I'll try to be brief for a little bit.
Spiral Knights combat was not built around the idea of having all of these incoming new mechanics. A sizable portion of players already felt that most threats in the Clockworks were easy enough to deal with without advanced dodging mechanics, shield bashing, and abilities provided by Battle Sprites. Unless everything else in the game gets a change of some sort, the new mechanics are going to seem out of place and probably make an already easy game easier.
Take all of that with a grain of salt, though. We don't have any idea the extent of the changes that OOO is planning, so maybe everything will mesh well and the game will still have a lot to offer in terms of challenge and difficulty.
But then a new problem starts gnawing at my mind... Is it still Spiral Knights in the end?
(Briefness ends there. I'm going in-depth from here on out.)
Am I overreacting to all of this? I have my own reasons for not liking the news, but there's still some problems that need answering.
- A lot of us are still ridiculously upset on the more recent changes, especially with how there's been no word from the devs about it all. I still see no reason why the old UI needed to be changed. All of these new features could have been added in seamlessly on the old one and would honestly look much better.
- We still need an answer on monster difficulty and if there's going to be any changes. We can't just keep having enemies be nerfed into the ground only to introduce quicker and easier ways to kill them. I know the Gorgos among other things are coming, but that doesn't change the status of the old enemies. They'll be reduced to nothing but cannon fodder if things don't change.
- Gear balance is still a very valid issue. Survey or not, there are a LOT of obvious things that should have been changed long ago. A few of which that OOO has stated they were going to change, but has been MONTHS (over a year in the case of the Iron Slug) without any change. Were they putting off on balancing all of the equipment for years just so they could balance it all when Battle Sprites or these new mechanics came out? Why couldn't they have adjusted numbers a little bit to make some things at least usable instead of leaving it in a broken state?
- Do these new features herald some more endgame content for the vets or will it follow the recent trend of updates and focus more on drawing in newer players? A lot of vets have been waiting a LONG time for something new to play with...
- And the thing that I'm kind of most afraid of: Are these new features going to actually work well with the tried-and-true gameplay of Spiral Knights that we've all fallen in love with? Or is it going to be some silly new feature tacked on to try to make the game seem more interesting or in-depth than it actually is?
A similar situation happened with Vindictus with the arrival of Season 2 and a new jumping mechanic being added in. None of the old characters, monsters, or levels were designed around this new feature, making it seem horrendously out of place in an otherwise alright game. The newer levels, monsters, and character were designed with the new jump feature in mind, but because of that they either seem either out of place or overpowered since they can make use of that new mechanic. In the end, a lot of players ended up leaving. The game just wasn't the same.
Could Spiral Knights be looking at a similar problem? How well implemented are these new features going to be? Will they mesh flawlessly into our playstyles and gameplay, or will they stick out like a sore thumb and ruin the experience for a lot of players?
Well, those are my thoughts and concerns. What do you guys think?
I personally think these new techniques are great, I hope they will be abused to the point where we k-style the crap out of the clockworks. Then, only then will OOO be forced to buff monsters back to the way they were.