Increased Guild Member Cap
It would be really nice if the guild member cap were higher. I feel like any number I could pick (200, 500, etc) would as seemingly arbitrary as the current cap, but I know that it sucks to have to turn down folks that want to join our guild because we have so many active members already.
Why is the cap at 100, anyway? Is that the max load the instanced guild hall can manage?
Is there a newspost or something somewhere that explains why, though? I'm curious.
It hampers mass recruiters like Knightmare and (formerly) Team Dai Gurren from mass recruiting. so much to the point it's like 'oh wow, the biggest guild, i should join that too.'

I'd join any guild with 100 members online at all times. We could be like a little cult following madoka's teachings . And then we fight evil glowy monks in a desert.

I do think its a bit unusual I can have more friends than guildmates, but I don't particularly care either way. My issue with size is that you never really see all your members on at one time, not if you're a global guild. If you're just a bunch of people from the same country then yeah you probably won't ever feel like there aren't enough people on. But if you're in a global guild, you can never see 100 members because at one point in a day the other group should be sleep, so with a bigger cap, you could increase the amount of people you'd see at any given time.
Anyway there's also this topic:
Got pretty big, still no final judgment.
Ah. I should've used search, then. Gonna move this to the GY, no need to have more than one thread about it.
The cap is at 100 because the devs don't think guilds should be allowed to be any bigger.