Hi Everyone
Ok so I have been playing the games for under a week and have browsed the forums and the wiki and I think I have pretty much settled on a Armor line that i would like to folllow, that would possibly suit my play style, the problem I am having now is how to distribute my weapon layout. Im more into PvE but might try put PvP at some stage. I am currently running GWW/GW for crown and between runs doing missions, Im on 4-2 I think for the misisons, I really only need to worry about getting the items I want by 5-2/6-1 I think..
Ok so I emjoy sword but I enjoy kiting and using guns to, not a fan of bombs at all.. Basically I use a sword on groups of 1-4 and guns are larger groups to either get them on low hp or thing there numbers down, and then finish them of with the sword. Thats basically my style, I can dodge most of the turret fire, and most, having a little bit of an issue in t2 missions hence why i have decide to go with:
Valkyrie Mail
Dragon Scale Helm
either Dragon Scale Sheild or Grey Owlite Sheild
reason being thats its pretty much covers all defensive base so to speak, well in my opinion.
I currently have Cobalt armor and the defender sheild, which I am useing while I gain enough crown to buy CE and craft angelic raiments, Drake scale mail/sheild or to buy an owlite sheild.
In term of the help with armor, its mainly down to the sheilds which would be better, the Dragon sheild doesnt have normal defense ( which should be an issue unless im fighting trojans I believe).
No weapons are where I am having and issues. Currently my thought process is on having a combuster as my main weapon of choice, with twisted snarble barb and a Biohazard/Sentenza ( not a huge fan of the alchemers line) or a archeon with a pierce guns.
See i have an Nightbalde on my old character but I missed up alot with wasting crown etc so started a again to save up as much as I could, on that character I went with wolver armor and owlite shield but didn't enjoy it much as I used guns alot and the bonus to swords was a bit of a waste. So i can save up a little to unbind the Nightblade and the look at a pierce gun or i suppose I could go with a normal type dmg gun. However there is always the Polaris which alot of ppl say is pretty good.
I would like to do all teh boss run and will prob farm GWW/GW and JK alot for crowns, so yeah any advice would be great.
Sorry for any typo's, grammer or spelling mistakes and if this is a little all over the place.
Kind regards
This is just an opinion, so take what I say with a pinch of salt (Saltage may vary depending on where you live)
The Valkyrie series are considered to be bad, from what I can tell on the forums. You'll probably want Skelly instead, due to the lack of weaknesses. Dragon scale Shield is also considered to be the worst Shield, due to the lack of Normal defense (Inflicted by Trojans, Lumbers and the last boss, primarily). I think general Opinion favours Great Owlite, and I think it would be a better choice anyway.
As for weapons, I can say from experience that the Antigua series are easy to use. I don't know much about Biohazard, save for the fact it's line is the only poison inflicting Shadow weapon. Snarble Barb's a toothpick, so I don't have a very high opinion of it. Assuming you go for a piecing gun, Blitz will gain a bit of favour in parties, but I wouldn't suggest getting it for that alone. Combuster is fine, as far as I can see.
I can understand why you want an all-round defense, but Piercing isn't very useful outside Royal Jelly Palace and some levels of the Clockworks.