After playing more lockdown since my last post and through heated arguments with likewise strong-willed players, I feel compelled through reignited anger and indignation to go over and tear apart common excuses for the current imbalances in weapons and gear in LD that I am now absolutely sick of hearing. As with the last post, this is not a suggestion thread as I would not know nor do I have the self-confidence to propose solutions that would be fair to the whole community. However, I feel that as long as I am allowed to spew my bile, others should be welcome to do likewise for their own gripes and grievances.
Please, join in. Vent your hearts out!
Since I’m venting, I might as well say that this game’s community really shows its true age in lockdown. I have never played with such a childish, cruel, hateful, small-minded, intolerant, hypocritical, and an over-all ‘mean’ player base. Having played a hearty amount of Counterstrike and Quake in my lifetime, I believe that such a statement should warrant some concern. I wanted to make the most out of the investment in getting to the end game. I didn’t want to stop playing after all the hours and items I had alchemized and thought lockdown would give me something to do until new content could show up. I like competition and PvP, but it’s this sort of clannish, hive-minded, and hateful group-think that can dissuade even the most thick-skinned players from playing this game after getting to Tier 3.
FYI – I like to play as a gunner recon, and second to bombers, we have received the short end of the stick that repeatedly jabs us in the eye.
Some warning: I may be more irate than the last time I posted, as these are all somewhat more subjective in topic, as they come almost entirely from my own opinion.
“Polaris is meant to be spammed”
Bull[scrap]. No weapon is “meant to be spammed”! Spamming in of itself is a broken mechanic akin to ‘Bunnyhopping’ in old Source Engine (Source Engine 1) games like the first few Quakes. That and the fact that it could be spammed is merely an oversight by the developers who never planned for it to be used against other players. In the clockworks all you fight are AI-controlled monsters that have no feelings or truly care for such things as “fairness”. In LD that changes as we DO have feelings and DO care about small things like FAIRNESS.
If spamming Polaris is OK in LD just because it’s OK in the clockworks, then OOO should also remove invinciframes: because enemy monsters don’t have them, why should enemy players?
Actually, that sounds like a good idea! If they did that, fast-hitting weapons like the winmillion, cutters, autoguns, and antiguas would be fixed as they are all SEVERELY limited as they are now with those accursed frames.
However, I have a feeling that said strawmen would then cry like the pandered-to babies they are, about how “OP” these weapons would become due to the lethal effectiveness of their theoretical spam. To which, I’d LOVE to then tell these brats “Tough, ANTIGUAS WER MENT 2 BE SPAMD! LOL”.
As long as I’m dreaming though, I might as well ask for a pony.
“Don’t like AA? LOL U SUCK AT DODGING” / “Anyone can use AA, OOO made it part of the game players should use it / AA isn’t even noticeable.”
No. AA is a crutch. Don’t BS me with the whole “What about the players with bad connections?” You, sir strawman, do not have a connection so bad that you need AA yourself. It is a crutch because you do not have the skill or the aptitude to become a better player and you need some lines of code to do the aiming for you. Yes, AA IS NOTICEABLE. There is no way that your reaction time is that good, and there’s not a snowflake’s chance IN HELL that you hit me from 8 tiles away while I was invisible. Here is a video showing such:
AA is another oversight from the clockworks that was NEVER meant for use in a competitive PvP setting. Yes, everyone and anyone can use it, but why should we (those not using it) be punished for not taking the cheap cop-put route in favor of aiming ourselves? While it might make it harder to lead while gunning, it makes dodging a swordsman exponentially more difficult. Aside from that, due to the way most LD guilds ban AA from their games, AA must make some noticeable difference that so many “pro” players consider it akin to cheating to use it.
“LD is balanced! The classes are good just the way they are”
This tells me that the strawman here has either not played as another class aside from striker or is in serious denial; perhaps both.
Perhaps this would be the logical answer from some high-and-mighty uber-player who has since lost touch with us mere mortals and forgets that we can’t all be near-invincible omni-classes like them.
