ok just a few days ago it was 4500 crowns for 100e and now its 5000 crowns. what in the world is going on, whats making the price jump so much. i just dont get it and i fear it will evently get to a point to where it will cost so much to buy energy, in crowns that is, that only high tier people will be able to afford it. what are you thoughts?
energy why is it becoming so expensive.
Offer, demand, and people that know about economy and how to manipulate markets.
Its more like people just finished buying all the Regalia's that they've wanted and will "hold of buying more energy" till the next offer. The price stability for the previous week was due to this offer alone. Now that interest in the offer or the offer itself has ended the runaway inflation of crowns will continue.
Supply and demand. The end.
Onmy - Shut up. Don't parrot everyone else.
That isn't the end-all-be-all response to anything market related, you ponce. After a large influx of supply, we saw a drop in prices, but now there's an absurd spike in price that does not match up with the normalized market rate of increase. We were seeing 1k CE per 100 Energy increase every two weeks or so, not 1200 in 2 days.
Yes, supply and demand.
Except a lot of people bought energy, probably sold their Regalia pieces, and have lots of energy. Less Demand/More Supply.
Sounds like the opposite of supply and demand to me.
If there is less demand, and more supply, in theory sellers should drop their prices to increase sales and therefore cash flow.
I believe the problem is that people bought a bunch of energy, and sold a lot during he Rose Regalia event, and now just dont care if it gets sold or not, and so raised prices to increase profit margins. of course, People who want to buy Ce with crowns are often not able or willing to buy said Ce with cash.. and thus, need to buy Ce, regardless of crown price. So, Ce keeps getting sold regardless of the price and sellers are finally realizing this. So they continue to raise prices, and continue raising their profits.
My point is, supply and demand is a little more complicated than many people think, especially when you have three different currencies involved. Basically, Overall market Demand is still there (the sum of all individuals participating in a market's ability and willingness to buy a product) and the Supply of product has increased: unfortunately, the increase in supply has no change in market demand in this case. So suppliers can charge however much they want, and people will buy it.
SUMMARY (for those of whom have no interest in economics):Ce is like oil, people. and its getting near 5 dollars a gallon, and people will still buy it, cos everything runs off of it. Its that simple.
SUMMARY (for those of whom have no interest in economics):Ce is like oil, people. and its getting near 5 dollars a gallon, and people will still buy it, cos everything runs off of it. Its that simple.
Except there's also biodiesel and ethanol, to say nothing of electric engines. The governments are just too busy getting kick backs from the oil magnates to care about helping to developing these alternatives for the public, and precious few people know about these alternatives and demand it. Fight the power!
The point remains rather valid though, people will buy gas because they need it, even if it costs $1.50/L
1-High-end players need less and less crowns for anything, but still need CE. More and more players are joining this group. That's more demand.
2-Prices are heavily pressured by whatever clockwork runs yield; as the bulk of players can run deeper and earn more crowns, they can buy more and more energy, driving prices up.
3-A number of players bought lots of CE for Rose Regalia, but feel no need to sell it.
4-The current advertising for the game is drawing in many new players, but they are proportionally less likely to buy Energy than before for some reason.
....Which of these are the case? Dunno. The first two strike me as most solid, but there's plenty of ways for this to occur.
Generally demand is going to stay constant or get higher with new players, while offer is going to diminish when people don't need crowns, or prefer to save in ce, or don't feel it's necessary to pay cash anymore, or any other reason.

It's purely supply and demand. Regalia special is over, people are sitting on their CE, demand is constant (increasing actually, as more crowns are chasing same/fewer CE)... prices go up, SURPRISE!
If you don't like it, pony up or quit. I'm thinking of the latter myself, although it's a shame. it's a nice game, so maybe when CE goes high enough I'll buy $10 worth on the next special, get my maxed gear and play for another week, and call it quits.

