The story of a boy who was afraid
His reality was an illusion
And all the choices that he'd ever made
Had sent him spiraling to exclusion
The boy had locked himself inside his mind
Digging down his own hole to Wonderland
But it was fate that would lead him to find
That this place was his only reprimand
He woke himself to rip up his cocoon
But found the life and mind he knew in ruin
His eyes and mouth spoke nothing but of doom
Family and friends knew nothing of therein
Malevolence and Benevolence hold
His life is theirs to take and to control
Fan Poetry Ahoy?!

Because I seerusly had nothing better to do for the past 2-3 hours...
Let them Burn
An SK Parody of Frozen's Let it Go
Based on the Fall of Almire and Vanaduke's Return
Here's some nice piano instrumental to go along while you read :D. (I find this version thingy helps a lot better than the official OST instrumental)
The fires burn bright from my kingdom tonight
From the mountains, I can see
A world of desolation
Of which I used to be the king
I still hear their screams from when
They fought and when they died
Couldn't keep them safe
They all know I tried
Don't run away, don't go and flee
Be the strong king your people need you to be
Don't become found, or else you'll die
[and then somewhere between these two lines Vana gets his whatever fire powers and zombie army)
Well let them try
Let them burn, let them burn
Can't run and hide anymore
Let them burn, let them burn
As embers fly and flames roar
I don't care
What deals I have to make
Let this war wage on
My Legions are all undead anyway.
It's funny how some power
Makes everyone else small
And those who used to hunt me
Can't face me off at all
It's time to see what we can do
Bring down the gates and charge right through
No flight, just fight, for my city
We shall be free
Let them burn, let them burn
As the flames reach for the sky
Let them burn, let them burn
They can't kill us, we can't die
Here I stand
In this death-filled land
Let this war wage on...
The ashes flurry through
The air without a sound
A soul is burning in each
Fiery soldier all around
My wrath soon to be unleashed
In a flaming blast
It's time to head on back
My foes shall breath their last
Let them burn, let them burn
As I ride on a vengeful dawn
Let them burn, let them burn
That young, weak king is gone
Here I stand
Crush those in my way
Let this war wage on
My Legions are all undead anyway
These dark lyrics don't fit too well with the light music, do they? :P

Since I have no life OR originality [or in this case talent whatsoever], I decided to mimic Lordofthenecromancers via "Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?". Note my complete lack of originality as many lines just have Retrode substituted for snowman and stuff.
Do You Wanna Build a Retrode?
An SK's parody of Disney's "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"
Based on Warmaster Seerus and the Whisperer Herex, members of the Crimson Order, and their apparent hatred for each other
Here's some decent piano instrumental while you read. C: (I find it better than the official one because I like piano and all.)
Do you want to build a Retrode?
Come on, let's go create
The Mender says your poison's gone
Just tag along
You're going to be late!
We once were just like brothers
But now we're not
I wish you wouldn't just cry!
Do you want to build a Retrode?
It doesn't have to be a Retrode
Go away Cyril![Pronounced SEE-rul]
...Okay bye
[Cut scene of Herex moving blankets off his body to reveal a horrible mass of festering black flesh. A lump appears on his ankle, provoking a gasp, but soon subsides with a little more flesh blackened. The father is shown taking a Miracloth cloak and wrapping it around the wound. Herex winces a bit, but opens his eyes.]
Father: You see? Detest it...
Herex: ...Suppress it.
Father + "Rex": Don't let it show.
Do you wanna build a Retrode?
Or mess with every demo's bombs?
I think a conversation's waiting here,
Just speak into my ear
I am totally calm!
[*Accidentally kicks over a stack of Mecha Knight suits* 'Uh, the perpetrator was Bob!']
Sometimes it gets quite boring
Nil for me to do
Just watching the Knockers get fried!
[Meanwhile in the 'testing' chamber...]
[Herex is seen with more of his body blackened by the mysterious disease. His hand twitches, and a random Mender outside is seen pushed off the cliff by a huge poisonous spike screaming. Cue ambulance.]
Rex: *raspy voice* I'm scared, it's taking control!
Father: Just calm down, it spreads faster when you'r-
[Bristles spread across the room, nearly skewering the father.]
Rex: No! Stay...away!
[Bristles contract.] I'll hurt you.
Later on...
Father: Rex? Are you in the-
Mother: Rex?
Please...I know you're in there...
The enforcer's searching for your head
He declares 'Surrender' and I just refuse
Don't be such a recluse
*gasp* Run! Their faces are full of dread! *screaming*
Cyril: Oh, where is my mother?
My father's gone too
Because my brother is a fool!
It's time to break the Retrode.
These horribly-rendered lyrics don't go well with anything, do they?

