Well is this better? I am making Skotino more involved and around other characters.
Cradle's Thirteenth (Roleplay Discussion Thread)

Interest can be lost if you go on solo time for too long. You just kind of need posts to rebound off of...

Depends on the situation. Like I said, only things I think will be importen when he is alone I will post. The rest of the time I will make sure he is around people to post. Its hard to be around people with is mind set. Remember, he is a quiet person and his actions are different then motives a normal person would have. Playing in to the D. thing.

Man, Trey is observant! I'd better keep my distance from him if I can, I imagine that Almirian armor can probably withstand a jab from a Faust or a few bullets when he recognizes me.

Same, I am surprised that Trey was able to see throu Skotino like that. But it seems he is not able to see his motives so I suppose I am safe for now.

He has to survive. He's constantly in a silent paranoia. He doesn't want his new body executed before he can use it.
He has chinks in the armor. He can be seriously wounded, but still survive if he keeps up his will to do so. He knows more about how to stay alive probably more than anyone should. His real weakness though is when he takes his helmet off. He was reborn with a different breathing system(causing him to almost suffocate in his suit if he doesn't take his helmet off regularly. If he doesn't, his movement speed will be impaired), and when his helmet is off, people almost can't help wanting to talk to him. In conversation he's less observant, explaining how Ypsel got away. But his mind can register things wicked fast.
He will also become less observant the more time he spends alive. Supposedly the next day he'll be only at a standard awareness.
ALSO! He didn't see Skotino. Rather he puzzled it together...

Well that explains alot. But I did not mean by the fact he 'saw' him. What I mean was the fact he was able to see throu his guise and destigush who it was that was talking to be rather then be fooled and think it was just some Warden with a morbid since of suroundings. Still if he is this shard and good a puzzle solving I only find him more intreseting to say the least xD

I just remembered, I'm leaving for a couple weeks on August 4th (until the 18th), so putting in an application now would not be ideal, unless you guys want to use him as an NPC until I come back.

How coincidental! My birthday was yesterday hehe
I may be able to "smuggle" my phone into the camp I'm going, but I can't guarantee there will be service for me to check up on you guys.

Name: Kiryu Akayami
Gender: male
Race: Isoran
Faction: Spiral Order
Appearance: average height with stereotypical anime-guy-spiky-black-hair (think Tomoki from Heaven's Lost property). Fiery amber eyes that are always burning with concentration, whether it be on picking off enemies with his rifle or devouring Biscotti's pastries.
- A Magnus (which I'm guessing is basically like the executioner from call of duty; a handheld shotgun)
-a short knife that is basically a slightly weaker version of the Cutter
-his trusty recon cloak
-Kiryu's main weapon is of his own design. It's been highly refined to fit his needs and has finally been perfected. It's a bolt-action sniper rifle known as the ACR-2, (Advanced Crystalizer Rifle mark 2) which functions just like a Nova Driver (dealing pure elemental damage but no other effect), but is far more powerful. It's a 5star weapon.
Personality: Kiryu is somewhat childish and sports a remarkably sarcastic sense of humor, but he's friendly to those who he believes are trustworthy. Not easy to earn said trust, but he is undyingly loyal to those he holds close to him. However, when on a mission, his mind is set on nothing but taking the shot, getting the kill, and getting himself and his buddies out safely.
Sprite: Mako the Maskeraith. A small and meek sprite, but very deceptive, cunning, and intelligent, just like his Maskeraith brethren.
Bio: to be revealed. I'll write it up soon.

Accepted, but don't make the ACR-2 too off track...

Wish I had it. Sounds like a beast. But I rather keep my .410 Judge. Why because I kinda like the .410's for their reliblity. IDK why just do >.>

Wow, it really is hard to keep up if I'm not with a group. Could you wait for me to get over to the city gates before you go?
Edit: Alright, I'm there. ...though I realize now that you were looking at the gates from the gaping hole in the castle, not the gates themselves, so I'm a bit ahead...
(P.S. I wonder if Nemo put that bomb there? If he did, he's doing much better at my job than I am.)
(P.P.S. The queen's personality is starting to seem to match Nau-Aeysen's... Just imagine what you could murder with all the power the queen would have...)

Any suggestions for how to introduce Kiryu?
By the way, I couldn't really understand what was going on, so can someone give me a summary of the current events, please?

