Assuming the main account is paid and the alt isn't, is mutliboxing in the following scenarios allowed under the ToS, or not?
1. Having two computers on, with one account running on each. The two then join the same party. Alt gets killed and is corpse dragged by main. At end of day, alt sends profits to main.
2. Having a single computer on with two instances of SK running(with two accounts). Two join same party. Alt gets killed and is corpse dragged by main. At end of day, alt sends profits to main. NOTE: Two instances are controlled one by one(i.e only one character can do any action at any one time, user alt+tabs between them to control each)
3. Having a single computer on with two instances of SK running(with two accounts). Two join same party. Alt gets killed and is corpse dragged by main. At end of day, alt sends profits to main NOTE: Alt instance makes use of touchpad lock(a feature on some laptops, where the touchpad continuously mimics a drag in a preset direction. So the alt can keep moving forward and shielding, etc.)
4. Having a single computer on with two instances of SK running(with two accounts). Two join same party. Alt gets killed and is corpse dragged by main. At end of day, alt sends profits to main. Software is used so that both are controlled with the same buttons.
5. Having a single computer on with two instances of SK running(with two accounts). Two join same party. Alt gets killed and is corpse dragged by main. At end of day, alt sends profits to main. Both are controlled by seperate keyboards, so one is controlling two instances without 3rd party aid.
I'm asking this question because the GM response in the past has been rather vague.
From this thread :
In response to Alynn who asked " a free player:
How many accounts can you make?
Can you log into all of them at the same time?
Can you play (run clockworks) with them at the same time?"
Eurydice replied "Three free accounts. You can log into them all at once and play in the clockworks with them (i.e., multibox), but any "performance enhancing" software--bots, etc.--is forbidden by the Terms of Service."
In this thread:
Endymion states: "We have discussed this internally and decided that we would consider the use of software to replicate keystrokes to multiple instances of Spiral Knights a violation of our Terms of Service.
In other words - sorry, no multiboxing through any technical means is allowed in Spiral Knights."
In yet another thead:
Hyperion states: Hi!
As you mentioned your e-mail response here, I would like to contextualize it by letting everyone know that that particular section was in response to a query about a very specific purpose, rather than generally, and that you are still waiting for a response on that more specific purpose. Your e-mail had asked specifically about creating unlimited free accounts and then funnelling them to a main account, so that question was answered specifically. Generally-speaking, if we have programmed something (like, say, limits on free accounts and mist energy) into the game, it's a safe bet that we do not want people trying to circumvent the mechanics. So, well, don't.
To answer the OP, multiple accounts are absolutely fine by us, provided they follow our terms of service and set account conditions. There's a limit on free accounts, but a player could use a hundred paid accounts if they wanted to and that would be entirely fine, though we might be curious as to how such a player managed to go entirely without sleep, rest, food, or offline social contact. ;)"
So what is against the TOC and what isn't? With reference to Endymion's statement, what is multiboxing through technical means? And at the same time, Eurydice says that once can Multibox. What then falls under performance enhancing?
You may want to address the GMs, as in send a ticket question in, for this.
It was my understanding that multi-boxing is not against the ToS, UNLESS you are utilizing 3rd party software to control multiple instances on one PC or 3rd party software to automate multi-boxing, I.E. botting.
Could be wrong though - I don't do it either way so...