I am gonna tell you a bunch of whatever stuff.
I put a Help Wanted Sign on my Fanfic.
I made a Combuster.
I found an Eternal Orb of Alchemy.
I found a crown.
I traded with Brinks for an Antigua.
And those were 5 whatever facts.
Count to 7,000 Game
5 random facts!
1. Devilites did it.
2. Devilites did it.
3. Devilites didn't it.
4. Diveletes did it.
5. Overtimers did it.
6. Pit bosses did it.
7. "Devilites did it."
8. Devil did it.ites
9. What do you mean this is 10 facts, not 5? And what do you mean this isn't a fact?
10. ^Devilites did it.
I'm having trouble thinking of facts.
I'm too lazy to participate.
I'm too tired to participate.
I'm falling asleep.
And the starships await you!
Your calender is 5709 years off.
And so, this post marks my 5710th double post.
Anyone else excited that college basketball is starting!?
Oohh, math, nice.
148... that's a lot of double/non-number posts....
yeah, maybe we should fix it, starting now at 5862
and maybe have double posts each have a number of their own...
That's just over 1.25 non-counting posts per page... Not too bad.
Recently found a level 5716 stuuuubid. Or was he a level 5716 troll?
Well, one thing's for sure, he definitely needs to train his "scamming" skill. Or just choose a different class than "scammer", it doesn't seem to fit his playstyle.
Poor guy, he probably has no idea he selected the wrong class...
1 \/\/0|_|1D |-|4\/3 |-|1DD3|\| T|-|3 |\||_||\/|B3R 1|\| |-|3R3, B|_|T 1T'5 |-|4RD T0 D0 T|-|4T \/\/|-|3|\| Y0|_|'R3 TYP1|\|G 11|<3 T|-|15.
Not 5720 tries, like the last person who tried to read my messages written that way?
Okay, you got me; it really took me 5722 tries
So I don't know... But I think the next guy probly has 5724 Shinings.
Tell me if I'm one off.
My goal in spiral knights was to have 5726 Nightshade.
We are going 5727 mph! We will time warp to the date where we finally get 6000!
idk... I suddenly wanted to see if we could get a sudden silence combo going
5736 Techs are coming to kill Vanaduke-Destroyer because he mew'd.
5736 + 4 = 5740 Techs going to war.
Your real number wasn't in that post.
It was supposed to be 5741, not 5746, 4, 5750, or 5736.
I think it's supposed to be 5743 for me right now (counting from VD's post with MEW!)