Here are the lyric parody for the songs of my favourite game of 2013, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
Original song: war still raged within, here it is called 'grinding still raged within.
Looking down into the clockwork,
Large cogs turned by,
Every monsters advancing together,
So willingly to sacrifice crowns,
Players accepted their fate of grinding,
Give up freewill, conform,
Individual pieces hurled together,
Becomes a full storm.
Looking down into the Great colony,
Grand Arsenal rise,
Even the developers with the greatest intentions,
Started to believe in their own lies,
They can always talk about the future,
But at the end, contents must be made,
The only way out of the clockworks,
Is to strike out and pave your own way!
We all play,
Our own knights,
Will you fuel the desire to grind?
Always struggle with the truth,
With all the games you might have played.
No matter how awesome this game is,
You will eventually leave,
Even when the Vana has fallen,
The grinding still raged with in!!!
Original song: collective consciousness, here it is called OOO's theme song.
The unenlighted gamers,
You cannot make the judgement call,
Give up your free will forever,
Your voices won't be heard at all.
Display your paypal,
While never begging for more contents,
And blindly swear your fanbase,
Let your MMO control your mind,
Play in ignorance,
And purchase your shiny boxes,
When the cash and money is the real cause,
Thinking ceases and the thruth is lost!
Don't you worry,
UFSC will be exactly what you grind,
We give our players the promos they need,
The RNG shall succeed.
The fires of greed will burn the F2P,
So we will make mist tanks obsolete!
Breaking down the fabrics of reality!
Let UI update control what you see!
Let your MMO control your soul,
Let your MMO control your mind.

Don't mind me, just putting in a brief sonnet. Well it can't be a BRIEF sonnet since they all have iambic pentameter and have the same amount of syllables and stuff. It was my Valentine's submission, about Tinkinzar and of course insanity, because everything becomes better with insanity.
Tinker, o tinker, what do you create?
Why do you hunch over steel, day and night?
You've not partaken of food in your haste.
Regardless of dark, regardless of light.
Child, o child, come over and see.
My old body's life is wearing away.
Create a Haven, a Sanctuary,
I wish ere death at the end of my days.
Child o child, I envision dreams.
A paradise with no reason to cry.
All kept together, no flaw in the seams.
This is the reason I create and strive.
Tinker, o tinker, why have you betrayed?
Broken the pact that you forged, sealed in steel?
Why not a glance, not a word will you say?
Why won't you rest, and let your body heal?
Tinker, o tinker! Please, what have you done?
What has transpired? Your sanity's gone.
Is this your dream? Your Cradle without sun?
Have you been making this...thing all along?
Tinker, o tinker! Why won't you speak back?
Death is coming! Crimson and sable hues!
Slowly but surely, a brutal attack.
Bodies are everywhere, on the road strewn.
Tinker, o tinker...

These lyrics were actually conjured in mind by the idea of a beat that I would like to make using sound files from the game itself. But seeing as how I am too lazy to follow through with the instrumental portion, I figured that I ought to post something akin to it where it has relevance.
Spiral knight's iron slugs spire against an idle swarm's
Survival, knowing very well that that ain't its final form
A lumber's thump thwacks but misses in its mission
To make fellow vanguards as vulnerable as new kittens
For several seconds. My bad. I meant the mew kats.
Either way, what is ancient plate gear to a few thwacks.
The ground. For a lone gremlin's drum major solo.
Why use industrial gear against killers? I don't know.

As I see that wretched snake's face
I feel my anger pulse...... like winning a race.
My first love he'd killed himself
Spearing her through and leaving me to fall over her myself
As I walk nearer he beckons with a laugh
It is time now to swing my bladed staff.
I swing my sword as nimbly as can be
But his armor's easily harder than a few trees.
He sidesteps and slashes
Causing me a few near-fatal gashes
My blood runs cold and I feel my gun
To fire with the raising sun.
The shot was loud, the scream was fierce
The bullet penetrating with a pierce.
He fell to the ground as I shot him once more
His only way left was through death's door.

What a tizzy of townfolk all flustering fast,
What a tumble of snipes - all scattered at last.
What is that statue, all carved and hiding?
What is that fountain, all quiet and shining?
Haven tis here,
For all to see!
Have tis here,
Shout hooray with me!
Who are these knights all gathered round here?
Who are these strangers with snipes 'round their ears?
Who are these knights who tote boxes around?
Who are these snipes to make a raucous of sound?
Haven tis here,
For all to see!
Haven tis here,
Shout hooray with me!