Your always going to need CE, people who payed RL cash for CE know theyre still going to need more to extend how long they can run elevators.
I think the price will rise where T3 is the only way you can do a clockwork run, rebuy your CE and have extra crown left over.
New players will be relying on mist only, saving what little CE they can buy to buy new armour, if they can be bothered waiting that long to advance.
The less new players coming in will mean less sales for traders, less income through trades so why sell CE when theres smaller oppotunities to remake what you lose.
As everyone keeps saying, supply and demand. With a large % of the supply never reaching the market, and the demand ever increasing i dont see why so many people think it is going to level out at an amount that will promote new players to stay, or atleast stay long enough to pay.
I know theres no point critisizing something without adding in some kind of suggestions.
Theres all ready too many CE sinks compared to Cr sinks, to the point where trading CE for Cr is pretty much pointless, unless you plan to keep on paying, eventually you will be rebuying CE off market, and if price only rises, then youll be rebuying at a loss compared to your sales.
- Maybe if a small amount of CE from any crafting went onto the market, the crowns theyre bought with just disappear. this adds a lil downward pressure to CE and upward pressure on Cr. Not enough to collapse the CE market by any means.
Theres already way too many CE sinks, and nearly any consistent Cr sinks.
The only reason i see so far for converting CE into Cr is impatience, and so far, was the only reason i put any at all on there. I dont see the point in selling any other then that. Im going to need more later on down the line to continue on elevators, or to craft. As i said,me selling any now, with the market going up means ill be buying it back at a loss. Or needing to constantly pay more then its worth to play this game longterm.
And before ppl say im whining cos im a freeplayer or i wanna play to much, i put 70$ into the game within a week of starting.
But even as a paying player, i think the way things are now, and where this is heading will make this a pay only game.
Ive invited a few ppl early on who played a while and as prices rose played less and now have stopped, other ppl who ive tried to invite dont play more then 2-3 days.
Promoting reasons to pay is fine, if new players are getting frustrated before they get to a point where they might wanna pay is a little pointless.
Also- don't mention gas prices. They have nothing to do with it. That is a problem of speculation, and it's stupid. The cost of oil has actually been lowered by like, 10% in the past few months, and yet we still see a rise in the price of gas. It's individual gas stations making a lot of money off of people's fears of the "problems" in the middle east. And of course there's no way to really boycott it that's practical. So you just have to shut up and take it with a grin.
In this game, you have more options than just remain silent and pay your 5k in crowns. You can purchase 750 CE for a mere $2.45.

energy why is it becoming so expensive.
Because people are selling it higher and others are buying that higher price.
Mo' money mo' money mo' money.

Not everyone has access to a paypal or other payment method. Yeah that price is a frickin' steal, but it's not a good price if you can't pay for it. I actually take the risk of getting in trouble by only buying $2.00 worth by phone.
I was not mentioning gas prices right now. I was mentioning the cost of oil because it is similar for this Ce. Great, gas prices are down like, 10% or whatever you said. That has nothing to do with me using oil as a metaphor for Ce, or vice versa.

Its simple Economics Supply and Demand
Best example someone posted was about gas and comparing it to Ce this game runs on it people who need Ce will pay whatever, and players that dont need Ce, and just have a bit of it to live off will save their Ce and not put in the market (Horde in a sense).
Like I posted in many of my topics the thing was in my view the Ce and Crown price still is not at an equilibrium stage where it will stay for a long period. I predict the equilibrium stage will be somewhere around 6500 to 7000 Crowns. During the start of this game many new players and old players came back a vast amount of Ce so little crowns so Ce is worth nothing since high demand for Crowns. Now that majority of the players are settled down....Ce becomes important and Crowns become less important.

