Sorry for the wait, I got a $50 steam, do you have 40kce currently? :D
☭ Trading some Steam games for Crystal Energy

oh you did not by the way ... I urgently need to have anything equal, all portable CE, hopefully soon join
dam that paradox!

Is that a yes or a no? If yes, I'll mail you the $50 code, just send me 40kce once you receive the code. You seem pretty trustworthy XD

I need these sold quickly, :c can you get it in 3 days? If not, I'll have to find another buyer

About how long would it take you to earn/save 16kce?
hi I have them tf2 keys. add me up? Kazurex on steam. Ign Tigar in sk.

Apophis-Set-Two got CE add me, or send me in game mail again, was deleted... for response
Kazurex added will buy some
Round 1: bump
add me search for rocketeeeeer and u should see it
hey why did u delete me and what is unclaimed

man you so strange... options on steam trade where is the Crystal Enegry

What is your rate of CE/$? Just curious, maybe I'll buy something :P
sry im new to this thing, just wanted to sell of some my tf2 things and games for ce, could you add me back?

Alterx - added
Bluejaylai - rate depends on the game
Knightedhero - add me, and i don't buying games for CE, ony sell
I have a Mann co Key, if you're still looking for them.
Add me. im looking for money I give CE add me
I have about 5 or so tf2 keys for trade, possibly more.
What would the prices be for Trading cards and would you take them?

price is big, don't think you will want

Whats your price on the Borderlands 2 DLC Ultimate Vault Hunter's Upgrade Pack?

Borderlands 2 DLC Ultimate Vault Hunter's Upgrade Pack - 4.800 CE

I'll take it. Name on steam is the same as here. I'm on Eastern Coast time so ill be available until like 2 am my time.

Sent you a friend request, wanna talk about a few things.

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - $17.99 usd
Monaco: What's Yours is Mine - $9.99 usd
Don't Starve - $9.99 usd
WTB these 4 steam games for 24.7K ce (650ce/$) i prefer them in gift form.
IGN: Monkeybash
Steamname: toineed or MonK

I would have to exchange at that price if bought in advance at a discount -75%

Wait, so you're only willing to sell a game for its full price in CE if you have bought the game before at a discount -75%? Also is the l4d2 offer in the first post affected by the current sale? It's not the full price of the game, but it's not -75% either.

in a previous post talking about something else
and yes, I change the game for discounts at a discounted price