Electron/Graviton Vortex with Glacius and Acheron usually with BTB or side-gun backup.
Electron/Graviton Vortex with Glacius and Acheron usually with BTB or side-gun backup.
..........................Full Guns..........................
............................../\ ..............................
....................../................\ .......................
Gun Sworder /....................\ Gun Bomber....
....Full Sword.............................Full Bombs..
......................Sword Bomber.......................
14 swords, 10 guns, 2 bombs at 5-star.
The usual loadouts:
The Myrmidon - Voltedge, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Acheron, Valiance
The Matross - Leviathan Blade, Nova Driver, Blitz Needle, Umbra Driver
I'm probably close to the center. I can play any of the spots fairly well. I am not good at using Blitz on Vana yet, but it takes practice. I prefer swords, but can use any of the items effectively.
I am hybrid at the moment: Gran Faust, Polaris and Dark Briar Barrage.
At the mid future I want to expand my bomb arsenal and be more of a bomber, I am already finishing up Shivermist and after that I will do a Nitronome. Later on I will finish my Graviton Vortex and Ash of Agni... so much CE to get yet D:
..........................Full Guns..........................
............................../\ ................................
....................../................\ ........................
Gun Sworder /....................\ Gun Bomber.............................................. STRIFE SPECIBUS: SCISSORKIND...A...
....Full Sword.............................Full Bombs..
......................Sword Bomber......................
I much prefer the term sworder to swordsman. XD I like to charge in shooting then get in a good couple slashes to finish my prey off then run like heck before I get hit and repeat. Yes. Shields. I know. But I jacked my left hand to crapsville the day I started playing and am only just now learning to use it the keys. XD
..........................Full Guns..........................
............................../\ ..............................
....................../................\ .......................
Gun Sworder /....................\ Gun Bomber....
....Full Sword.............................Full Bombs..
......................Sword Bomber.......................
Freeze with shiver, charge and deal a lot of damage with fang of vog or a calibur line, switch to polaris and finish them off if needed, then when health is eventually low or if the situation calls for it use polaris instead, grab health, repeat, so center I guess
I use a sword almost always but in support situations ill use a bomb hehe :D.
..........................Full Guns..........................
............................../\ ..............................
....................../................\ .......................
Gun Sworder /....................\ Gun Bomber....
....Full Sword.............................Full Bombs..
.................S.....Sword Bomber.......................
I'm about right here:
..........................Full Guns........................
............................../\ ...............................
....................../................\ .......................
Gun Sworder /....................\ Gun Bomber....
....Full Sword.............................Full Bombs..
......................Sword Bomber.......................
I'm comfortable wielding my Valiance, but I'll whip out whatever I'm powering up occasionally.
I always have at least a sword (my tempered calibur) and ONE OTHER weapon that is NOT a sword.
so Sword+Gun
Or Sword+Bomb
I always do close range, but the second weapon is for support, should I need it.
Full Sword...
but i shift into modes through saved loadouts
Samurai-P and Samurai-E have both Gran Faust and Divine Avenger
difference with P and E is wearing my Royal jelly Crown (Piercing) for Jk runs or Divine veil (Elemental) for any other place (esp. Roarmulus runs)
I have a Skolver coat to up my sword damage. This includes elite Swiftstrike and Slash modules...
When at E variants, the combination creates a mediocre defense against all types of damage, and resistance to Freeze, Fire and Shock, making it my all rounder...
When using the P variant, it creates an almost capped normal and piercing, great for JK or IQ battles
Right now, im building on a Snarbolax coat so I can create a third S (Shadow variant)
Blitzrun wields Dread Venom striker and Fearless rigadoon, also with the P and E variants...
Pares wields Acheron and Glacius, also on P and E variant, just so i can have a faster alternative to my Samurai modes
I prefer bombs and swords, most guns are lackluster and ineffective to me.
I am a gunslinger using a good gun with a freezing bomb is just perfect if there are many you freeze them to atack, if there are not a lot you just shot them from far staying alive.
Full gun :3
Blitz Needle,Callahan,Biohazard,Polaris,Magma Driver etc