Count to 7,000 Game
What score do you have to have to get college credit?
Wrong number. ^
You have to get a 4 or 5 for most colleges I believe.
I feel like I most definitely got a 3, possible a four. Five...dunno.
Bombed one of the translations but I aced another one so really it's on the multiple choice here.
Do any of the community colleges require a higher score than the public universities?
♪♫ I am so smart. I am so smart. S-m-r-t, I mean S-m-a-r-t ♫♪
Just found an Emberbreak Armor (1*). Too bad I have the 3*. :<
It's so tempting to try and derail this thread because it's so close to 5000.
i'm pretty sure there are enough people who have dedicated a lot of time that would not let whatever you did faze them, and keep counting
I was wondering if there was gonna be any more talking.
You can't derail this. We count your posts as numbers as long as it is after someone else has posted.
So close indeed....
Countdown: 4 hours, 43 minutes.