Although CE prices are going higher and higher, there is another side to the story for aspiring new players. As the game has matured less people need crowns etc--that argument. Many of these same people are crafting in mass searching for UV's. So say the new player is strapped for CE because it's now 5k per 100. Well, the new player can now get a wolver coat/helm for 1.5-2k. They can have someone upgrade them (crafters mats) to dusker for 6k by offering to let crafter keep UV if it happens and buying normal dusker, etc.
But lets just look at the wolver example :) If you buy 100 CE for 5k a wolver set for total 3k, and a calibur for 2k, and an owlite or defender for 4k. You know got wolver coat/cap, calibur, shield and 100 CE for 14k.
When i started CE was 3600, a wolver coat/cap combo was 6k if you were thrifty, owlite shield was 3k, caliber was 3k. Thats 15.6k for wolver gear, shield, sword 100 CE.
So i think reaching t2 is cheaper than it used to be, which could explain some of the rise in CE cost as well.
Ladias: Then maybe you should ask your parents first. :|
Stray_Cat, learn to read. I never said gas prices dropped 10%, I said OIL prices dropped 10%, while gas prices are still rising. :/ Which is exactly the "metaphor" you presented. Go ahead and contradict yourself, though, I like knowing that I actually got a decent education.
Also this -
"Because people are selling it higher and others are buying that higher price.
Mo' money mo' money mo' money." (courtesy of Hazel)
And quite frankly, Des and I trolled the markets driving the prices down, if only for a few fleeting moments. We kept undercutting each other, and so other people tried undercutting us as well. We managed to get the price to go from 5000 to 4700, it was great. Once we stopped, though, the prices shot straight back up to 5000.
No need to get pissed off. you said "Also- don't mention gas prices. They have nothing to do with it. That is a problem of speculation, and it's stupid. The cost of oil has actually been lowered by like, 10% in the past few months, and yet we still see a rise in the price of gas"
Sorry, I misread you. No need to get worked up about it. Plus I did add a "or whatever you said" when I mentioned your comment as gas prices. Kind of like... you know, whatever you said. I certainly wasn't quoting you.
As for metaphors: 'Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas, the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word. For example: "Her eyes were glistening jewels." Metaphors compare things WITHOUT using "like" or "as."' (courtesy of Wikipedia, my emphasis)
Here is what I said: "Ce is like oil, people. and its getting near 5 dollars a gallon, and people will still buy it, cos everything runs off of it. Its that simple."
By god, you are right. It ISN'T a metaphor. its a simile, a different kind of figure of speech. I humbly ask for your forgiveness for making such an egregious mistake. I am sorry for not yet finishing my evidently sub-decent education, and that its focus is not that of figures of speech. Unfortunately, I haven't really had to worry about the different figures of speech since high school.
As for me contradicting myself... Where?
He reminds me of my mum going through menopause, do you have a craving for chilli by any chance?

I think Leviathan pretty well covered the real reasons, with one exception:
5) OOO introduced the Flourish line of swords. I know lots of people who went out and crafted them (no premade sellers yet), causing a lot of crown sinks in recipes. It also the triggered the "gotta have it now!" feeling, which likely caused people to sell CE to get the crowns needed, and/or to buy more CE so they could craft them.
After the new-shiny of the Rose Regalia and the Flourish swords was over, the cr<->CE exchange rate returned to its steady climb up. Again, I suspect it could go as high as twice the crowns earned in a T1 or an upper T2 run, so around 6k-9k cr to 100 CE. (That is, players will use their free 100 mist to run gates, then take what they earned yesterday plus today's run to buy another 100 CE. After that, they have spent enough time on the game anyway, so they stop for the night.) My guess is that it will not quite reach that level, probably stopping around 6k.

