I know Immortal Seerus, few of my friends were in the guild (including you)
Sad to hear that it has come to an end..
(P.S What is BTC?)
I know Immortal Seerus, few of my friends were in the guild (including you)
Sad to hear that it has come to an end..
(P.S What is BTC?)
Our guild master is Echoez
And yeah the guild(Immortal Seerus)is still running, I think. But there's like only so few.
It started when the message of the day said that if they recieved a invite from this other guild accept it because they are failing to keep up with the upkeep, so I went to the Guild recruitment thread to get myself a new guild knowing that I would be transferred soon anyways.
Yeah i've heard from Canozo that Bestias are rebuilding, Good luck to you guys! :)
Long story in short.
White invite sebastianseb.
White said Seb stay.
I said make me gm.
White said I can be highest officer.
I was highest officer.
I demoted mwacky to prove I was higher ( white said I'm allowed t demote/promote)
bleedingxorange demote me.
I leave.
Then I rejoin. Me officer again.
Promote people to officer, messing up there ranks.
I leave and lots of other do to make rigorous.
White goes inactive (think he left).
VK dies-Ish, it's still inactive and dying. Has like 50 members.
Actually VK is not really dying, I heard my friends dragby and elodux are doing their best to turn it around
Dang. I wanted it dead LOL.
Btw, beware died? According to what I've heard, zainj kicked everyone????l
Hey everyone. Wanna hear a fun face? Artistbma is Artitsbma!
/throws explosives TNTs then runs
You know that a lot of guild you never heard of because they are on another server?
Yeah... Impervious was a famous LD english guild who's being overrun with frenchies :D
Lots of drama happens everywhere in the guilds. Even on the french server.
Old friends stealing member happens quite often and some guild even have bad names because of their actions.
Ctrl Alt Supp and A Perfect World aren't really appreciated, they are full of scamming selfish bas***d. Kinda like SaV was back then (Spiral Apres Vente)
Edit: Ctrl Alt Supp are the reason why the Winterfest Bug is still not fixed, they actively banned everyone who was doing the bugged mission. (great idea when you are mad jelly, but not so good when you actually want it to be fix -_-)
The Devine Hunters: Well, this guild brings back a lot of memories.
It was my first guild who supported me and all, but it has come to an end when an officer
drank and kicked every member out.
@Seb Beware isn't dead, it's being hold by Darkcub ( I think ) And it was not Beware, it was bestias and it was Feller ( I think )
Big Guilds vs Small Guilds
Pro's of Big Guilds:
1. Activity is not a huge issue since the turnover rate is higher.
2. Always people online to talk 2.
3. More revenue at times flowing into the guild.
4. More players to do runs with or partake in PvP.
Con's of Big Guilds:
1. More people = more drama
2. Rank system usually is more important
3. High turnover rate leads to not much of community building
4. Members just look like another #.
5. Quantity is there, but not always quality.
Pro's of small guilds:
1. Less people to manage
2. Less drama usually if you are getting the right players.
3. Tighter-nitch community
4. If done right builds yourself an exclusive factor compared to a big guild where everyone gets in.
5. Smaller guilds seem to have more quality than bigger guilds.
Con's of Smaller Guilds:
1. Less active compared to big guilds (majority of the time example: A guild with a 150 person roster and all the slots filled out will tend to be more active to a guild with a 50 person roster, but if you do solve it mathematically % wise the guilds might be neck and neck).
2. Revenue coming into the guild for Guild Hall might be a bit slower (200 active person guild 8k a week per player = 1.6mil)
3. In terms of PvP its harder to achieve set goal.
4. Most small guilds are 1-dimensional.
As far as your idea in tax-brackets:
I disagree the upkeep of all maxed out guild halls should be 400k per week, but I do believe the charge for adding more slots (Player slots) should have a small increase on the Guild Hall Upkeep (More people = more money), but small guilds and big guilds are on the same level in advantage of creating a great guild hall. Echo of Silence (disregarding Oks) is the oldest guild in this game only one other guild is older than Eos is Oks, but they wish to remain out of the picture. (*Most of the other guilds in beta have died off or created towards the end of beta due to Sega giving out beta invites as fast as Cootiecakes hits on a girl on Sk*). But back to my point we managed to create a very sexy guild hall and is pretty tiny for the age of the guild we have yet to go over 80 members.
