After hunting around, doing research, looking at former monsters and stuff, I have thought up of some really weird questions. Although most could be easily explained, most are very much unexplained and are required to have new content to easily explain, and stuff. You'll see once you read some questions. I try to rank these explainable to unexplainable as you go down.
(As far as I know), why do jelly armor and jelly shields have protection against sleep when there is no in-game (no slooms around here......) monster that deals sleep?
What are duskers and skolvers? The dusker coat is the only armor that mentions the dusker (no armor mentions what a skolver is), ".........ferocity of an Alpha Dusker....."
Will King Tinkasdckjamnjhvk (however you call or spell it), the king of the gremlins, make a new order since Warmaster Seerus has been defeated, or will we face more gremlins from the Crimson Order?
Were there any other kings besides Lord Vanaduke?
Is Schemer Razwog in any types of order (etc. Crimson Order)?
What's with the Artifact, why did Razwog want it so badly, and why is there no mention of it later in the game?
Why are Graveyards so hostile, and the ghosts of knights trying to murder us? (the phantoms and zombies might not be a fallen knight's body or spirit, but then why or even how are the dead knights there in the first place, like, to much work to bury a body there.)
Why do the knights use energy so much? Why not use electricity or old fashion armor?
Will the knights EVER get off the planet?
Are Trojans fallen Spiral Wardens? If so, why are their faces not masked and are horselike?
Who and why would someone make the Clockwork?
What are the connections of Lord Vanaduke and the Royal Jelly Palace and the Scarlet Fortress?
What is the swarm? How is King Kinafhsauacuj- what's his face related to the swarm? (see Red Roarmlus Twin's Recon Module).
Why are there even replicates of the previous zones in the Clockworks as Shadow layers?
What has Arkus been through? (infected with swarm? To much candlestick keep?)
Why was the Crimson Order using slimes to mutate? (compoundish 42)
Be free to answer or ask for me to put up any answers or questions.
Voltails seem to have the same color scheme as the Dusker set. Maybe they were called Duskers before it was made clear that their tail ran on with organic electricity.