Is there a direct correlation with why the prices of materials are going down / sellers are increasing and why the energy prices have risen a bit this past week to finally tipping the scale above 5k? hmmm....
"Again, I suspect it could go as high as twice the crowns earned in a T1 or an upper T2 run, so around 6k-9k cr to 100 CE. (That is, players will use their free 100 mist to run gates, then take what they earned yesterday plus today's run to buy another 100 CE. After that, they have spent enough time on the game anyway, so they stop for the night.) My guess is that it will not quite reach that level, probably stopping around 6k."
This assumes that the balance of spending power is in the hands of people who are at least moderately comfortable with this playstyle.
Which could easily be true.
But, out of curiosity, why is that your assumption? Just, it matches you experience with the game, or is there more to it?
This is mostly a theory:
I suspect the price will largely function off the cost of completing a full run (i.e. the amount of crowns earned spending that 100 CE or mist energy on gates).
The price before was a balance of the crowns earned in T1 and T2 and thus settled around 4000 crowns per 100 crystal energy. However, this balance was thrown off by the Rose Regalia event which not only increased the amount of crystal energy that hasn't made it to the market because of stockpiling (which was mentioned earlier, everyone ends up using the energy at one point or another and thus few individuals are selling energy) but also the increased non-open market energy (the energy people aren't selling) has helped people craft superior gear and jump from T1 and T2 to T2 and T3 thus increasing the average crowns earned per 100 crystal energy spent.
Theoretically, the price should stabilize around the total average crowns earned per 100 CE and that profit should be largely derived from crafting and/or selling of materials. The cost should fluctuate around that average value. Mist energy kind of throws the theory into wack but mist energy still accounts for such a small percentage of total energy (CE + mist energy)
If you can't read properly, then you shouldn't be a part of the forums. It makes you look dumb if you don't read everything before opening your mouth. And quite frankly, I'm tired of people who can't read at all on the forums. If you're going to make a comment on what I said, at least have the decency to get it right.
I haven't had to deal with figures of speech since high school, either, imagine that. And yet, I still know the difference between them.
As for you contradicting yourself, I was expecting you to respond with something a lot more stupid than you did. Because that's what most people do on these forums. That's where the "Go ahead and" came in- you haven't yet contradicted yourself. It was in anticipation of you doing so.
@RapBreon: I'm a girl, not a "he," but I'm not nearly old enough for menopause. It's called menstruation. And no, I don't have a craving for chili.
@Heshan: I haven't really noticed an increase in crowns for Tier 3. I usually end up with fewer crowns, actually. The levels leading up to Vanaduke yield about the same as the levels leading up to Jelly King, though (which is kind of sad, because there are double the amount of levels to get to Vanaduke).
Though I suppose if you were to do a Tier 1 --> Core run, you would be able to get around 15-20k, easy. Assuming no deaths, doing that would cost you around 230 energy (maybe a bit more, depending on if you opened energy gates/danger zones as well). With the current price around 5000, you would be able to buy 300 or 400 CE with your crowns. That's ultimately a net gain of between 70-170 CE. Is this what you were referring to?
Based on that, though, CE prices really shouldn't get too much higher than 7k, or it's not going to be profitable. It'll probably still be self-sustaining at 8k, but I think it would be better to have it stabilize at 7k. It would really hurt new players, who can only get 3-4k in Tier 1, though. With mist energy alone, they'd only be able to get through 1 full Tier 1 run, and a little under half of one (and they'd have to play through the less profitable levels of Tier 1). So on their 100 mist energy, they'd probably only be able to make 5k, which wouldn't be enough to continue playing for free. And I'm sure that would turn a lot of people off to this game. Because really, who wants to drop real money into a game they hardly know anything about?
Like I've said maybe one or two weeks ago, the prices will rise naturally.
The game itself creates a very high demand for Energy, and there will never be a large enough supply to meet all the demands for it at a reasonable price. It's a well-known fact that all F2P MMOs are made up of a vast majority of players who never pay a single dime on the game, and Spiral Knights is no different, and will never be any different.
Since the game naturally creates a high demand for Energy due to it's taxing Elevator, and much more taxing Crafting costs, along with the fact that most players don't/will not spend any of their own money, it means there is too little supply for a great demand, and thus is the reason the game naturally raises the prices of Energy itself.
The fact that there is an option to exchange in-game currency for cash-currency (Crowns and Crystal Energy, respectively) encourages even more players to just save up their Crown to ''buy'' Crystal Energy rather than actually buying Crystal Energy with their own cash. Again, this means small supply compared to a high demand for Energy.
The core of the game itself creates higher prices, like I've said a few times already now, so obviously not even yet taking into account how players themselves can influence the market.
Spiral Knights is a game based mostly on economics, and because of this it's market is naturally incredibly unstable and easily influenced by players. It doesn't take any ''high'' knowledge of how these things work to create such an unstable market, all it takes is some real cash. Some cash gets you higher tier equipment much more quickly (Heck, with enough cash you can get a full set of 5* equipment on your first day of playing), so you reach lower Depths much faster, and get higher grade materials faster, etc. You're basically already becoming one of the richest players because you have easy access to all these things which net you more Crown and also lets you ''bud in'' on the market of selling higher grade materials, recipes, and equipment.
Already, since my first post about this issue with Energy the prices for 100 Crystal Energy has roughly doubled, and more likely than not they will continue to rise. The game is brand new, but already there's more of a strain and struggle for newer players to make progress because it's becoming increasingly harder to make a profit off of a mere 100 Energy. As time goes on you require more and more Crown/Materials per 100 Energy to make a profit that will let you keep going. The higher the bar rises the harder it is to jump over it.
How many players do you think will continue to play when for the most part they find it's not worth playing the game after their 100 Mist Energy is depleted and they have to wait for it to recharge? The players who buy Energy claim there's no problem, but with less players buying, and potentially less players -playing-, the game reaches a higher chance of shutting down, thus the money you've used to purchase Energy becomes 100% wasted.
Some might say, ''Well, if the demand is so high for Energy eventually players will want to buy it so they keep playing.'', but that's not the case. It's actually seen as ''Coming off a bit too strongly'', where the customer doesn't feel secure enough to even consider buying your product. As soon as you log into the game you're on a ''timer'', where you only have so much time until your playing experience comes to an end unless you buy cash or you wait 22~24hours for a Mist Energy Recharge.

