gl =) , Go minxy
~$$ MiNxY's MaRkEt $$~CHEAP PRICES!! *Winter grave ASI med 6ke*Savage Tortofist ctr low 6ke*Gilded Griffin CTR VH 6ke*+more!!

adjusted price on sealed its still kind of low but I would like a fast sale on that one ..and thanks apop! ^-^

bump and added my twisted snarble barb back lots of responses, but I am still not sure if I will sell far the bid is at 11k ce and I will decide tonight to sell it or keep it..still taking offers on it though.
also added my vast collection of CONFETTI !!!!!

If someone offered 10kce for that sealed, you should take it, I know two other ppl selling at b/o 10.5k and 11k, and I sold my own for 9.5 :3
I can offer 50kcr for it.

@ll-Kenshi-ll...It would cost me 600 ce to unbind this item, its a 3*..I would be looking for more for this item than the amount you it has a decent UV on it.
You could of UV rolled that UV or just put 1 UV on it while it's unbound...
I offer 75kcr on it then

trade gunslinger sash piercing high for shock asi high

Thanks for the offer but I wouldn't be interested in that item.

interested in the swift flourish ASI high.

@Snarby , I sent you friends request so we can negotiate the price

Added another Thunderous Plate Mail (and then sold it) and added brandish ctr high + Shockburst Brandish CTR High...

Got lucky again and opened a Storm driver mantle-taking offers on it and highest will get it xD

Hey minx, I believe Pollutin was looking for an ASI high BTB :D

Already been all over that like a bum on a peanut butter sandwich, apop xD but sadly pollutin hasnt gotten back to me about the btb..but ty for the heads up ;D