Added 2 weapons to my buy list :>

Bought Dusky Ribbon, sold Candy Scarf and Ice Queen Crown. Have a c/o of 2kCE for Magic Cloak Curse MAX

Added Magic Set with fire resistance, ctr med autugun, sealed sword to buylist :D

So, how much you selling the Prisma Driver for?
(Offer 3k, I guess)

Would you do 3.3k? :o Im online atm so we can trade now if you want :>
do you have any armor or helm that has great defense cause I need something that's really strong and cheap. Also need a gun and sword that's strong and cheap. I currently got 9kcr. :P I don't have too much crowns cause I just started and is looking for good gear.

Added a b/o of 8kCE for my Snarby Coat :D

Bid on Pris Driver ASI med 2.2k ce and 100k.
Edit: I retract my offer and instead put my bid at 2kce and 64k, sorry i didn't read it correctly thought it was 5 *

:oo I already sold it a few weeks back at 3.3kCE. Sorry >.<

I'm interested in some stuff. Just a heads up i'll message you in game soon :)

Oh Hello ^^ Sure Im in game atm so I'll be expecting a mail from you soon :D

Remember we don't live in the same time zone xD so yeah just expect one in the next 24 hours because i'm laying in bed going to sleep ._.

Lowered b/o for Snarby set. Want it out quick

Sold Storm dragon helm x2, storm crusader helm , 7 day heat amp. Added blitz needle ctr high and fiend med

Added almost everything in my inventory >< Wanna clear then before i quit. I'll vend some items too

buyout on snarby set. I'll start buying up the CE off the market right now. pick it up from you in an hour or so (hopefully less).
thanks bud. add me as a friend Uniquevariant.
Do you still have the combuster? If so, for what price would you be willing to sell it?

Unique, im online now for an hour or two hope to see you in-game :D
James : Since its a ctr low, probably 4.5kCE :)
Currently Buying a Autogun CTR Med and ASI Med. :D So added to buy list :>