People who misread things on the forum, or who people who have a s*** attitude every time they open their mouths?

1) Stray_Cat vs cheeserito is sorta fun to watch. =)
2) Talking serious right now: could you, Njthug and other "market controllers" (if it's correct to name you all this way), explain based on what do you guess that CE prices will stick to 6k, even with a such accelerated price rising?
3) please, would you mind not criticizing my grammar? I'm not native american or british and I try to write as well as I can. =)
Its a forum for a computer game. I have more important things to worry about, like real life. I read quickly what I can, when I can, which is not terribly often. I really don't get on this forum to take things in with an overly serious manner. Its a computer game. Really, it is.
Frankly, I dislike your attacks on my intelligence, ability to read, and education level, none of which you are actually in a position to judge. I apologized for misreading what you said, I did it quickly and hastily due to my time constraints. However, you attacking me personally over something I said in error on the internet is not a reasonable or appropriate response. I would prefer if you corrected me, and moved on with the discussion, and with life in general. I personally consider it a waste of time to attack people I don't actually know. I'm sure you are intelligent, educated, and mature enough to realize the various reasons of why that may be.
As for expecting me to make a more stupid rebuttal than I did, merely because people on a forum say stupid things... Some people are not as intelligent as others. that is not their fault. However, being polite and respectful is a choice, a personal choice that we all have. In the future, please choose to be respectful and polite to other people. I am sure others beside myself would appreciate you doing so.
And now you're acting high and mighty like you have the right to judge people over the internet as well. /clap
Edit: Also, since you're not contributing to this thread anymore, you should kindly gtfo.
And to the person who said it's fun to watch, lol: I anticipate it to stay around 6k or 7k based on nothing but speculation (that I got based on someone else's post). It's really nothing but theory at this point, but it was apparently up around 10k during the preview, so having it at 6k or 7k doesn't sound completely unreasonable to me. Also, not everyone gets my wrath, only those whose arguments are not intelligent. ;)

There are two things that I find sad/hilarious/annoying all at the same time about online forum discussions. The first is ad hominem attacks- it announces to the world that the poster is out of ideas, lazy, a douche/troll or some combination of the three. The second is the "oh excuse me I'm busy in RL"- it is as good as saying you were either too lazy to think things through, or too proud to admit you were wrong.
Anyway, carry on. Energy threads are most amusing to read.

