Double post woops..
Shadow Wings; Tails; Flame Aura; Prism Bent Vents; Scarf; Love; Haunted + MORE|| MAX Wolvers +Lots of Gears with UV

ok, will add you when I come online. If you play on steam that would be faster trade as I don't log in sk very often.

I'm interested in the Wolver Coat Shadow Med. Can we do 300E?
Add me on Steam.

Love aura 1300E?
If yes reserve it for me

@Krns looking for 350E, just sold 1 in-game for 30k cr but I've additional coat. if you agree I'll add you.
@Flareminute sorry, the Aura already sold.

I would like to buy it , can we do 122ce?
My steam :
Add me on steam , so we can discuss about it
I don't play SK on steam , I just play the game but I created just to discuss things So add me on steam

Guess I can do 150E
Great , add me on steam , it's right there ,,up
I will buy 150 E
Edit:added you on steam

Ellemby, please change the link to your steam profile, because it's wrong. It's linking people to "my" profile instead, so make sure it's correct.

Thanks for the heads up!
Derp! I don't know how that mistake happened and for how long!

Oh well, I just got to know some random people from it. ^^

@ Voza-ll
thanks for your interest, offer noted.

I will offer for the gran Faust recipe , I offer 30kcr for it

I will add u with my main when I get online

I sent you a mail about your elemental high wolver cap and coat

I prefer if you contact me over steam as I rarely log in the game!

Sent you a friend request on steam :)

Sorry if anyone tried to contact me in-game and I didn't reply. Please read the update in my OP.
wolver coat + Normal High--------1.5kce hoping to receive it soon thanks! =)

Hi, I've just now checked my thread since my last update!
I didn't find the coat in my inventory that means It was sold long time ago and I forgot to update the post :(
I've sent to you 1500E + mail cost and Sorry about being late.
However, I've coat with increased elemental resistance High :)
free bump!.. hi just wanna ask if its possible for you to make a wolver coat normal high for me? :3

lol, I wish I could :D
It's totally random and I don't currently craft gears :) ... thanks for the bump.

Hello, im interested in the wolver coat pierce max + poison low, it would be nice if you could reserve it for me, i can pay the 12k ce in 1/2 days. Thank You

Im sorry but im not yet sure if i want the coat anymore, im sorry for inconvenience and for the inconvenience il deposit 1k ce, just tell me your username, i dont want to send 1k ce to someone else :P

No need to do that but thanks anyway.

Can you do 500 ce on the freeze high magic clock.....
ING : Fall-Hellscream
Magic hood + Shadow High-----1.4k ce
Magic Cloak + pierce med-------300ce

@ Hellscreams-Forum : I'm looking for 600ce. can you trade over steam?
@Overlordknighty: Deal. can you trade over steam?
Sure,np whats ur steam username?Is it trouble with the curve?Ive sent you a friend request already.

Thanks for the trade
I'm interested in your demo suit~ IGN: Bajilliom