Count to 7,000 Game
Slices off a piece of cheese.
Where'd he go?...
Oh well. I'll just leave it here.
Pulls out a slice of strawberry shortcake.
Next poster can have!
Autofire, edit your post to 606.
EDIT: Thanks for the Strawberry Shortcake :D
I was out and about, but I'm back now. :)
Are we all waiting on Autofire to edit his post?
EDIT: I guess we wait to see if Boodo edits his post...
Derp my bad...
Um, so...wait now what? Am I supposed to say '607' or is that for the next guy? I'll go with the latter for now.
There was cheese and no one informed me?! Well in any case, I'm here now. My is that a big block of cheese.
Lets just get this straight. If two people post the same number at the same time, then the one who's came second is supposed to edit his post into the next number.
Pulls out meatball cannon.
Let's see...wolver, snipe, dust bunny, or chroma meatballs? (Something seems vaguely gross...)
Yes, hero, that's your cheese.
Alright, thx Auto. Btw, I heard that wolver meatballs taste quite good. You just have to get rid of the fur.
erm... i mean 628
I have to get rid of the fur? Maybe I don't want the wolver meatballs.... I'll take an order anyways. Oh, and an order of snipe meatballs as well, please.
"Do you know what happens when you place 88 on it's side? You get DOUBLE INFINITY"
Actually you get infinity over infinity, an indeterminate value. No, you can't cancel them out.
This doesn't make sense.. I'm reply no. 649. So wouldn't that make us that number? Wait nvm, many people double posted or left comments.