CE ought to be regulated by the game rather than the playerbase for the simple reason already stated "the cost keeps raising" people are greedy enough jacking up the prices of somethings like weapons to ridiculous levels
i literally cant get 3 star equipment/recipes and above because i have to spend every crown i have on a lousy 100 units of CE (even then i cant get enough in 10 rounds through the clockworks to continue) and trying to horde enough money by using mist energy every 22 hours is stupid and makes me feel apathetic about playing
and if u must know im not allowed to spend real world money on these types of games
It is my guess that with a real auction house the average price of materials will come way down. As it is I see a glut of sellers and not many buyers. With an auction house, all these sellers will be competing on price. Maybe this will have the effect of bringing ce prices down? I dunno.
I think it may drive CE prices up, as players try playing the UV market and crafting more than ever.

Nope. Lower prices on materials means more crowns chasing the same amount of CE, hence CE prices will rise (assuming other variables remain constant). Although, we all know that economists have a terrible track record- there is simply too much going on, even in a relatively simple environment such as Spiral Knights. You have to worry about all sorts of other influences too, like an influx of new players, or a promotional special- all of these can have a large effect on the market.
But as a whole, if we consider the various sources and sinks of crowns and CE, prices should keep rising- more crowns are entering than leaving, and more CE is leaving than entering (or at least, it's not keeping pace with the former). It doesn't take a genius to realize that the price of CE (in crowns) is going to go up.
However, as mentioned on another thread, the silver lining is that materials and lower tier equipment (and eventually even higher tier equipment) will sell for fairly cheap at the auction house, so as a new player you may be strapped for CE/adventure time, but you will be able to advance equipment-wise at about the same rate or even faster.
*offers popcorn and sits back*
The issue is that energy is used for crafting.
If energy were used only for elevators/bonus doors/arena doors, the price of CE wouldn't increase so drastically.
After I reached tier 3 I became much more interested in crafting for UVs. So, lots of wolver caps, etc. That's 50 ce each, and I'm lucky to get 1 UV proc in 5 crafts---thus far, of the 25 items I've crafted, only one had a remotely useful/desirable UV, and it was low.
That's a lot of CE down the wash, with little or nothing to show for it (market is flooded with 2* stuff.)
You've got a good understanding of my theory. I'm aware from anecdotal evidence as well as corroborating information from players like you and others I've spoke with that Tier 2 is superior to Tier 3 for earning crowns but I was mainly noting that there is an increase from Tier 1 to Tier 3. I'll throw out some sample numbers that are purely rough estimates of my own experience.
Assume that a complete Tier 1 run nets you 4000 crowns. Tier 2 which is clearly the best choice to earn crowns nets you 6000 while Tier 3 nets you 5000. The average when the bulk of users were running either Tier 1 or 2 was 5000 ([4000+6000]/2). The shift to Tier 2 and 3 that came from the Rose Regalia event shifts a greater number of players to Tier 2 and 3 which increases the average to 5500 ([6000+5000]/2).
Depending on other factors (purchasing and reselling recipes, selling off materials gained and minerals grabbed) the net crowns earned could increase and impact the equilibrium price.
You may also note that I am disregarding the influx of new players. The reason for this is twofold. One, I don't know the actual numbers (and as an economist its much easier to disregard things that the market doesn't control). But more importantly, two, I theorize that new players comprise such a small share of those buying energy. It is the Tier 2 and 3 veteran players (which I only say veteran to differentiate them from new players) that are buying energy to continue to complete runs and thus largely dictate the price in the market.
I wasn't making any predictions on the actual equilibrium price but merely presenting theory on why prices are rising. Like you, I realize how the rising price will suppress the progression of newer players and that it will be newer players being depending on veteran players mass crafting 2 star gear for UV's in order to begin running Tier 2 on mist energy for crowns.
