Tell me a name of a Dead guild
And why it is dead.
Tell me a name of a Dead guild
And why it is dead.
No, No big thing, just wanted to know about all the dead guilds.
Here are a few i know about
Knightmare- GM Emily took all the active members of Knightmare to 'perfect storm' (But they are rebuilding)
And chris left the game
Guild- An officer raged and kicked out all the members (According to biznasty)
I bet that You never about IWS
Im With Stupid was a great guild for beginners, they helped you and Yeah, The day When Im With Stupid Fell was because of Elixeroflife, he got mad and Kicked everyone out, Even his Gf ( Not going to name).The people who got kicked Moved with Sashibear to Vindictham, The new IWS. I have only seen two people In IWS and i know it probably will never reach its Original Height. Vindictham and Im With Stupid Combined is still not the same as the Old IWS. Memebrs Went to new Guilds after the Guild kick and some never Played again. But Remember, IWS was great 'till its Owner Went on a rage.
Ahh, i see, that's a good way to put an end to a grown guild.
Well you have the Aegis Team and The Harbingers and some more too.
Didn't the Aegis Team switch to Ominous or something?
And i haven't heard of Harbingers
I think they did but the guild was disbanded after our GM Chrizmaniac left the game.
Chrizmaniac pretended to leave the game, well he actually did for like a week, and instead of promoting anyone else to GM, he kicked everyone: dumb move. He mailed everyone he kicked and told them to go to Ominous, a guild two old officers had made. However, Chrizmaniac then went on to join the Ominous guild with his alt, meaning he never had to get rid of Aegis Team. And a lot of people didn't go to Ominous as told, they spreaded out.
Psh, this is one of the reasons I made my own guild. Trying to get away from that community.
There was already a thread about this.
I heard that the guild 'First Blood' Died because the members couldn't pay the upkeep, and the creator and the GM's of the
guild left.
One of the guilds that come to mind is "Rigorous". Before I joined my guild "Aeonic Doom"I thought of joining them, but they were a US guild and I heard that the activity was low, sadly that they had alot of good players. My lovely first guild died because of inactivity and some GMs, it was called : "Sparklin Revelations"."Rational Knights" died too I guess, didn't see Cxtralu or any other GM from ages. I am not seeing anyone from "Revelations" these days, their GM, my friend Elemetal, didn't log in from a long time, although he logs in from time to time.
@Artistbma Thanks for explaining the reason and it was a very dumb move on Chriz's side btw i found both Chriz's and Spongerino's facebook ids after extensive investigation and your right many people didn't join Ominous but made their own guilds like Revolutions whose GM is Topoyozada.And i did progress alot after the Aegis Team disbanded.
I often found the story about the decline of Knightmare and Guild entertaining. Some people might think it was their fierce competition that would have brought down these guilds. As reality has shown us, what brought them down are internal problems in the higher up.
Let this be a lesson to all existing, "active" guilds. Too big to fail doesn't work in real life, it doesn't work in-game neither. Make sure you maintain a clean roster of administrators and have contingency plans in hands.
Everybody understands "big", few people understands "quality", even fewer understands "robustness".
Officer. Some members like Night Rove decided to stay in the guild Aegis Team.
No srsly, there is a guild named Njthug. It has ONE member. ONE. MEMBER.
So I guess you could say it's dead.
Some Beta Guilds:
SGA (Spiral Gods Alliance) --- First guild ever created in this game. Majority of the beta players quit the game, but ya happens =0.
Shneaky Knights ---- Beat Guild grew pretty inactive Dogrock and I decided to create a new guild thus Eos.
Reckless Knights ---- Cobby's Guild he joined Eos?
The Felt ---- Provi's Guild She joined Eos?
Knightmare 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 --- Sharkiez Guild Knightmare died about 3 times in Beta due to him going inactive.
Six Samuraii --- Another big guild in beta (Big meaning 70+ people) --- died pretty fast over time.
Derps --- Rose's guild was pretty epic she kinda quit Sk, and Tantarian joined Eos?
A lot more guilds can be listed here tbh.
After Beta Guilds:
Guild --- Magnus and Biznasty got in a sissy fight over Tera.
Knightmare 4.0 --- Everyone decided to quit the game so it was dead for a while..... Knightmare 5.0 --- Emily and Christina started fighting they both lost?
AFK ---- Gm's Quit Sk
TAO --- Players quit sk
Active --- Holla kicked everyone
Innocent --- Cootiecakes is in that guild
Aegis Team --- 2 much drama to know the truth?
Delicious Bacon --- Merged with another guild...
Echo of Silence ---- We died when Provi kicked everyone. Then once we all left for Lady Lumps...Reparty that guild always takes our members....stupid guild named Njthug ended up stealing a bit of our members. Echo of Sausage our sworn enemy always steals our guildiees as well =(
So many more not even worth listing? At the end of the day most guilds fail due to the same reasons: 1. Lack of recruitment 2. Internal drama 3. Bad leadership/management 4. Dating one another (I hope Dogrock n myself never break up Longest Sk relationship FTW <69) 5. A new guild with a sexy name stealing members (Reparty, Njthug, Lady Lumps etc.)
