Again that was back then xD lol i haven't been offered again in a while :p probs let it go for 20kce for sure but still need that offer 17kce is kinda ;_;
Med UV'ed Stuff+2 Costumes :)

Thanks for finders fee! XD
About how much for those regal vertical vents? I'm just wondering, I need some military ones to go with my new green rose set :)

well i would like 120k :3 or shoot me a offer

:/ 120k... Dunno, I'll think about it
And btw, not sure if ur looking for this, but read your first sentence, this guy has a flourish ASI med :3
And he rarely gets into game, and doesn't reply to posts on forums, so I would suggest mailing him about it

thanks but on that flourish don't want to pay a lot just cheap since not something i really want nor need would buy for like 20-40k tops lol and 40 even MEH

7kce for the wings and sold cool mohawk :)

okay what's going on here? -_-
sorry for the spam, but idk what's wrong D:

Sold Electron Vortex CTR High 12kce thnx =)
hi Kyo,
I have the above item but with 2uvs.
Looking for 11k ce as b/o
Looking forward for a potential sale.

I have a swiftstrike buckler normal high just sitting there if anyone interested.
Still wanna buys a Flourish with asi med?
Cuz I have a FF with asi med for sell.
50k cr for Valk wings? I don't really know the actual price.

they go for 6kce or so munches =) and sold polaris 11kce =)

looking for some dusky and fancy flowers =D
I can offer like 4-5k ce on the wings then. But you'll have to reserve it for me as I will get the ce in a few weeks.

added new costume piece also vitasuit deluxe with twinkle aura and divine drags =)

Sold Heavy glasses :) ty keep on with the buys ^-^

Looking for surge fur coat asap 200k( I need moar costumes!!)

If you're looking for a surge fur coat, I've got one; price is 400k cr however. Email Worknplay if you wanna find me. Price hardly discussable, doesn't look like there's much surge stuffs left around, and the price will only keep going up as time passes.
EDIT : Soz, sold in the meantime. Good luck on your deals.

sold heavy valk wings =) and other items :3

:3 no longer looking for surge fur coat for now still may be interested though mail me prices just in case

Sold cool valk wings =) added new volcanic gen1 wings
For that sword, u can probs pull off 19kce... I would've offered 17kce, but someone already did, and I already got a glacius, just CTR med instead of high, so I'm good...
Good luck selling your stuff!