My opinion on why CE prices are skyrocketing?
Rose Regalia whiplash.
People are holding out until another deal is offered. People do not want to spend money on CE and then miss a "free" bonus that might occur later. Because it's tradeable, people were literally getting double the CE for the money.
Unintended consequences.
They desperately need to give some sort of Bonus Credit system to people who purchase CE, which can be later redeemed for limited-time awards.
@ PringerX: Lol. I was thinking about that myself. Like. You're too busy to read what I said accurately, but not too busy to make a snide remark on what I said? I mean really, you set yourself up for failure by pointing out that you don't know how to read. I have IRL stuff to do too. But if I'm going to make an attack on someone over the internet, it's going to be based on fact, not my inability to read.
Also, I didn't even think of the possibility that the auction house would help the newer players. But you're totally right, with access to something that's not as intimidating as the trade channel, new players should in theory be able to sell a bunch of their unwanted materials to better their equipment (essentially). You figure, even if they only play with the 100 mist energy a day, they should be able to make at least 5k off of dungeoneering alone, and then probably an additional 1k (maybe even up to 2k if they stumble upon a slightly rarer mat). And if they're patient about it, within a week they'd probably be Tier 2 ready, or even close to being ready for Tier 3.
@ Heshan: Oh I see, so I was somewhat off, as you were averaging the two sets of tiers, rather than all three tiers at once. While I don't mind helping out new players by crafting things for them, I really don't want to end up as someone's crutch, essentially, haha. And I've seen it happen all too often where you help a new player out and then they just constantly want you to do stuff for them.
Otherwise, I think as Loki pointed out the game itself is kind of geared toward an ever rising price of energy. It's what makes the game work, in essence, and it's the most coveted resource of the game. I can only hope for a cap at some point, either from the devs placing a ceiling on the market or from the players finally reaching a stabilization in the market. But it seems so many things can influence it, and it's only going to be trouble when things like the Auction House get implemented. Yes, it could potentially help new players as pringerX pointed out (and I agreed). But when the Auction House goes live, CE is probably going to get more valuable because crowns will have an easier access point. Personally, I have a million mats that I'm not bothered to go to the trade channel with, so they're just sitting there. When the auction house goes live, I'll be able to sit back and just wait for those mats to sell, probably for dirt cheap, but I'll probably still make a good chunk of crowns on them.
@ Tyrfang: I think you're right about that. Right now, the community is going through this feeling of "What if they do another event like this?" and they're not wanting to spend their real money anymore. I certainly feel that way. My boyfriend purchased $10 of CE the day before they announced the Rose Regalia event, and it was very disheartening. But I ended up spending $10 as well to get an item. But on top of holding out for another event, it's like...we've got a pretty fair amount of CE now, so it'd be pretty worthless to purchase more. But because we use it to do the dungeons, we don't want to send it into the market. In fact, because we have so much of it, we can make several thousands of crowns just dungeoneering, and then buy more CE with those crowns (though, we might be a bit extraneous as we're pretty much completely decked out in 5star gear, so we have no desire to get more recipes and the such).
Do you have an idea as to how your "Bonus Credit" system would work though? Like, would it be similar to rewards programs on certain credit cards (as in, purchasing $20 of CE gets you 20 points that will knock $0.50 off your next purchase)? Or would it be in-game awards (artifacts, maybe)?
Yay, I was beginning to think the energy threads were dying off.
Energy prices rise because people want more money for the CE they buy. Meanwhile other people with an abundance of crowns want CE to craft or run through dungeons and are willing to pay the prices listed. Since the majority seems to be content to buy energy at 5k, it's risen to 5k. If you want to lower the price, you have to buy lots of CE with your real money and sell it lower.