Pvp Guilds:
Finesse --- Best Pvp Guild in the game died to lack of guilds 2 fight?
Sativa --- Idk =0
Rig, First Blood, and 10 other guilds ---- Died due to internal issues?
...pretty sure Lux e Tenebris died, given Cross and Eten left and I've seen Tlei in another guild recently.
@Njthug You're right about The Aegis Team though i think the GM left the guild maybe and converted to Ominous.
A member is still there, trying to keep Aegis Team. The GM, Chriz, left and quitted SK. We couldn't hold it much longer because we don't have anybody to control the guild and drama started to come in. So our officers of Aegis Team decided to transfer all members into Ominous.
End of story
A member is still there, trying to keep Aegis Team. The GM, Chriz, left and quitted SK. We couldn't hold it much longer because we don't have anybody to control the guild and drama started to come in. So our officers of Aegis Team decided to transfer all members into Ominous.
End of story
That's a long list of guilds, thanks xD
@Luguiru Dead Guilds, Dead Girls
I heard that Feller had a fight with Mitezuss and kicked every member out.
About Bestias: Darkcub and Mitezuss had a fight, some people left and we were a VERY small guild, Feller said there was no hope for the guild, and so he Deleted it. But Bestias is back, at least most of us are (We were 14, we are 10 now)
I was on Rigorous, well from my Point of View, I went playing Torchlight II and told Bleedingxorange and Mwacky to get it to play with me, Bleeding got it, and he actually loved it, and went like playing it 24/7 for one or two weeks. Then Qgzhwkbnm left, and people started leaving the guild. When Bleeeding was back, Rig was pretty much dead. (I killed Rigorous? lol)
Does anyone know anything about Edwin? I remember its GM, Levis, had two True love lockets or something like that, I also remember he won one of the first Featured auctions (Divine Wings I think), along with Rubyeclipse that won like three.
"Finesse --- Best Pvp Guild in the game died to lack of guilds 2 fight?"
I dont blame the other guilds, Finesse destroyed every single guild that got on their way.
"Knightmare 5.0 --- Emily and Christina started fighting they both lost?"
They broke up or something (???) and so Emily and a lot of Knightmare members were tired of Chris Ego and stuff like that, so Emily took all of Knightmare active members to Perfect Storm. Then Chris and Kennys-knight started playing a lot of Diablo III, I was like the only one trying to revive Knightmare, and so I joined Reign of Chaos.
And by the way, theres a Knightmare 6.0 (With Xanafein as main GM I think) right now, dont know if its dead.
@Rabeet-ahsan, Who's alt are you? on some post you stated to be..Benightz a officer in Ominous and Lord-raedon who signed up for Dark guardians?
And also, Our old Aegis team officer infernodious was only officer because he found Chriz and sponge's Facebook Id. (you know that rule you cant be officer unless Gm knows you IRL)
I also have found there Ids as well already (stalker club!)
@Benightz, I am an alternate remember? Actually The Guild masters let some of the members Alts stay in Aegis team.
@Art, Art you go it all wrong. Chriz actually did leave. He only visits Aegis team rarely because he has work and is to busy IRL
(In real life). Also I didn't agree to transfer Aegis team members into my Guild but "The-restless" Ominous Gm has agreed.
Chriz also didn't want anyone to be Gm or officer in Aegis team unless he knows them IRL. Which is peobably the reason he transferred them into Ominous.
Also Art we both know that's now why you left -.-
Here you go -.-
I like this thread because it sheds some lights on what kills guilds.
Size doesn't matter. History has shown us over and over again. What kills guilds often originate at the administrative level. e.g. inactivity and infighting being the two main causes that I see.
So are there any merits of "big" guild? I will let the "big" guild leaders to answer that question. But what I'm seeing is that aside from able to send a clear, understandable message to new recruits (join us we are a BIG guild, and you know BIG is better, right?), it undermines the potential problems at the administrative circle.
I also feel that the current approach that Three Rings is taking with Guild Hall (bigger GH = higher upkeep = encourage larger member base) is not necessary a good idea. What they could have done is, implement different "tax" brackets, so that the upkeep is proportional to the size of the member base. This way, "big" guilds do not have an unfair advantage just because they are "big". And "small" guilds can continue to be competitive and offer more flexible and personal services to their members.
So what happens when "big" guilds fall? Some dedicated knights would quit (translating to lose revenue to Three Rings), some knights would get absorbed by other guilds (and if they fail to adapt to the new environment, could result in inactive or quit, lose revenue here), some may want to start their own (small) guilds but end up finding the barrier of entry too much, so they end up quitting (again, lose revenue here).
Guild Management is one aspect that even if the Devs eat their own dogfood, it's difficult to grasp what the real issues are. This is also one aspect I urge the Devs to take it very, very seriously. Because this is like a WMD: when it blows up, the damage is big and lasting.
Very well said Night-Rove, that is an accurate depiction of the dissolution of Aegis Team. For more information about the breakup, visit these addresses.
