Ye it is. I cant find a single seller :(
Shadow Wings; Tails; Flame Aura; Prism Bent Vents; Scarf; Love; Haunted + MORE|| MAX Wolvers +Lots of Gears with UV
I know someone with hood fire med...but not cloak D:
I'll keep looking :3
I wont be online for the next 8-9 hours. Read back a few comments. I posted about buying the nightblade and autogun. Please reserve them for me untill we meet. Thanks.
Looking to buy drake scale mail shock high.Wrote double post in case you didnt see first...
IGN Stevacar
Get this thing to the top!!!
P.S. Go back a few comments Ellemby. I'm waiting to buy some stuff please.
Sorry didn't update my Topic for for some time, anyway:
@ Arcknightdelta : Thanks for the trade.
@ Stevacar : I know I'm a bit late, in case u r still interested in this "drake scale mail" I'll add you in-game for trading.]
wolver coat + Pierce MAX+ poison low
Magic Cloak + pierce med
Magic hood + Shadow high
Magic hood + Freeze high
I offer 325ce on Wolver Cap Piercing Med or 500ce in Dusker
thanks for offering, but I'm not interested in anything less than 450ce for it.
Offering 10.8k CE on the wolver coat.
Thanks Superkamote, your offer is noted!
sry, but i'm withdrawing my bid on the wolver coat, since i already rolled a max pierce, just now. i won't have a use for a 2nd one. my apologies for wasting your time. :(
lol, it's okay.
This's amazing, my stuff brings good luck you know.
70k crows or 1kce for you wolver
plz interesting MP darkskary
Sorry, looking for 1.5kce. but thanks for your offer though!
I'll buy the recipe for 27kcr. If thats alright with you send me a mail in game. My ign Anar-Bor. I'm not on right now :c
Are you taking offers?
I will offer 9k ce :3
I can give u ghostly aura for that wolver coat with piercing max.
Ill buy the wolver coat else med for 350ce
i will give you FF asi high (5 star) for the coat with (percing max)
if u dont like tyhis offer, contact me in game
IGN jubjubblast
Please Refer to OP.
I don't have steam and I don't play SK on steam
send me in-game friend request stating you what you want to buy.
If we don't meet online then mail me and state the item you want and attach the CE in same mail.
Youl'll receive a reply with your item in it in the same day.
I started to log in daily to check my inbox.
Hai i have added you on steam, to talk about this shield ;)
Are you sure you added me there?!
Ive not received your invite!
i added the one from the link in your opening post
I already sent you a in-game friend request
I mailed you in-game, for some reason steam does work properly
Seeyas, I received ur mail but I prefer payment in CE. So that's 600ce.
Write ur steam profile url to add u for easier trade.
sold Owlite poison high
Sold Owlite shield +Shock high
No price tag to the aura currently.
You could offer!
Selllll to Arc! >:3
Lol Arc, magic fire med isn't that hard to find