Ouch bl 2late
Putting my name here, under the assumption that Erridunno's entries don't all count ._.
Cut it out Erri before you're reported for spam.
And I'm nott just talking about me.
No you're talking about me not you I know..
posting assuming double posts don't count
Since it said "101 participants" I figure I'll go ahead and post, since there seem to be a lot of reposts here. Just in case (I can always use more contest prizes, should I win).
I Want to join! Dat number ----->
Tsk tsk tsk
You guys did not learn your lesson
I'm okay with not getting the prize, but would love to receive it.
I would be very grateful if you chose me.
Although this is all fake I would like to reserve the 169th post xd
Laylla just because your's was fake doesn't mean this is. Anyways I can't participate since the number already exceeded 101.
Well i don't care if i loose of win ^^
I'm surprised only one person tried to to do the ovbious spam that was bound to happen.
No point in not, only loss is wasting 10 seconds typing this.
IGN Bigfootm
10000000 idk I don't wanna count
Ign wardraco
I think I'm like 100 actually 0.o
I would like to jump in if I haven't missed it because of... stuff.
I edited a LIST of first posts into my post, which is the ninth or so down. There's still plenty of space.
29 spaces left, as of this point on the thread.
So this is post 132, but there are a lot of reposts.
I'd like to join, although I doubt this'll be real. :P
Whatever, IGN is Shadownox.
Seriously no lesson Learned?
Tsk tsk tsk
You guys did not learn your lesson
CHEATER!!!!! You shouldn't get anything because you posted more then once. You are a JERK!
Oh, and what everybody else on this page said.
Haters gonna hate.
Potatos gonna potate..
Alligators gonna aligate..
Rapers gonna rape...
I'm sorry it's late and I cann't tel you how high I am right now.
I think we've all determined that this is a FAKEY FAKE giveaway, just like all the other giveaways that have taken place in GD.
Atleast someone learned their lesson :)
"Atleast someone learned their lesson :)"
'Learning lessons' have no part in this. If you're willing to believe that everyone in the world is decidedly not kind enough to hold a genuine giveaway, that's fine. W/e. Not everyone needs to think the same way, considering I've met enough kind people to think otherwise.
Not everyone's a self-important scumbag who thinks that it's funny to see people get their hopes up and end up with nothing.
However, you could say that if the person was the same every single time, considering such a situation would be almost stupid not to learn from.
yeah im just gonna post in case
didn't spend time counting the spam
IGN: Goldrion
I have no idea if this is still valid, due to all the repeat posts from some people...
But if it is: Entry!
The original post was on Wed, 6:32. It's now Sat, at 8:45.
"I'll come back in 3 days, since I won't be able to log on before, and pick the winner."
Unless I'm mistaken, that should mean that the giveaway is almost done.
. . .1 day . 2 days . 3 days
Wed --->Thu ---> Fri ---> Sat
all you dumb people! Read the first post! READ IT! You shall NOT choose a number! Your post number is yours! Btw hope that i get these flourishes!
EDIT: He/she \/ is also dumb! Read op!
Wen this thing end it's killing me to kno.
I really wanna win these. Do we get to pick if we want asi or CRT?
Btw pick 79 :D
So why are all contests assumed to be fake by so many people? oh well
ign: minnie-maggie
good luck
IGN: Ellemby