the world of sk is dying to lags

154 replies [Last post]
Spicegirls's picture

I am really sick of this, hope xxdragneel realizes that it's not a server issue....

Dendios's picture
May you enlighten me with

May you enlighten me with what is it Mrs.Spicegirls ? I am also sick of people saying that it is a problem from us.....

And by the way, all the reasons you said before is invalid. No one is using my internet, neither my PC is old or weak.

Spicegirls's picture

if you were a PC user i could give you a delagging program

Thunderbog's picture

Okay, I just fixed things for only myself, but I'm going to keep this thread down until we're facing this problem again.

'Till then...

/e casts time warp to the future.
/e puts this thread on a deep sleep.