1). What's Your Ign ( In-game name )? Sanrey
2). Are you a Europe (EU) or United States (US) player? none of those, i am from Asia
3). What are your favorite weapons to use In-game? Examples Swords, Bombs or Guns. Sword mostly, seldom use gun and bombs
4). What guilds have you previously joined? Reality Echo, Final Howl.
5). What kind of player are you? Do you excel more in PvE (Player VS Enemy) or are you just as good in PvP (Player VS Player) or are you simply one sided? i am only good at PvE, at PvP i only do around 5k damage (capping mostly)
6). What's your favorite video game of all time? for now SK, played almost 1 year
7). We currently are using Raidcall as a voice-chat program for GvG and to socialize, do you have a mic so you join in on all the fun? ( For those of you that are Mac/Linux users raidcall does work on mac's but you have to work around it. ) i dont think i have a mic
8). Tell us 3 Fun-facts about yourself? ( Optional. ) hmm i dont really know what to say, since its optional, you guys will discover out when i join.
9). Why do you want to join Unity? because its my dream guild, Ive practiced for a long time before joining it
1). What's Your Ign ( In-game name )?
2). Are you a Europe (EU) or United States (US) player?
US player
3). What are your favorite weapons to use In-game? Examples Swords, Bombs or Guns.
Barbarous Thorn Blade, Voltedge, Gran Faust, Valiance, Argent Peacemaker
4). What guilds have you previously joined?
Silver Wing, Dauntless, Rigorous, Climax, The Goonies, and some others.
5). What kind of player are you? Do you excel more in PvE (Player VS Enemy) or are you just as good in PvP (Player VS Player) or are you simply one sided? I am probably more PvP but I am pretty decent at PvE. Not sure really since all I know is to farm vana these days. Though I get bored of that too.
6). What's your favorite video game of all time
Does Realm of the Mad God count? I did play it for a year or so.
7). We currently are using Raidcall as a voice-chat program, do you have a mic so you join in on all the fun? ( For those of you that are Mac users raidcall does work on mac's but you have to work around it. )
No does that count against my application?
8). Tell us 3 Fun-facts about yourself? ( Optional. )
I guess I'm nice, like ice cream, and going to Highschool! (Not sure if I should be excited about going to highschool)
9). Do you like Chocolate and why do you wish to join our Choco-Kat-Loving guild Unity?
A lot of my friends are there of course, and I would like to be in a active guild. AND I HATE CHOCOLATE! :3