In my opinion a definite yes. Even though i currently use auto target i would readily give it up to stop those three combo flourish, sealed sword line, hammer, and branish spammers from hitting me repeatedly without having to even aim their mouse at me. I know some people will probably say, "but i get really bad lag so i need auto target" well guess what people with bad lag clicking the mouse a ton when you have a near frozen screen, amd are teleporting a bunch with your auto target spamming, with you praying to hit something wont make your caps or damage very much higher thqn it usually is.
If auto target was banned players wouldnt have to rage over the absurd range that auto target sometimes gives players. For example sometimes when i am owning people in t2 some noob is clearly way out of range and all of a sudden i go fricken flying accross the map into a wall. And im like wtf was with that range and then i spontaneously scream out, "omg major auto target range right there, i was clearly out of range but your epic god given auto target begged to differ." Then i rage and kill the noob 20 times over for revenge.
Getting rid of auto target would also definitely get rid of so many petty arguments that people constantly bicker about. Often times i hear people (i wont say any names but you know who the major auto target bickerers are) say especially in t3, "you only beat me because you used auto target" or some other excuse having to do with auto target. anyway im looking forward to reading the responses to this touchy subject, but to me we would be better off with out the auto spam target, if it is ever remov ed from lockdown i will beat the living mess out of those auto target hammer spammers for eternity!
Prays for nick to take away auto target from those hammer spammers _--gods-corpse
Eh, Lockdown will still suck either way. Removing it will just make more people complain about them removing a key feature in the game just as much as people are complaining that they should remove a key feature in Lockdown.
Yet no matter what happens, the world will keep turning.