As for if a "big guild" dies most of their members will find a new guild, and if they did have friends in their old guild they might go as a group to another guild. A lot of players will find a new place to chill, and if they do quit the amount of new players coming in it wont be a huge problem for Three Rings.
I prefer to be in a small guild
I feel like people know me and I'm not just "another MLG officer to ask help from"
I've always been in guild with 60-70 maximum member. Whenever we reach 60 I feel like some cleaning should be done.
Even now I'm thinking of making my own guild with my IRL friends so we can simply... Take 1 wing, take 1 mist well and have no f-ing problem and nothing else. only 2-3 people in the guild and maybe one or 2 more that I trust. But that's it
No msaad. There was a guild called beware and it died as soon as it was made.
It had the most active ld players ang strongest. Now dauntless has replaced that, minimetaknights guild.
Now that I notice...
Stars: Dead
Timeless: Dead (I think)
Knightmare: Dead (Twice)
Perfect Storm: Dead
Reign of Chaos: Dead
Rigorous: Dead
Bestias: Back from death
Yes i am Lord-Raedon's alt and was thinking maybe the closing(not disbanding) is a good thing i think and yes I am in Dark Guardians and have progressed greatly while being there thanks to the Fsc spaming.
P.S Sorry for the late reply our phone and internet network for the whole country were down for a day.
Other good guilds that died which I wasn't a part of:
Kage no Senshi
I have heard a couple of rumors that it hasn't died, but I did not know if they were true, and I rarely see them nowadays. But I will remove them from the list.
The Devine Hunters died because one out of the 2 GMs left, as I recall. The officer who drank left right after the GM did.
Grundel Warriors isn't dead! We're alive and healthy, with ~10 players (semi)active. ^^
I have 2 guilds. Darkfire is dead since all the guild masters left and the guild was killed. The second is disbanded but will never die. TAO is now disbanded since miss-shinn decided to disband us. We have a alt called combusterioz now. we will recruit anyone who wants to join. contact me, Octa-Varium, jairui, or cheerioz.
This is mostly directed to the Dev, but would be of interest to the various guild leaders (big and small alike). Not necessary direct to Njthug but you may find some connection of interest.
Because of resource contention (which could be CR, CE, human resources, player's time), competition arises.
Competition introduces two classes: winners and losers.
For competition to occur, we need a winning condition and the rules that govern the competition.
In this game, the winning condition is established by Nick and his crews. As far as Guild Hall is concerned, bigger guild has an easier time to unlock guild hall features. As a result, the winning condition is that bigger guild wins.
The rule of competition is which guild brings in the most CR win.
But to establish cash flow, your guilds need to be stable. Big guild has this advantage of hiding their turnover numbers and as a result player drain is harder (but not impossible).
Bigger guilds have this disadvantage of when they fall fast, they fall hard. Too big to fail doesn't work in real life, doesn't work in-game.
Therefore the root of the problem is in the winning condition, as it advantages one kind of play style (one that when it goes wrong, tends to collapse fast and cause more damage) and disadvantages the rest.
I was an officer of Devine Hunters once, our GM rcmr(If that's his name) Left, and yes that drunk officer kicked out all the members lower
his rank
Valkyrie knights- mostly because white became inactive because he went to Asian sk
Rig- bleed got addicted to some other game and went inactive for some time
FB- it died
Order of Venus- we could be considered as prime during it's time, we had a crap load of awesome people that were well known, sadly Rhip left for some time and it went downhill from there, kyored and a few others tried to revive it but failed
Dark Guardians- Laylla left for EoS, then the other gms left and core members left, though some decided to stay back and might actually pull off a revive though it is pretty chaotic
Beware-when I joined it, it was pretty epic but I couldn't understand any of them since they just spoke Spanish but that was my fault for joining a Spanish guild, soon died off after some core members decided to leave
I might be forgetting some others, but, mehhhh
To avoid the drama i think its best to roll solo.
