Are you selling a Supernova?
☭ Trading some Steam games for Crystal Energy

Could I get 10% off if I buy Portal 2 and Amnesia as a bundle? Assuming it's not too late for you to stock the first one.

Theoretically, say, to clean out your stock of CE?

Now I have very little, since changed a lot of that was i have.

Still interested? I have just the one key. Steam name is Sapp if you want to add me.

For future reference, what's your CE per $/€ rate? Also, what region are you in? Buying games from America is less expensive to my knowledge.

in most cases, 600 CE = 1 $ and without regional restrictions
I'm looking for Call of Duty Black Ops II Revolution DLC.
According to the last message, it's 7200ce here. (Though the game *not dlc* is with region restrictions)
Well, anyway, how much would you sell it for?
*Edited, fail calculating was here*

Call of Duty Black Ops II Revolution DLC. - 9.000
but as long as I'm unlikely to agree to carry out such an exchange, there is no possibility

Would it churn your stomach if I suggested you buy the Humble Bundle for me for 1$? Donations of a dollar or more give you not only personal direct downloads but Steam keys. I'm interested in the latter.

I do not have Paypal, so I can not take..

Would you be willing to get me Dust: An Elysian Tail for 8400CE (600CE per Dollar)?

Hello kind sir, would you buy a $50 steam for your offered rate? :3

where have you been? D: I now have 24k, if you realy can sell me the $ 50 I will try to accumulate the required amount

Yeah, I can sell you one. You're offering more than everyone else recently, they offering 720ce/$... I was the one who introduced that rate to the forums :/

Will do, can't now though, maybe in... Roughly 10-12 hours :3

NVM, I thought you meant dota 2 access keys, not treasure keys :(

Are those just like those regular keys to open regular crates? (i don't play tf2 much) :P

sent u an add on steam,
can sell u some dota or tf2 keys, 8 available or i have ~$20 steam credit in my account if u want anything else

Anar-Bor - opening the boxes is the same as a futile exercise in spiral knight ironbox
Celestial-Dragoon - decline
Rickypeter - forward when you're online

i sent you a message in SK. Hope to trade with you soon

@Denek well, I rose my prices on the steam codes, because of all the demand.
I will sell 5 steam cards, b/o for one is 18kce
5 cards: one has c/o of 17kce, the rest has c/o of 16kce
:3 bidding is in increments of 500ce, care to bid? :D

Anar-Bor - add me on steam, i got CE if that you was wont sell me some keys ^^
Apophis-Set-Two - yet I do not have the possibility to buy them above 800/1$, but I hope it will

Edit: If you can do 800ce/$, I'm getting a $50 and 3 $20s, take your pick

You add me on steam. the 'add friend' button will never work for me for some reason..
My steam name is 'Anarbor'

Can I buy Dont starve Wilson steam trading card please.
IGN: Minase
Steam ID: Minase Steam Profile
Batman: Arkham City GOTY - 6k ce.. gimme!
Forget it.. took too long :x

Minase - added
Arcknightdelta - maybe can, if offer is good
Anar-Bor - added
Apophis-Set-Two - add me, will write you when i gather CE

Denek. I log in now to discuss price. I want to give you my ce!!!!
Thanks for the trade! My Don't Starve Steam trading card collection is complete :D
I got 2 tf2 keys. Add me.
Steam Alias: Abronymous
I wish to buy two Sanctum 2 games .
If we can deal with some discount or something that should be great ! :)
And add me on steam ! :)

two Sanctum 2 - 18k CE
better you add me, is to many ppl with same nick
Denek.. About the Bundle Stars, I want to buy that "Atomic Indie" bundle #8.. but there are two problems.
- One, why is it so overpriced?? (it's nearly double the cost.)
- Two, if I already own one of those games.. would it screw up the bundle key?
I'll offer you 3,528 CE for it. That's 700 CE per $1.
I'm not guaranteed it will work cause I already own a game.
Plus it's a key, which aren't trade capable via Steam.
If not, I'm okay with that. ~Thanks :)
i would sell u dont starve 8k ce
Hey what about 2 tf2 keys and 1600 CE for LEFT 4 DEAD 2?

nice offer if game was on sale with -75%, but not now
i am buying << Sword of the Stars: The Pit >> how much would that cost me
i would offer 6kce for that game. Please do not decline me we can talk XD thanks.
ThePerfectionist (this is my IGN)
Thanks for ur time
Of course, your offer is very tempting ;)