Hey Spiral Knights! I have decided to write another Spiral story in case I get bored with the one that I am currently working on and I need characters!!!
I need at least two male characters and two female characters.
I need a really good matriarch!
Thanks Knights!!
What's the story about?
Name: Neonguard
Race: Spiralian
Loadout: Arcane Salamander set, Voltedge and Nova Driver
Bio: Once a pregnant knight was fleeing gremlins in the Clockworks. She found a safe corner and gave birth to Neonguard. She heard the gremlins coming and she hid the baby behind some crates. The gremlins cornered her, and executed her. A pack of wolvers came passing by a few days later and raised the child as their own. Ten years later Neonguard was accepted into the ranks of the Spiral Knights and after a few more years became a Vanguard. Once, he went back to the place he was born and found that gremlins had executed the pack of wolvers and had eaten them. Ever since, he hated all gremlins. Sometimes, that works to his advantage, but sometimes, it is a disadvantage.