What would be the point of guilds then?
KaD is kinda dead after Big left, than a couple other core members followed, like Dravor, Sarfalicious, etc. It went downhill from there. I'm really sad to see it go, it was by far the best guild I had been in during my entire Spiral Knights career, stayed in it since June 2011 untill I left sometime in October 2012. I think some inner arguments were also involved, although I will never know, because I was always kept a member even though I was a veteran player for more than 1 year. :/ Sigh.
Echo Of Sausage: This guild sadly died down because Njthug's EoS had to put members in that guild and those members ate the whole guild
Echo Of Sausage
/Salute Dragby
/Salute Elodux
/Salute Remaining Valkyrie Knights
/Whisper I Shall Return
A great guild people have forgotten is Coup de Grace. Not sure when they died, but that was quite a while ago. Also, I think Ivy League died at some point. Any extra info regarding these guild could help.
Coup De Grace died because their GM, Icycloud got married
Wow people really know alot about the personal lives of players and for some people it might be good to run solo and i am considering that too as i feel empty and broken after i leave a guild.First i joined Legend of Zelda then The Aegis Team,then Ominous(for like 15 minutes) and left it for Dark Guardians although i am ok in DG but i feel sad for leaving a guild in which i had a well built reputation and to top it off i got an invitation to one of Aegis Team's member's guild.
You must not have left Legend Of Zelda
It's such a nice, quiet, small guild
And you've got the best GM any guild could get.
Regards to ~Doom-Dude
@Msaad Ok i confess i did not leave,i was kicked for either inactivness or being too low ranked.And Doom-Dude is a very nice person.He's a bomber,right?
Btw have you ever met Chrizmaniac?
Finesse's members were as follows:
And lastly myself. As for where we've all gone Hadn, Dredio and I are in EoS now, Tennis wanders about, Jaroche is in Aiundale, several members are inactive in Apathy, Glowing Ember left and quit same as Lowric as far as I know. As for the rest I believe they're still in Finesse.
That guy had the same profile picture and same starting letter xD
Wasn't Sick in Jempire?
@ Msaad
Yeah, I think he was, before making his own guild Scarlet Gensokyo and later creating Finesse with Scrapster, Corny, and Reuental.
I was in Royal Kingdom for a long time but it died, like, a year or more ago when everyone went off to college. I tried reviving it but it was useless.....
Also the guild I'm in ,KnS ( Kage No Senshi ), isn't dieing anymore. It came out of it's nose dive and into a slow growth stage. You can go to our Forums and read up on our history and/or join us.
@Msaad Post#15, @Zaderules, @Whoever might be interested
Just to clear up a bit bout First Blood...
Leavers started after a conflict with one of the officers. He caused many players to leave, so was demoted and left the guild shortly after.
Some time later, a few officers and other members started leaving. Shortly, we had half of the officer rooster. Things were still fine.
Then, the guild fell apart in a single week with a sucession of events: Another officer left, in a not... a quiet way. Then, the one who annoyed Zade was shouting around that the guild was falling apart. Didn't help much, lost some veterans. About that time Zaderules left the guild too. Few days later, the guild entered in Default (didn't pay upkeep), I was one of the dudes that PM'd Zade xP. By then, [stuff] was really [screwed] up.
The situation was still salvageable, but it didn't go well. People were running for their lives. By then, I left too. The next day I hear that another GM left, then it just proceeded to state of anarchy under the rule of Dictator Spookington.
The end!
@Msaad -- Echo of Sausage is still alive man dont spread lies!!
You forgot the guild called Deviled Eggs
You don't want to know why it died....
Guild branched off into Phalanx sometime after its death. I joined Magnus to try and help out but it's far from a revival. An ember of hope or a dying one, who knows.
People like playing other games yo.
Nobody even says Finesse here D:
And Buckaroo Banzai was an awesome PvE guild,died since majority of officers left
Immortal seerus, it fell because the upkeep was failing. So I moved to BTC.