You see, I have just agreed to undertake a project to catalogue all the threads within the Treasure Vault and categorise them. (Read the thread that resulted in this here) The problem being that there are nearly 50 whole pages full of content needing to be collated.
Very interesting. What do you need us for?
I am unable - at least, I think so - to catalogue all 1200+ threads by myself. And that's where you come in.
You need our help?
Well, seeing as I have nothing important occurring in the next few months i.e. work, weddings, funerals, school, etc, I suppose I could help.
What do you want me to do?
There are four (4) distinct types threads in the Treasure Vault that I have identified: Contests/Events, Fanfictions, Roleplays, and Fan-Creations like art or clothing.
We will each take a one topic and search from the back of the Treasure Vault to the front, copy-pasting the name and URL (preferably as one hotlinked piece of text) of all threads which conform to our chosen topic into a Spreadsheet. Once all pages are read through and their respective Threads copied into said spreadsheet, you will then upload the document so that the Holy Angel Eurydice may take them and make new sub-forums with them.
... What?
Take a topic (Contests/Events, Fanfictions, Roleplays, or Fan-Creations) and then search the Treasure Vault for Threads which fits that topic. Copy the Threads name and URL into a Excel Spreadsheet. After repeating this for the entire Treasure Vault, upload the spreadsheet onto the internet. Understand now?
Oh, yeah. I get it now.
Just, what is this "Completed" section?
Okay. New plan. Do the same as above, except, when you find a Contest/Event, Fanfiction or Roleplay, add Completed onto the column next to it if it is indeed finished.
What is 'finished"?
A contest/event is finished when it is past its end-by date.
A Roleplay is finished when nobody is posting/someone formally declares it is over.
A Fanfiction is over once all chapters have been posted and no more are expected.
If you are unsure, just put a question mark in the column next to it.
What if we're unsure about what to do?!
If you are panicking the hell out then it is advised that you say so and then, if you are completely sure that you are in WAY over your head, give up the task to someone else. Preferably you should upload the work you have already done.
I've still got more questions!/Nope. Still makes no sense
Then ask me in the Main Thread.
Just to head off a problem before it starts; Apply in the Main Thread, not this one.