiday. If you release it too late, there really wouldn't be any point in releasing it at all. Now we come this magical thing, "priority." Whenever you have something that is time-sensitive (i.e. Dark Harvest), you tend to want to get that thing done before things that can really be done at any other time (i.e. Guild Halls). See how these things work? Hence, more concentration was probably temporarily placed on the Dark Harvest than the GH update because it had to be done first.
Also, I would absolutely love it if people who seem to not know how time-consuming programming is would kindly refrain from whining about how long the GH update has been in progress. If you think you can do any better, apply for a programming job at OOO.
Good day.
You're free to not participate in the Dark Harvest Festival while you wait for the guild hall update...
EDIT: You are free to disregard this post and read Ubernerd's instead.
Why not new helms, or at least re-coloured ones?
Except for the Groundbreaker Armour, why is there no way to establish your appearance as a long term player?
I think it's sad that people whine about GH updates when we "have no updates" and then they whine about GH updates when we do have updates. Some people just throw tantrums for any reason. I mean, as soon as the GH update actually comes out, the first thread that'll be posted is "omg no new updates and the GH wasnae even anything new/good". Bloody moaning children need to just play console games.
You shouldn't really need a visual method of establishing yourself as a long-term player. I mean, if you did have a "long term" set and fancied wearing something dififerent, you never would because you'd feel obligated to keep on that set, defeating the point. They want you to play about with the costumes, so you never get bored.
If you want people you're talking to to know you're long-term, then your experience/stories shuold do just that. If you want strangers and random passers-by to know you're long-term, then you need stop being such an attentio...
Trying not to use words that americans think are sweary...
Ok, after 5 clockworks levels with no PK after having a streak of treats at the beginning of a level, I'm worried that OOO is trolling me for saying that this was not creative. If that is the case, (It may not be and I'm just paranoid) then I want to clarify that I am still pretty content with this event after I managed to get 2 prize boxes after one day, and am loving that mindset of "gotta get em all", which will be easier since I have a 225 token head start. So yeah, I'm not hating on this event, just wishing there could be new masks.
I also feel like I was the person who suggested to put bombies in the battle since I remember suggesting that a while in a thread I can no longer find. Of course there may be other people who suggested that, or OOO had that in mind the whole time, but it is cool. But why only in the prestige mission? (The bombies murdered my little brother...ahhh, priceless....)
Does anyone know what the haunted aura looks like?
2 or three ghost twirling around you. the ghosts look like the ones who fly around haven.
I want that aura.
Snarbolax Coat with Haunted aura and a Phantom Mask. man thats a epic costume.
I love the new T3 Gourdlings, but they are a bit underpowered
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the T1 are gray gourdings that bite you, while T2 gourdlings are explosive, and T3 gourdlings explode and release little explosive jelly things... therefore the t2 and t3 gourdlings are easy to kill, since all they do is run up to you and suicide. Sure, they release little jellys, but fromm the few times I played the T3 mission they weren't very dangerous.
Another thing I wanted to know is that are you guranteed to get an item from the prizeboxes? it says "33% chance to get (insert items), 33% chance to get (different items,) 33% chance to get (more items)."
So does that mean that you get 1 item from a random category, or that you have a chance to get 0-3 items?
Actually, it randomizes between gourdlings and... I guess we'll call the others bomblings until they're given a name.
Gourdlings in any tier are pretty weak in every sense, seems like they're mostly just designed to wall you away from the punkin king.
Also, yeah you get 1 item from a random category. But from the way it's phrased, it seems there's a chance for a wep/trinket slot or krogmo/heat amplifiers to replace confetti.
Have any of you guys had glitches when opening the holiday lockboxes, where you open it it shows that you get confetti and another item, but when you check only the confetti is in your arsenal?
@Sir-Alfred: If you have run into a situation like that you'll want to file a support request right away so we're able to look into it for you. To send a request click the ? in the upper left, select the Support Tab, and click on Support Request.
Gkku - "Also, yeah you get 1 item from a random category. But from the way it's phrased, it seems there's a chance for a wep/trinket slot or krogmo/heat amplifiers to replace confetti."
I can personally confirm that you get confetti, and item, AND a trinket if you're lucky enough to get one of those. I've gotten two weapon slot upgrades in roughly 20 boxes. So maybe one in ten? But I need a much bigger sample size.
Got a trinket slot upgrade and pithhelm plus confetti just depends..
Anybody has screenshots of the confetti yet?
me and my friend were shooting the off and one time,
my friends head got turned into a huge pumpkin and then blow up into confetti!
Surely everyone has seen this multiple times--it's one of the two things that can happen when you use the confetti. There is no real need for screenshots or for you to post about this everywhere.
yes i will.
this is java. meanwhile ill see us all another month later.
i'll go play borderlands 2 a game with updates.
First Dark Harvest Prize box and I get ......... HAUNTED AURA!!!!!
A question I have for any GM or developer that reads this, will the Halloween music track that plays in Haven be added to the SK soundtrack on iTunes?
(Plz say yes!!!!)
I hope Nicks words from first page will be worth more than before....
Long time ago i remember that in update notes was stated OCH will be buyable with CE but got changed in last minutes to avaliable with purchase, also we heard that OOO does not know if its possible to implement feature allowing F2P players to have OCH on main client/kongregate client (because steam puppies get everything) and OOO is supposed to work on it while on asian server, without any specials ALL PLAYERS can buy OCH with CE.
Are the little punkin fellas supposed to explode like a tier 3 bomb jelly? It was horrific when they all started going off simultaneous yet incredibly fun. Just happened to be very very scary.