Haven has a king, queen, and castle. There's a group called dragon worshipers, who like burning things and seem to be enemies of the knights. The Gremlins are doing there own thing for now, and so are a group called the Valkyries, who apparently have wings.
Here's who we've met:
-Trey is Seatus, a revived Almirian, a snarbolax, the core- I'm not entirely sure exactly what went on, but now we have an Almirian named Trey.
-Skotino is a (knight, i think?) spy working for a guild called "Darkwatch" capable of disguising himself, who talks to "D". Refers to a stranger; I believe this is Trey.
-Ypsel-Bissop is a worshiper spy capable of disguising himself, who likes stabbing people.
-Pow is a knight. Pow has a shotgun and good reflexes.
Here's what's happened, as far as I can tell.
-Trey and Skotino meet.
-Ypsel stabbed a bunch of unimportant people during a meeting in the throne room, and was caught by Trey.
-Ypsel escapes. (Nemo is mentioned, basically Arkus for the worshiper team so far as i can tell right now.)
-Skotino's guildies arrive at the castle, bringing a dead guy (and a threat, i think).
-A gremlin bomb goes off, squishing the king with blown up castle bits and opening a hole in the wall. Queen is not impressed.
-Trey, Pow, and Top form a party to go beat up some gremlins. ...not quite sure where Top came from or who he is.
-Ypsel leaves the castle, and meets Skotino by the gates of Haven. The gremlin-beating-up party has also left the castle.

Top is where Kiryu is, but on a branch
Trey is headed towards town hall via rooftops
Ypsel is somewhere high up looking down on Trey
Skotino is leaving the castle via city gates
Trey surprised Top and Pow with his forward attitude and brough them along (Likely after his introduction)
And Trey is struggling with Seatus. Look back to the post that features the words "You are not my master." as a back and forth mental dialogue passes between an inkling of Seatus in the Core and Trey. Trey was meant to be a body for Seatus until his own could be recreated, but Trey desperately wants to be himself.
Oh, and Kaiju...Top's presented the perfect opening for your character. And introduce him as he is, just be more descriptive.

Okay let me set this right xD
Skotino is the leader, but because of his mental condsion he mostly keeps that fact under wire and hidden. So he is not a 'spy' in the since that he is working for one group or another. He and his guild is working for their own ends.
Deadman is second in command and takes care of most the work. he is dead loyal and has a body count to prove his worth in any battle. Most the time he has on a Wardens lower half with exposed face/head. In a fight Dead tends to be a little reckless but always shouts orders, that along with his body count got him the name Deadman, because anyone that gets in his way is a dead man.
Regulators are the normal members, normally found in 2* to 3* Skelly armor and baring the crest of the guild these memebers are all in it for their own reasons but are loyal. Each one answers to the next level up the food chain.
Demolitions a group of eight people who are experts at bomb desposal and bomb breaching. Normally the people you want to call when making a second door in a building. Their leader is #60 which she can be seen because their helms all have their numbers blazoned on them.
Specialists are a much smaller group and are very rarely used because of their skill sets being so limited. But what they are good at, they excel. So calling on in when you need them is always a good idea.
Operator, this one sits in the guilds hall all day in the very back by the console and monerates everything that happens. Its his job to relay orders and dispence information. Since the watchs Guild hall is not in the Grimson, it is hidden somewhere else, they have patched their systems into everything so this man can see everything that is happening through camera's and the helms of other Darkwatch memebers.
Hope that helped you understand them a little better :L

I think I have time to post a little every night, but not to mod. Here's a lite character:
Name: Astran Valderis
Age: 27
Gender: male
Battle Sprite: Maskeraith "Andy"
Appearance: flat-brimmed (uncurled) undecorated brown Gunslinger Hat, furless brown Wolver Coat with a collar & leather gauntlets, volcanic pipe, cobalt personal color, determined eyes
Arsenal: Shadowsun Stetson & Slicker, Assault Blaster, modified Aegis
Personality: dead-serious. I tried giving him a sense of humor, but it never caught on. He's not a big risk-taker, preferring stealth and surprise over courageous heroics. He actually has a very kind heart, but you wouldn't know it from looking at him.
Biography: Married, but his wife has never been seen. The rest is classified.
His Assault Blaster is basically a Volcanic Pepperbox that does not inflict fire and is fully automatic. He can fire one shot or the entire clip if he wants. He only has to reload when the clip empties. Like a regular blaster, he can fire while moving, but ONLY if he holds it with both hands, sacrificing the use of his shield.
Speaking of his shield, it's an Aegis with the ribbon removed (but still has the blades tucked inside it). It has max elemental, shadow, and stun UVs on it.

