Hey, is it possible to remove this accound from steam? I cant buy energy via creditcard, only with sms like I did before.Its impossible in steam i think...Please help
I made a mistake converting this account to steam.
You can still buy ce with your credit card on steam, you need to add money to your steam walllet in order to puchase the ce, you can add the funds using your credit card
To buy energy via SMS on steam accounts:
1) go to SK.com
2) sign in through steam
3) go to my account
4) click purchase energy
5) go to the mobile option
7) you have bought energy via SMS.
Am I the only one to figure this out??!?!
Seriously, wasn't that hard.
It warns you like.. six times before you convert it to a Steam account that it cannot be undone under any circumstances. Bzzts seems to know what you need to do, though. ;]
We all make mistake, atleast you can still play unlike me.
Pfft, I see no disadvantage to using the steam client.
Honestly, I don't think they can do anything if you knowingly did it. A legitimate accident, maybe. Otherwise, I don't think so.
Don't listen to these people. I actually had my account UNSTEAMED so I can tell that to you first hand. I'm not telling on how though, so GOOD LUCK! HAHAHAHAHA
There are 3 ways to do it. GMs aren't happy with 2 of them. It involves facebook. But you're on your own.