This may just be me, but I think the Mist Well is just an ingenious mechanic and don't see any recognition for it anywhere in game or on the forums; no one really seems to be as impressed as I am about them!
- It's a ce sink; get it out of game, get rid of ce inflation, great!
- It "rewards" you and entices you into despositing ce with that 20% boost, but since it becomes mist, that 20% never creates inflation
- It's a fantastic alternative to tabbing your guildmates without needing to be in runs, or even online
- It encourages sharing and helping guildmates in a way that we never had before
- It allows non-EP players to play more and keep better playtimes without needing to ask/beg for tabs or ce from other guildies, encouraging and allowing new and F2P players to advance at a far more steady rate
- Because of the 20% bonus and 500 minimum, it means that any donation from EP/rich players can help far more nooblets than they would have been able to by directly tabbing/giving ce, but without actually costing them any extra
- By human nature alone, wealthier players aren't likely to just PM all the noobs in the guild and go "hey, want some ce to fund a few runs?". They wait for requests or situations in which to tab. It's just not how people work. With the Mist Well, the wealthy players can simply toss some CE into the Well and have it taken by whomever needs it at the time, and are far more likely to be generous in such a way
Am I the only one that thinks this was just a really clever idea? I mean, most content updates for the past while have been aimed at end-gamers; SLs, DMs, expensive accessories, expensive GHs...
But the Mist Well is not only aimed at new players and encouraging playing more through that incredibly restrictive 100ME, but also specifically about veteran players helping out new players. I mean, vets don't have much reason to withdraw from the mist well, so the mist will sit there almost exclusively to help out new players.
Any update that's based around encouraging veterans to assist new players is a good one, in my books, especially when starting out in SK can be so challenging with mist limits and no ability to buy CE.
It's also a boon to people who'd otherwise ragecraft with CE.