Even your irl example of a diamond ring spews greed. Even if the diamond was real, it would be completely useless; it's the intention that counts. Yet, you'd see it as a bad gift if it was fake, irrespective of the intention behind it, and also irrespective of its usefulness. The "value" is all that matters in your example.
I have a point, but I'm not complaining about AA or lag or anythin' heavily opinion based. I'm talking fact here.
FACT: We got a free gift.
FACT: We did not need to get it. OOO did not need to give us it. We did not deserve it. We were not owed it.
FACT: The gift was based on our ranks in game, so some people got "better" gifts than others, to further reward those who'd played the games main story.
FACT: It costs you nothing, it requires nothing and sets you back nothing, nor does it harm you. Even "sitting in your inventory uselessly" is not really harm as much as a personal gripe that can be fixed via support ticket.
FACT: Not appreciating a gift because it doesn't suit you, despite the gift being given needlessly out of kindness, is greedy.
There's no opinion there, and I'm not insulting you. It's like me calling a black man black and getting told I'm racist. If you happen to be greedy, fine, but quit raging it about it on the forums. (mind , that this thread was posted when there were countless ragers).
LOL Dark, you have become so obsessed about defending your point.
It seems you have ignored what i said: I am not greedy, and I am not asking for more FrEE stuff. All u see now is pp who are against you, you don't see any opinion at all.
As I said u got a point, I got a point, and that's it. But do not distort my point.
And please, when discussing st, we gives our points, not some hatred in our points. I didn't insult you, so don't just come say anyone who has some point different from you "Greed" or so.
And finally, my thought is still 'the gift was a failure', regardless of your or anyone's argue.