Hello, Im Zardica! Some of you may or may not know me, or know about my postion as the head of the unoffical SK wiki. Now that we can all work togther on a universal public wiki, I'm here to put in all the info we've got, and work with yall to make a super fantastic mega ultra wonderful wiki! :D
Now if there's one thing I love most about MMO's it's the monsters, so thats why I started this thread, to see the info we can get about monsters and soon im sure other threads will pop up too!
P.S. Anyone know and effictive way to take a screenshot, I know there frowned apon, but we need some pics.
P.S.S. Any Java experts out there, it'd be good to see if we can get deep in and find out names and even monsters health. ;)
Here's a a list of Monters I got so far.
(all unkown monsters names are nicknamed in " ")
**Please note, alot of info regarding these monsters has been found by poking around in the games files, but I refuse to post and information regarding monsters not yet seen by players.**
Beast Family
Wolver- those adorable little fox/wolves
Alpha Wolver- the elder wolver that can buff the younger wolvers
Ash Wolver- the dark grey wolvers that can dissapear and reappear rapidly
Yellow Wolver- a regular wolver with a more yellowish hue
Alpha Ash Wolver- a alpha wolver with an ash wolvers abilites and characteristics
Chromalisk Whelp- a chameleon-esque creature with a long tounge, and the ability to camouflage in with its surroundings
Chromalisk- a larger and possibly older chromalisk, it keeps the same traits as its siblings, with small changes
Kleptolisk- a darker colored chromalisk, with no known special abilites
Virulisk- a chromalisk with a poisonous tounge
Deadly Virulisk- a larger posionous chromalisk, with some skin color changes, and a more potent posion
Bull Chromalisk- a chromalisk that has grown horns on its head
Dark Silkwing- the small glowing bat-like creatures that can heal wounded monsters
Silkwing Butterfly- similar to a dark silkwing, but with diffrent markings that appear to be more butterfly-like, and increased healing proficiency
Construct Family
Trojan- a large horse-headed boss with a crippling weakness
Knightmare- a trojan imbued with a dark power, used exclusivly by baron vanduke, but may also be confused with the "dark knight"
Lumber Golem- a half wood, half metal construct with a huge arm
Redward- simillar to a lumber golem, but with red wood
Tortodrone- a large turtle-esque beast that is totally harmless until prevoked
Gun Puppy- a cute little statue turned into a turret
Rocket Puppy- a simillar statue equiped with a rocket launcher
Love Puppy- A puppy that heals you and sometimes drops a trinket for it's BBFs
Red Puppy- a statue equiped with a flame thrower
Gun Puppy Mk2- an upgraded gun puppy with bullet spread
Fiend Family
Devilite Worker- a small, office supply chucking demon
Devilite Yes Man- a promoted deviling, does nothing but praise it's boss
Devilite Manager- a large blue deviling, it can promote, fire, or overwork his demon employees
Devilite Overtimer- a deviling thats been forced to work over the weekend
Fired Devilite- an enraged deviling thats been fired
Baron Vanaduke- a gigantic and powerful demon that resides deep within the depths of the Cradle
Gremlin Family
Gremlin Thwacker- your typical working gremlin, equiped with a hammer
Gremlin Thwacker(2)- a diffrently colored gremin with a damage blocking shield on it's back
Gremlin Demo- a gremlin equiped with explosives and mines
Gremlin Scorcher- a gremlin equiped with a flamethrower
Gremlin Mender- a gremlin with a wand and a knowledge of magic
Slime Family
Jelly Cube- your typical pink slime
Brute Cube- a blue slime, better than pink
Blast Cube- an explosive slime, that detonates apon death
Rock Cube- a slime with a stone atop it, that may be made of concrete
Lichen- a slime with a need to merge with other lichens around it
Tri Lichen- a red lichen with a spike attack, try to avoid letting them get this far
Deep Tri Lichen- a HUGE horned lichen with a large area attack
Toxigel- a lichen that can inflict posion, also seen with spike like growths, this lichen is not yet know to be created through merging
Simple Sloom Lichen- a bluish lichen with odd carvings on its core and spikes, can put players to sleep, it also completely skips the tradtional lichen evolution as well
Sloom Lichen- a sloom lichen in the "deep" stage, while possessing the same attacks, it has a unique arua that instanly puts anyone who gets within melee range to sleep
Soul Jelly- an aqua jelly, or possibly a lichen based on it's body shape, with a skull inside it
Impostocube- an extremely handsome and dapper jelly cube
Undead Family
Dust Zombie- your typical undead
Poison Zombie- a skeleton with tribal-esque markings whos breath is posionous
Fire Zombie- a skeleton suffering from spontaneous combustion, and is a novice fire-breather
Fire Zombie Knight- a fire zombie armed with a spear, some armor, and a shield, they are all duty bound to protect baron vanaduke
Spookat- a pink ghostkat, that only seems to be adorably harmless
Mewkat- a completely harmless white cat that sometimes offers a rare hat
Blue Spookat- a large blue ghostkat that can freeze you
Green Spookat- a sad green ghostkat that can posion you