added new skolver coat
Med UV'ed Stuff+2 Costumes :)
Still have the flourish ASI med? If so how much you looking for it?

Updated and added some prices to items :3

Sold Pierce max skolver coat with gen1 divine wings :) also updated more prices

Updated some items removed my CoA due to rolling a shadow High on it :D and added some missing prices to items.

10% off prices for a bit :3 pm me in game or steam!

so expensive... white chapeau... T_T my offer is 74kce OR 2x$50 steam gift card codes
you know my IGN, but just in case, its (Apophis-Set)

not my chap and last offer for the chap was 75kce xD

Added a ton of items to the thread :) feel free to contact me about any items you may be interested.

got a toasty scarf for sale real quick 375kcr

Added a new skolver set for sale :) feel free to contact me for prices on other items as well
It's me Suddenswift I have most of the ce for you know what, I'll have the rest soon :P,Free bump for you :)

Sold white chap to sudden and sold volcanic glasses :)

Changed some prices added some auras and got my asi med flourish :)

Sold unclean aura :) and as a friendly reminder i am always open to offers also to my items

Sold my DBB and Stagger Storm :) ty psiclaw

sold snarby coat and vendored my 2 skolver coats :) and sold a sword ty people :) keep up the buys :) -May sell my full Merc demo soon as well so keep a eye out!-

That Skolver Set seems promising maybe we can work a deal my IGN:Reddinferno

added fiend vh antigua :) 5kce if can sell quick can do 4kce

added new ctr med static capacitor 4.5kce

vendored the stun max+pierce med cuz i can :D

sold Surge parry Surge flak and Pierce max skolver coat :)

Sealed sword no longer on hold the buyer had some complications :)

changed some prices and added some small items
added 2 steam games :)