I Created This song in 42 Minutes a month ago, Originally For Tev's Contest, but became Lazy and forgot about it, Enjoy!
OH one more thing, if you don't know what the original is, here it is( I just repeated the 1st stanza over and over for this Song): http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/homealone2/itsbeginningtolookalotlikechri...
It's beginning to look a lot like Lockdown
Tryhards Everywhere;
Their Heart Trinkets at hand
And The Ground your head will Land.
Its A lot Like Lockdown!
It's beginning to look a lot like Lockdown
Complainers Everywhere
About the Auto Aim
They think your life is Lame.
Its A lot like Lockdown!
Its Beginning to Look A lot like Lockdown
Skolvers everywhere
They will Hunt you without a Doubt
And your head they will Mount
Its A lot Like LockDown!
It's beginning to look a lot like Lockdown;
Everything is the Same
There is no Diversity
Its like Soccer Varsity
Its a lot like Lockdown!
It's Beginning to look a lot like Lockdown
Rage is Everywhere!
To the Forums they will Flee
And Annoy Eury like a Flea!!!!!!!