I'm doing some research before I start work on a "Guild Hall PvP" suggestion thread.
Ufana brought up a good point here.
The issue with this idea is surface instances and dungeon instances are completely separate. So I'm wondering upon switching PvP "ON" in guildhalls, once the instance has reset as a dungeon instance, what's the cap for players in a dungeon instance?
I've noticed in regular dungeons, the cap is 8. In Krogmo Colloseum, the cap is extended to 16, but that's in two seperate parties of 8, right?
Has anyone from Echo of Silence (or anyone who has visited their guild) seen the Guild Training Hall exceed 8 players? What happens when it does? Does it just create another instance?
well, they're not the only guild with a GTH, but yeah, it creates another instance when you go past 8.