[Since I have probably trodden on so many people’s toes with this post already, I might as well go so far and say that most of the “pros” I’ve seen so far have really more or less been “Elite Spammers” Skill? What a joke: they play like the newbies who spam Polaris and the Flourish line of weapons everywhere but have merely become more efficient at it. The weapons they use are easy, overpowered, and usually the most common. They do not take “the road least traveled” and instead have merely become masters of “the path of least resistance”.]
But back to my angry ranting: But this excuse is used by strikers of every tier and skill level. This tells me that this opinion is held because the entire class as a whole is too scared of any possible adversity or balance that would upset their excessive dominance of the playing field that they won’t even admit to there being a problem. Guardians have weak shield and have been reduced to essentially sitting in a corner with their shields up hoping none of the attacking strikers home-in on them. Recons have a cloak that breaks in a single hit and takes too long to recharge, with no survivability without it. While some may think this balances the class, it makes it impossible to actually help out in the giant brawls that break out in some games. Surviving the random and endless screen-filling spam is one challenge, but to actually help - especially recons - then need to do all of that without being hit. I’m game for class restraints and challenges, but the amount of skill that is required to just be somewhat-helpful in a fight before getting 2-hitted by a Sealed Sword is simply too high for anyone who plays this only casually.
It certainly does not require the same amount of skill for Strikers or even Guardians to do their classes’ jobs properly. For the amount of skill it takes to play an ‘OK’ recon, that person could have easily been a “pro” at guardian or striker had they invested it in either of those classes instead. At least in TF2 the Spy class became useful and dangerous for players who got good enough with it. In LD it is completely unrewarding when it takes 6 shots to kill a single person with guns while some idiot just rushes in, swings randomly, and finishes you off in two or three hits. If that’s not unfair, I don’t know what is. I have a feeling that these suck-ups also know on some level that the current issues with classes are legit, but would rather shrug it off as “n00bs need to lern 2 play” to serve their own interests.
“Balancing weps would mean another wep would become OP”
This is another weak excuse, used by people who don’t want to rock the boat because of their own petty self-interest in staying on top. TF2 - It is incredibly balanced, as there is no “best” weapon or class. Everything serves a purpose and everything has a set of pros and cons. Best of all though – things are not bland. The variety of weapons, gear, and (excessive) amount of hats is astounding and is constantly getting larger. Despite the volume of items, it is all still fairly balanced and everything has some sort niche and purpose to it that supports a certain play style. I’m not asking for more stuff: I merely want the existing stuff to have this level of purpose behind them. What purpose does a Winmilion serve? What play style maximizes the strengths of the Neutralizer line? And to finish, do they actually work? Why should anyone in LD use a normal damage Sudaruska or Troika over something from the Sealed Sword line? Are they feasible weapons that can be used in normal playing field conditions?
[Relating to classes, I don’t think Recons have this. The cloak cannot be used in regular combat conditions. Spam and statuses of any kind break the cloak. The recon is almost entirely dependent on the cloak to survive, and with the death mark, help the team. Because the cloak is so fragile and takes so long to regenerate it leaves most recons useless as they vainly attempt to run and hide from the spam. Guardians have it a little bit better, but even they feel too weak at times.]
OOO, is it fear of the entire swordsman player group that prevents you from fixing swords and classes? While I lost interest with WoW a long time ago, I will say that at least Blizzard had the balls to stand up to its players and balance it’s PvP. Granted, none of the nerfs and buffs truly ever balanced it, but at least they showed that they gave a toss and tried. Stop spoiling swordie/strikers and throw us other classes a bone here. You showed that you cared for balance when you found how easy it was to kill the Royal Jelly with the Dark Retribution, and then found it unfit that the RSS dominated the bomber arsenal. Perhaps it is time to do likewise in response to how easily a single class owns the only real feature worth playing after completing T3.
If there are other popular excuses I may have been late to mention, bring them up. The posts will be long, depending on feedback, but I will get to them eventually. Many of these are oft-repeated grievances, but if a problem or issue keeps coming up with such frequency that it floods the forumns, then that means there MUST be something horribly, horribly wrong – thus legitimising the complaint.
This is why I don't bother with Lockdown in a nutshell. If Blast Network has some special rules, why can't they modify our life to like, triple, disable autoaim, and more? They just threw it that there and left it to rot, and just throw one or two scenarios when people complained too much.