Try not to connotate fire to elemental damage, as fire is actually pure normal type. Combuster would be equally strong even if it was just a statusless version of the Brandish.
But aye; the thing with Combuster (in or out of FSC) is that fire doesn't interrupt (anything but charge timers anyways /bomber) so they ride the brandishbombs all the way, while Volty and Glacy stop them.
Glacius is my Brandish of choice, personally. But then again, I've had it since before the Brandish buff, and used it to synchronise with my shivermis (max:max bombs and vh sword damage = perm shiverlock+glacius charge combo) which let me play for damage and safety as a bomber. Combuster never appealed to me because I got it specifically for that, and fire would only serve to hinder my freezelocking ploys.
Never really cared to make another brandish since D:
As for's a matter of perspective really. It seems UP, but only because it invariably gets compared to Blitz, which is the most OP weapon in the game. Everything is UP next to it. But put the blinders on for a minute and remember that the Shottoguns have the highest damage output in the game; that is to say that Pepperbox has a pretty absurd amount of damage in its own right, capable of reaching the thousands as well as stacking fire onto everything it hits (which adds hundreds more to the total). When I say that Blitz outdamages it on the mask, I do mean barely. It is, technically, higher than Pepperbox, but not by any large margin.
Also, its normal damage is more of a benefit than problem. Other normal weapons suffer because they come off weaker, but since the Pepperbox hits so damn hard to begin with, the normal type basically just means there's never a situation where it's weak; unlike blitz. That is to say that constructs and slimes are as vulnerable as anything else, and very certainly one-hittable (although Trojans stop being ohko in 3~4man parties, but not by a huge margin or anythin'). Pepperbox is also one of the few weapons that can readily and verye capably kill every boss in the game due to that very fact....and the fire is just the molten cherry on top. Oh, I do love the fire.
Honestly I like my Voltedge, since it Shocks, which does damage and usually prevents them from jumping at me to bite my head off (without sticking them in place), buuut, I hear Combuster is better because the other statuses block the full damage of the OP charge attack. Glacius has good initial damage but I really don't like freezing very much to be quite honest. When people use Shiver outside of Vanaduke, it always makes things slower.
Well sure, it's not like they only burn enemies. I just find it somewhat ironic that Slags are immune to fire - which just so happens to be of the damage they are weakest to, Elemental.
I've honestly never used a pepperbox, but I can imagine that being Normal, as well as having a status, will make it seem underpowered compared to the almighty Blitz.