Well, what have we here?
Is it a knight fell from the star? Crash landed?
From a cosmic sword? Where to begin?
Listen well kid,
You have one task to do,
Get to the arcade,
To the clockworks, found deep below,
Where their guardians... still thirst for your glowing blood.
Open your party,
For fellow knights are in need to find,
I will walk,
Through this gate,
As I welcome death, (I will pillage these boxes)
I will feed to my heart a spark of life.
A magnificent lord,
In a desperate attempt to stave off the fall of his land,
He drives himself insane,
And burned all his knights alive,
A shell of his formerself,
They locked him away,
Far beneath his crumbling throne.
A chain of promos,
Forged by the greedy hands,
Of a company not fit for its name,
A clever deceit,
To make everyone believe,
That Nick hasn't left us behind.
Like a shooting star,
Flying into the night,
Vereor Nox.
I will walk,
Through this gate,
As I welcome death, (I will pillage these boxes)
I will feed to my heart a spark of life.
If only I could have an infinite amount of radiants.
If only I could have an infinite amount of radiants.
If only I could have an infinite amount of radiants.
I will dive into the core,
Like the heroes before me.
I have died many times,
I'm replete with crystal energy.
If only I could have an infinite amount of radiants.
If only I could have an infinite amount of radiants.
If only I could have an infinite amount of radiants...

Here's a cross between real life application of a part of this game in the form of a sonnet.
Or at least an attempt at one.
A Calm in the Storm
From a passage unknown, shown to mankind
Came a black bile, dangerous to stride
But one man had tried, oh, how he had shined
With courage and friends, had joined him, abide
They found a small knight, with no life behind
To see a small light, hidden in small vines
Looking closer, with no fear on their mind
They heard a sound, "Don't listen to their lies."
Together, they walked, with no fear behind
And grasped it with their hands, seemingly, blind.
"This Spark of Life," came the sound from behind,
"Kept this knight alive, determined, with pride."
"Run off, save it, before I change my mind,"
"Or you will stop here, like this one had died."

Please, "Treat" me, Your Grace,
to get him the mask and see
that smile on his face.

When the fiery kingdom rains once more
When the metal tortoises return from lore
When the stars grin toward Apocrea’s chore
When four bosses, three consoles, have tore
When heroes meet the prison’s door
When gods and saviors lost from yore
Is when the traitor’s disciple opens the Core

Seatus, you're back! Sort of!

Oh yeah you'd better believe I'm purgatorially limboistically back, though kind of busy now sometimes-ish. Truth is I'm real confused about what the roleplay status is here and wanted to reimburse it with some new dynamic, AKA connecting literally everything SK has offered as even partial lore, and then writing a linear story about all of it. I think my theory is the correct one on the origin of the Swarm, especially with the latest lore that has been spilled all over my expensive rug. Kat-Owlite war though, I don't have anything on that, much. I could make some rash guesses, but I'm not sure why they-
Anyway, I'm just trying to write up a plot. I also want to write the story beforehand, rather than bull my way through it.
I was just scrolling through the website to see what has changed and noticed that you are back. It's been a while bud! Hit me up sometime bro! It would be cool to hear from you again.

It's been a while
How long has it been?
I remember your shine
Just asking to be seen
Ah, how I long to be
With you again
The problem lies with me
The question is: when?

*yea i know its short, shoosh*
Once a guardian of many,
Now a silent watch of stone.
He used to lead a squadron,
Now he roams their graves, alone.
Amongst the Silent Legion
are poisoned minds and frozen hearts.
But for the Guardian Knight Arkus
there is solace in the dark.

Inside me, a fire burns
Full of malice
Why must it be this way?
Why must you be a pain?
A splinter in my thumb
A salted wound
Eyes burning because of lemon juice
D*mn you...
May you be rained upon by not one
But many
Blitz Needles
Sanctus sociis suis autem nostrorum ordo nobis eorum semper honoris vos
ut vestra memoriae quod gloriaretur et semper ut vos reliqua
reprobi sociis reprobi amicis, ut vestra memoriae quod magna
nobis autem semper honoris vos quamquam vestra nomine quod non scalpsit apud rasa
Deus servabit nos equestris ordinis spiralis
ut omnis qui nos tuendos susceperunt in chao
quamvis ignis crepitat cemento
mentis in Brittanniis
Nos non speramus in Deum desuper, audi nos domine, nobis autem salvus
hostes nostri super nos
obsecro Domine adiuvetis in pugna est
hinc licet numquam malis
nunc adiuva nos
adiuva nos derivantur, ut nunc observata aestus reciprocatione
may God watch over us, knights of the spiral order
may he keep us safe in all the chaos
though the rumbling fire of the mortar
blinds many in the night
we will trust in God above, hear us lord and aid our plight
for our foes come against us
please Lord aid us in this fight
may we never lose to evils side
help us now
help us now to stem the tide
- « first
- ‹ previous
- 1
- 2
- 3
Creeping quietly,
sort'a trying to flee.
Then there was a sound,
shaking underground.
A teammate then was shot,
by a robotic gunner bot.
We had no time to hide,
but then we all obliged,
that we would go and ''play'',
there would be no further delay.
This was the final round,
and then we suddenly found.
Right in front of us,
these things were roarmulus.
The Roarmulus Twins,
were active once again!
Hope you enjoyed. ;)