So basically I've spent $20 on CE and got some decent gear out of the basics of the game down but I can't figure out any decent way to make any good money...I've just been running jelly king cuz it makes 6-8k crowns a there a different tier I should be running that can guarantee greater output? I need to get the money to buy 3 5* recipes and i can't seem to get anywhere near the crowns to do it...Any pointers? Thanks
Best way to make Crowns?
Thank you for taking the time to post such a lengthy response! When you got a 5 star you mean as a drop from a mob? and when you said you sold it for 9k did you mean CE? Cuz if so that would be an amazing way to make money in my opinion. I might have to look in to T3 since I suppose that it would be much better money than running JK repeatedly. I'm not worried about taking the effort to make money, i just don't want to have it be monotonous trading but rather grinding out gear. I'm working on a Sealed sword right now to hopefully build to a DA with a UV worth something...even though I already have a DA I think doing so would be good money..I have no problem with grinding gear, i mean the point of the game is to kill stuff right? and leveling heat is just a bonus to doing so. Thanks again for taking the time for the lengthy post it really is appreciated that someone would take the time to do that for a random player. :D
Yes, I mean as a drop from a mob, its just a 5 star material, you could also trade tokens in for the items I sold to a player but 20 tokens is a lot so some people prefer to just buy them. And when I said 9k, I purely meant in CR (or Crowns). If that was worth 9k CE, I'd never have to worry about energy again XD I'm sure this isn't a 100% common occurrence, but I just got lucky.\
Oh and nothing wrong with grinding gear, I'm just still hung up on the two weapon slot thing, so limiting myself to using a sword I detest doesn't work well for me =x
And looking back, why did I write that much haha, well i hope it helped a bit. Maybe a better player will also pass by with more specific details because I'm sure I and that topic didn't cover everything.
This does not help me at all. you should make the crowns free, because i cant buy things for a game because of parents. so i strongly recommend that you let every thing be free because there are probably some kids and parents who cant afford to waste there money on crowns :P
I can't tell if you're just a troll account or a legitimate new player .-.
Either way, this method isn't for everyone obviously, but if you do it right it saves a lot of time. Even Tier 1 can become profitable. I went to the clover gate yesterday working with a newer friend of mine. We started at depth 3 (I had to use join party, I don't have enough Tier 1 friends since they usually get to tier 2 fast enough). I came out with 3000cr, just from D3-D7. Total cost of 40 energy. Turning that into CE values, I gained 1000 cr (10 energy = about 500 cr * 4 = 2000). If you did this with mist energy, you'd be even better off since that's free energy. The important thing is to skip the crap whenever possible, even if you have to use simple old join party.
I also gained 5 more "friends" that may continue to play and I get to use them for free jumps like this (I joined a party went solo and then more people joined, that's why it wasn't just three people).
Btw, crowns are free. CE isn't.
REALLY!? I mean c'mon, when has ANYTHING EVER been FREE, in any game EVER? NOTHING is EVER totally 100% free, and I mean if it was all free, then that'd take the fun out of the game, wouldn't it? I mean, it would for me, also crowns are not quite free, you have to work for them, and there are other ways of getting CE kid, you can spend those hard earned crowns on it, or trade other players, and if you don't want to, then stop complaining, anyways, sorry for yellin, and I hope I didn't sound like a troll, also I make like 2.5 - 4 k cr each run of teirs 1 and 2 anyway, you can manage about three runs off mist energy alone each day, so really it just requires patience, and yeah helped heaps, so thanks sonic.....
oh I made it back here a little late.
No problem, if I helped ya at all that's great
i wish spiral knights make an app for android devices like iphone and ipad so people can check the AH more often when they are out of thier houses .
Ragecrafting with a alt account... is like you personal bank
Hey, Negimasonic can u please please explain to me what you guys are talking about I'm new to Spiral Knights and PC gaming in general and if its not to much of a problem can u kinda help me in game i know its a lot to ask but i dont know who else to ask will anyone on this forum help a noob?
I've been aiming for the leviathan blade. All I need is 30k cr. Any suggestions?
But The way I get my easy money(And heat) is doing snarby runs. I get about 6k crowns each time, and because I have an elevator pass(Very nice, try to get one, I'd say), I can just keep looping the levels quickly.
You guys wana know the best way to get money?
Find me when I'm ragecrafting on my main acount (Anakletos, for some reason I cant log in as Anakletos on this forum, something to do with steam). I sell my extra Brandishes for 750 crowns in front of the AH. You can sell those for 1500 easily at the AH.
Hokageminato, make the app yourself! Nah, but I'm sure anyone with some decent CS exposure could cook one up with little trouble.