Farewell to Spiral Knights:
Forum thread:
After having a friend contact me about this thread, Chrizmaniac personally asked me to officially shed light on this event because I am a former officer of Aegis Team.
If you have any qualms and questions about Aegis Team, ask me, Spongerino, or SIlverkeox as we are the only active former leaders of Aegis Team. Happy Spiralling.
The member still in Aegis Team, do you know his name?
The Aegis Team membership consists of a few core members as well as my previous GM Chrizmaniac.
Hobos - great guild - dispersed into other guilds in groups while I was away from SK - why? Idk but know prisima lead most of them to join resistance (myself included when I returned) much as he lead member to migrate from shadow of darkness to hobos beforehand.
Rigorous and First Blood -- Funny thing - I was recruited into both, and each collapsed within a month of me joining. Nothing to do with me OFC, but because of that I suspect I may be cursed.
Rig died after Ancientdragon and a whole bunch of our regulars went off to join Aequitas, and FB died just out of the blue. I left for something like 2 days and suddenly there were only 30-40-something people left in the guild.
They then left me in power as GM and I thus declared a state of anarchy for about 4 weeks before jumping ship myself.
I now troll the wastes of T3 LD on my lonesome.
*EDIT* : Crap, ninja'd.
Sative started to fall I think... Something like that I just forgot what the guild master said.
Here are the events that took place on the day of Tuesday of some week:
[Guildie] logs on, he comes to me.
He rages at me for not putting him in my videos.
I was like "Whatever, just stop it. I'll put you in later"
He keeps bugging me.
I thought this was just a petty argument, so I wanted to kick him.
But then again, it would be foolish of me to kick him over a petty thing.
So, I left the guild.
I was guildless until Impervious let me in.
----Wednesday (Upkeep Comes Around)----
I log in.
My First Blood Pals tell me the Guild Hall was locked.
I..... *Facepalm*
Well, uh..I'm that guy who names all the guilds already named, here are the guilds I was in that died (or did die).
Rigorous: Great guild which I enjoyed a lot, but then a few important people went somewhat inactive for a few weeks, and then some core-members left, and a small stream flooded over as many others left.
Knightmare: Another guild I was a part of. I wasn't there when it died, but it was lots of fun when I was in it.
Order of Venus: Incidentally, this guild died the day before I was going to apply.. It was a great guild, though, at least my friends which were in it say so. Supposedly it died because the person who made it ended up being a male, instead of a female which he led on to be. Though a core-member of it (and my friend) said that a lot more happened then people think, I guess SK will never know what truly happened. I did join this guild when it tried to reboot, but through lack of the natural knack you need for leading a guild, (though kudos to the person, he tried as hard as he could) it failed.
The Risen: Probably my best memories of SK lie with this wonderful guild. It was never that elite guild that always had to win in PvP, or whatever. It was the definition of laid-back. There is no difference in the recruiting style then any other guild (you just had to have 3* + gear to join), but the people in it made it live, and live well. Two of the best Guild Masters you could hope for. Everything was awesome, it was active, we had some decent GLD players, but then one of the GMs decided to check out another guild that she had been wanting to join for a long time. She left then, and then the other GM said that he would be leaving in a few months as well, for Diablo III. After that, everyone was shocked, and then, as usual, some core-members leave, and the rest follow.
Cobalt Warriors: This is the definition of the guild you join when you first come to the game because you wanted to have one like everyone else. Inactive, some 50 or so members in it, though I did make one friend that was one of my best friends in SK for a long time, so this guild was not a total waste, though I stayed there for much longer then I should have.
Other good guilds that died which I wasn't a part of:
First Blood*
Finessé (The best PvP guild of all time by far)
Dark Guardians*
Grundel Warriors
Reign of Chaos
* = died recently
As I remember them, I will add to this post.
Finesse died because of members getting bored of the game and either quitting or going on long hiatuses. I was one of the ones on a long hiatus, and when I came back the remaining active members had all left. Can't really blame them since the guild won't be getting any more active when the GMs aren't on to recruit new members.
I think most of the members who left the guild and still play are currently in EoS. I'm still in Finesse since I don't play often enough to warrant looking for a new guild. It's not completely dead, anyway. Just mostly dead.
That's why you left Zade.....
A very special friend told me...
That you left the guild not knowing why? But when you left the members became very stubborn not paying the upkeep. Eventually it was downgraded to default. And everyone left.
Wow, so much guild drama. :P i remember when everyone wanted to be in knightmare. (no offense njthug but we was sared of you) My guild is like a group of 15 friends, thus never "dying" or thriving. :)
Those are a good number of guilds who had to sadly die down.
@Platipie Glad you're enjoying in your guild, good luck!
Sorry to hear it zade - you guys were my fave guild other than my own <33's to you all and GL with wherever you go now xx
Hey everyone. Wanna hear a fun fact? Catacryzm is Chrizmaniac.
/throws bomb then runs.
Are you going to use this information for anything? Or will we just be repeating words that you could easily look up with google?