Hello guys I just wanted to say that the guild features I was expecting where not in this update. What I was expecting where tools to have the guild a lot more excited about being in it. All the features that I was expecting and are in the game are greatly limited to rich guilds. My priority was to make a guild that would grow in the sense of community and strength. For that the right tool, but a lot of tools like guild storage where restricted to purchasing expansions. I find these restrictions unnecessary. I see a guild as a club not a membership and asking members to pay into a senseless scheme makes me mad.
I would like more tools that I see truly necessary to running a guild. These are poster boards to keep note that members can read. This is needed to post rules, announcements, and in guild events. I was expecting this already to be in the guild hall update yet it was not. I would also like the ability to create a lottery type event. This would allow players in the guild to pay in an amount and those who participate have a chance to win the prize. also a giveaway tool that allows members to post an item and have it distributed randomly to the winning player. I truly say I was upset not to see these sort of tools added to the game.
OOO I plead for new guild tools.

I kind of agree with the OP. Guilds aren't something you should have to pay a lot into, to get something decent. It's nice if the option to pay into them is decently rewarded, but it really shouldn't be a requirement.
"What's a better way to build a community than banding together and donating to the treasury whether it's a little or a lot."
I'd have to say actually playing the game with your guildies is a better bonding experience than donating money. People at churches are bonded by the beliefs shared, the sermons given, and the activities the church holds, not when the collection plate is passed around.

And how do you get money? Delving into clockworks or doing missions. You can get your guild mates together and do some Vanaduke Roartwins or whatever. If you have plenty of people in your guild it shouldn't be a problem getting a group of 4 together. That way you guys can get better together, get money and pay for your hall. Heck to build community you can just chill in your guild hall and chat. There are plenty of ways to do this and money really shouldn't play a role in it. I never said donating was the best way, just builds trust.
First off, put this in suggestions because this is not a topic we can generally discuss.
Second, why are we complaining about a pretty decent update after so many disappointing ones.
All the features that I was expecting and are in the game are greatly limited to rich guilds. My priority was to make a guild that would grow in the sense of community and strength.
What's a better way to build a community than banding together and donating to the treasury whether it's a little or a lot.
Really, this is just a start and i'm sure there's more in store for guilds. OOO probably just wanted to release something after weeks of anticipation.
Edit: I point you here