Wait...was this posted a little too early?
Count to 7,000 Game
*Continue digging a hole...*
*Reach the core*
*Dig pass through the core*
*Continue digging a hole...*
Oh no, Xspiral-Ace is attacking, I better duck under cover. But the cover will simply be destroyed by his attack. There is no where to run. Unless, I dodge it at the right time. That's my only way of surviving.
So I went through this thread and counted a total of eighteen numbers that have been skipped. :P What do you guys think should be done about it?
At this point, the people who are still here, just want to get this over with.
I can definitely understand that. However, even if this thread accomplishes its goal of reaching 5000, it would not truly be complete unless the missing numbers are also counted at one point or another.
Thx for catching that. And that is true as well. But I'm just doing this for fun. I don't think many people would care if we finished with all the missing numbers accounted for. But then again, if you're going to do something, you gotta do it right.
done fixing
Yeah, I’ve seen this thread, but I was never interested in it until now. I’m joining up for the fun of it as well, but I want to see it completed with every number listed even if myself or someone else has to throw in a random number that got skipped three pages ago :p
Who wants to go next :)
*Listened the conversation*
*Sneak into Hero and Markus*
*Thrown dead fishes at them and run away*
Long time no see there Boodo.
Why did you turn into crystal block?
*Picks up and smells dead fish*
*Cooks and then eats the dead fish*
Markus, I can keep a record of numbers we gotta count after 5000 if you like.
Thanks thowarz, now I can smell even more stinky! They say that the stinker the cheese, the better.
Artistbma, I actually have them written down already, but it wouldn't hurt to have someone else check and make a list, so we get the right numbers. I just wanted to get other people's reactions to the idea of counting the missed numbers before I started doing it. Also, I was thinking of counting them in the near future, so they are out of the way as soon as possible. Would you prefer we wait to count the missed numbers until after 5000 is reached? I'm cool with waiting if that's what you prefer. :)
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to count them now. Can you post the list on the thread?
I don't have access to the list at the moment, but I'll try to get it up as soon as I can.
EDIT: haha posted the same number :p
EDIT2: omygosh
Alright let me check how the thread is doing OH MY VOG! 27 new posts.
starts playing dreamteam