Guild halls is a pretty big update. We get a nice little stomping grounds for our guilds and devs get a break from constant harassment about updates. Its gonna be nice to have guilds play a bigger role, but its not exactly new endgame content. The new prestige missions work for that but there's only so many of course.
After guild halls are released and patched a few times, what do you want to be released next? A fiend boss? Maybe some different weapon lines? Perhaps a new arena mode or guild activities?
I know what I want. A sweet gunblade combo of the Antigua and SS line.
Well in that post which Nick posted at the beginning of 2012, he wrote that a few things were going to be released including missions, guild halls, some other stuff which I can't remember and... new combat options. New combat options as in not just new weapons, but new ways to fight. In this thread: (sorry I can't be bothered hyper-linking) Nick commented that Tsu might be interested in an upcoming update. I suspect that this is the 'combat options' which he mentioned months ago.
As for what I want... new bosses! Everybody loves bosses! :D Also, an expansion (no, not the expansion missions) to the beast family because it is extremely weak compared to other monsters. But mainly... balance to ALL the weapons in the game. It's extremely imbalanced currently with some weapons taking precedence over other weapons in MOST situations and sometimes in ALL situations.