the c/o is 12k ce..but I refused it..since I am looking for closer to 20k because its bound and i'm not about to get 8k ce for it after paying the unbind cost me wayyy too much to roll it and took a very long time of rolling cloaks to finally get this one.
~$$ MiNxY's MaRkEt $$~CHEAP PRICES!! *Winter grave ASI med 6ke*Savage Tortofist ctr low 6ke*Gilded Griffin CTR VH 6ke*+more!!
Is there a chance you can reserve it for me? For somewhere around 16-20k CE?

when you have the ce then message me..I am not taking much less than 20k ce. I may negotiate a little if you have the actual ce in hand and are ready to trade. I am sure it will be available when you are ready to buy. since I am not dumping it for a cheap offer. =) ty for your interest

@Likom ok no prob... and @ everything-is-blue that is a bit lower than I expect to get for that item

We both know it is worth more than that..the Hallow event is over..if you wanted one for 57k you should have bought during the event ..I will hold onto mine until I get a reasonable offer .. ty for your interest

~Sold Chaos cloak fire max, curse med and chaos cowl shock max ~ for 35k ce to Obama xD
I'll pass on the Vali.
How much for the ASI High Grand Flourish though?

I am looking to get 8k e for the ASI High Grand Flourish

How much for the Combuster ASI VH CTR LOW? I would like to get it around 8kce

I was thinking closer to 16k e on that ^ ^ ty for the offer though

Can I trade for the set for a golden laurel and maybe a cool long feather if yku want
Regards Comics
Ps I amin malaysia so I wontbe on until a week from this post if you want to trade send a friend request

thanks for the trade offer, but I would rather just sell the set for energy or crowns since I am trying to liquidate my invo..and I think its worth more than the 150 k cr that the 2 items offered are worth (if they are even worth that much atm) ..I was thinking more like 300k since its the rituals set which is darkest and cooler looking of the sets. I have had it since the event though, so I don't think its going to fly off the shelf ..maybe sell your items and save up for it and I am sure it will be here still by the time you have the money =D

Hi. I'm very interested in these obsidian sets. Would you mind discussing prices with me ce please via in game mail?

Ok I will save the 300k for it if its still there and its 300k fpr both yeah
regards comics :D

@Arcknightdelta I have sent you a mail in game.
@Comics I would rather have ce for the set and sell it asap, but if Arc doesn't buy it and I still have it when you have the amount then its yours =)

Ok thanks so would you prefer 300k crs or would you prefer 300kcrs worth of energy and I think energy goes by 7.5k per 100 energy
regards Comics :D

Definitely want to buy. I added you on steam for faster trade mate.

Definitely want to buy. I added you on steam for faster trade mate. Or if you want (if we can't log in same time) I can mail you the ce you want and you can mail the set? I leave the options open to you.
If you see me online on steam we can trade that way as well.
Hope to trade soon :)

Obsidian rituals set (both hood and mantle) sold 4k e

Sent you a mail on the gf asi high :)

Lol I am the one who sent that mail XD
But thanks. Ill have it by sunday :)

Tried 2 contact u for a few days now, wasnt able to reach you, so i guess you can take itt off reservation

well thats funny because I did not see an email from you on sk, or a post here until today which you say you posted yesterday..and not to mention you were supposed to have the money sunday, not wed..but anyway I was around..I am always on steam but I don't play sk often because I am pretty much done with this game and I am only selling my arsenal now.

Just wanted to say His-Minx is very trustworthy. We tried to trade via steam but it wasn't working. He/she logged in and sent me what I wanted before I even sent the ce. We traded very fast. Great trader
+1000000 rep

Offering 24,000 energy for the sealed sword.
Mail Grimranger
Well i want to buy the flourish with ASI Med and Glacius with ASI High and please tell me the price of BKC

the glacius asi high is 6k e, I have a grand flourish asi med, which idk how you knew I had that but you can have it for 4k e if you want it (it is a 4* and its bound) ..and the bkc is around 16-18k e with no uv and ones with uvs are more depending on how useful the uv is on it ^ ^
Hmm...Ill like to buy the Glacius ASI High ill add you as a friend
What's your minimum for the fire max chaos cloak?