OK its time once and for all. TO end every excuse and lame reason everyone yells inside of LD. This is the part where the Anger in Angerday comes out and speaks his mind in the forums for once.
Lets start with AA or Auto-Aim.
- It doesnt make you any worse or any better with or without auto-aim. I know plenty of players who use it and who don't. Both can get the same damage, both can play as well as each other. So enough of this "AA SPAMER" "AA BOMBER" "AA GUNNER" "AA SWORDSMAN"- i don't even know how one does AA with a bomb, but I've heard it before. It's an in game thing anyone can use, doesn't mean anything if you do or don't use it. And that's only the first thing people need to stop saying.
Next is the big topic. Spamming. There is no such thing as spamming. Lets review each class and what i've seen people complain about spamming
-Swordsman: i, how, why, how does one spam with a sword. Depending on the sword it can only swing twice or swing 3 times. If you are swinging a sword, you are using the sword. it only has 2 functions. a charge attack or swinging. Now there is something in some knights's mind that the only thing that should be happening in LD is swords and swords only, and when they die to a gun or a bomb they yell spam. When someone uses a GF and a players dies from it too much they yell Spam. When someone only uses a hammer because its working for them, i hear "hammer spammer", the hammer is made to boost forward, it doesn't make it the most OP sword in game. yes there are some certain swords you should use in LD.BUT! You cant spam a sword! Period!
-Gunner: Now the main thing is Polaris. If i was playing a drinking game and had to drink every time i heard "Polaris spammer" id be out by the first round. YOU CANT SPAM GUNS!!!! If someone is using the GUN! THEY ARE USING THE GUN! GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!! If a team is using it and they POlaris wall you, that isn't spamming its a collecting group of people who happen to have the same gun and just made it GG. its called strategy, its called using the game mechanics in game to their advantage.
-Bombers: How......when i hear like i'm gonna say the same thing i've been saying in both the other classes. The bomber is bombing. THATS ALL HE CAN DO!!!!!! THERE IS NO SPAM!!!!!!!!
THERE IS NO SPAM! No such thing as spam! There is just any and everyone using weapons in the game with advantages just like everyone else, anyone who complains that they died to a weapon and calls it spam is just making excuses on how they died. I am sick of everyone thinking they are better then people because they do or don't use AA, sick of people calling everything spam when it's just the game that keep losing, and while we are on the subject let me go into category 3.
Damage: Just because you have done more damage in a game. Just means you found and killed more people then anyone else in game. doesnt mean you are the best player in the entire game. What people forget is that its not dmg that wind games, it is CAPS!!! You have to cap the bases in order to win the game. <-----BIGEST THING IN thE WORLD THAT PEOPLE FORGOT!!! Im sick of everyone and their mother making themselves hop onto a high horse because they think that Damage is the only thing that matters and if you didnt hit their damage then you are a bad player. its a good way to show your strength don't get me wrong. but for the love of the great snipe god in the sky please PLEASE GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!
Oi, give me my arguments back.
I need them for my english exam coming up.
You can borrow them after, but ask next time.