@Hokageminato that has nothing to do with CS exposure. Like almost every game (i have yet to see one that does that), SK doesn't have any third party API which you can use to make that type of apps. And being made by a small studio, they simply don't have the time to make that, or even something like WoW's armory.
And the contract you accepted the first time you played SK (well, i don't remember, but all games have pretty much the same) forbid you to reverse-engineer game code to be able to make that too. This is a whole other level than changing the game skin or view some game items using Spiral Spy.
I have suggestion to make easy crown..
1. Play Blast Network Free for all. Because if u won.. u will get about 560 - 780 crown :D (dont play random team.. cuz its not worth.)
2. Sell item at the Auction House.. EXAMPLE : Sell a famous material with a middle price like selling 30 YELLOW SHARD for 1000 - 2000 crown.
1. All type of shard
2. Owlite Feather
3. Flame Soul
4. Perfect Snowball
5. Sword Stone
3. Do Arena levels everytime.. (make sure u have a strong team :O)
4. Do some boss run except Roarmulus Twins.
5. Do Danger Room in Clockworks level. (make sure u have enough strong to do it)
Hey I want to know what to do if you are against a very hard boss and you have a tonne of crowns and ce to spend what do you do?
Well, for starters, you check the last post date on the thread. Hint: the OP is no longer a member of Spiral Knights.
Please don't necro threads.
inb4 what is necro: to revive an old thread that has had no new posts for a considerable time (several months).
Also if you are against a very hard boss and you have a shitton of cr and ce to spend you hire me out for the day and have me lay the smackdown on it, because that is ttly the best way.
Get an alternate account to tab your elevators! XD
So im a pay to play member also and this also helps a ton
Please do not bump old threads. I am glad you benefit it, but it is not necessary to post in a thread from last year.
i make my money by doing JK or snarby and i can solo both but i also do this sometimes i make another character to get money from them and that works out alot so i suggest those and u get about 2-3k from snarby runs and 3-5k from JK
P.S. if u r a vanguard like me u can do vanaduke and get like 6-9k per run its awesome!
First of all, I'm proud of you for supporting the game with your money, that also helped set you off on a better start than I could do myself.
Now for some general ideas discussed in the past, check out this thread:
------------------------------------WARNING PAST HERE IS TL;DR------------------------------
My personal preference is the social networking side of things. I mentioned it in that topic but I'll do it here as well. You can have up to 250 friends and 100 guildmates, so make use of that.
How is that money? Saves time and energy. Surely you've noticed the first half of a tier is never really that profitable compared to the last half, so whenever possible, you should just skip those stages outright. With a large amount of friends and guildmates you can actually "pick" your stages. Your social tab will tell you which friend is exactly where in a depth so you can just join them whenever it suits you. If you are more patient than I am, you can even go up to the gate and look for a tiny person icon that matches where your friend is in a certain depth, that way you will not only know what depth they are in, but what stage. Perhaps you'd like to hop in on an arena, well that's one way to find one.
Asking before you do so is a kindness but it's not something you have to do (at least for me). If you really want in and they have a full party, you could also ask them to go solo in exchange for some energy/crowns.
Now another thing, I find pretty much all of Stratum 4 of Tier 2 is good for crowns, naturally JK feels the best but there's nothing wrong with the other ones so long as you are joining in past d13. And if you like selling mats, it would be good to run the other gates. If you have tier 3 access, this is even better, drop in on D23 or later and just do what you'd normally do. Kill stuff :D If you find a 5 star item, you just made gold if its a rarer one. I sold a sun silver for 9k today (that's cheap so I hear) along with two silverweaves for 14k together. I got both of those items on just one Stratum 6 run. Sure it was luck but hey that's a part of it :D But be aware, it's dangerous down there.
And this will help you out a lot if you are just trying to find those 5* recipes from Basil when you get the money. You can just ask a friend what's for sale at their basil (be prepared to answer friends if they ask you as well). Saving crowns is just as important as making money, and teleporting in on a friend is 'free" (energy cost). Tipping your friend a little bit is nice though but not required.
To help get you started with adding people, check out these threads, leave your info or just add everyone: (general adding) (JK specific)
I recommend adding people who seem competent on your runs as well. If you see them in a gate you run, that should mean they're active and likely to run a gate again. Removing someone stupid later is no harm :D
Oh one more thing, if and ONLY if, you find yourself being too lazy to turn your sealed swords/antiguas into their respective upgrades, then trade your jelly tokens for jelly equipment and sell it to Kozma. 3500 each for 15 tokens. This is ONLY if you don't want to level those items. Leveling those items would get you a much bigger profit but if you don't feel like investing the time, then that's another way of cashing in on them.
But all of this does require effort, honestly it might just be easier to spend another $20 to sell your CE again XD