*Assault Blaster*
Also, sorry guys! Me and my family went up to(what we call) the canyon. We spent all day getting up there, being there, and leaving. Yep...lots of inactivity today...but I suppose that's okay. I won't have time to post more, I actually have to get off this in like a minute.
Also, who were the people that said they'd be inactive for awhile? I remember Aekuryi, and maybe Top(though I can't be sure), and I think Kaiju might've said something...

The closest way to represent him in-game is with a Shadowsun Stetson, Ash Tail Coat, Aegis, and Valiance.
Also, his Assault Blaster has an adjustable stock, bayonet and 2x scope attached to it. He likes to leave it at 1x zoom for fast targeting.

It's fine.
It was a good app. Post away...XD

Whether it was a bomb or not, Ypsel has blown up the orb, the front of the guild halls, and apparently himself. This is fun!
I'll explain what he did the next time I post.
Edit: Does the title have anything to do with this? Because that's totally how I feel, sneaking around and blowing everything up.

I've decided to try and join. But before I do, know that I left the last role play because of this chain of events: Got bored and confused, took a quick break, realized I hadn't posted in a while, Got busy and went to Colorado for vacation, realization, shame, shame, and more shame.
Name: Know as Jeremiah
Gender:Nothing, but acts Male and is referred to as male.
Race: Robot knight (effectively a knight)
Faction: Probably spiral order, but the spiral order would probably kill him upon knowing who he is.
Appearance: A simple magic hood and cloak. Personal color is orange. No visible Eyes. Underneath is a robot shaped like a knight.
Arsenal: A magic set stolen by gremlins, reinforced by gremlins, meant to be worn by Jeremiah! It's actually the equivalent of a miracle set due to its reinforcements. His shield is a Darkfang shield painted to look like a defender. His weapons are a Violate Catalyser and a Radiant Pulsar. His battle sprite is one of the original versions, capable of weak energy based things (like a wall of energy, or and energy bolt, but their fairly weak) and storing information. Slightly glitched.
Bio: [Insert some letters and numbers that include the name Jeremiah here] AKA "Jeremiah" Was created by a gremlin scientist to have the personality and actions of A knight so they could use him for spying or assassinations or whatever easily. He succeeded, but he made him so well that Jeremiah developed his own mind and personality. One much like a knight's. He escaped one night, taking his custom armor and his creators 2 gremlin guns and a "work in progress" copy of the knight's original battle sprite, burning the workshop as he left. He is currently in haven trying to look inconspicuous and help anyone of the spiral order, as being found out will have an estimated 99% chance of destruction.
So there you have it. A gremlin robot who accidentally was made to the spiral order. And as no one would believe any excuse he could make, he avoids contact while still trying to help. That might be a bit hard to understand actually. Also, he has personality instead of just robot blandness. And finally, expect a LOT of code text.

Possiblespy, never expect the Darkwatch to be in the Guild Hall. But ya, I give you this. They did have a mock of sight in the Guild hall so ya :P

Then I'll just have to blow up ALL the buildings, and eliminate you with the process of elimination!
I'll just edit my post to say "the Operator" instead of "Clive," since it seems they're the same person. I can edit this back later if that's not true.
...By the way, could anyone explain how everyone apparently plans to leave through Haven's front gates and end up at the gremlins' place? Maybe by taking the elevator leading out of "Crossing the Chasm," I guess?
Edit: Oh, wait, I'm the only one who really thought anyone was at the gates. Trey just looked at them, and I jumped to conclusions...

Don't worry about him. He is just a relay boy. And go ahead blow everything up. It will make me laugh. The HQ of the Darkwatch is nowhere in Haven. They would not be that thick. But at the same time its nowhere in te clockworks either, no way of telling where The Operator would be. Keep the post as you have it because they would have a Hall in the Guild hall to make it seem legit that the Watch is their. Nothing wrong with it, just saying let me take care of The Operator since he will have a simi-main role soon. Same with Deadman and #60
As for the Regulators, feel free to use them as you feel. They are mostly cannon Foter anyway. Just The Operator and said people above are kinda importen for something later on. So for right now, I will take care of them.

This character is almost as important as Astran.
Name: Fenix Valderis
Age: 7
Gender: male
Battle Sprite: his mother's Seraphinx "Darling"
Faction: loyal only to his father, Astran Valderis
Appearance: Steam Knight Mask with Heavy Mecha Wings and Heavy Knight Vision Goggles, Vitasuit Plus with Heavy Bomb Bandolier and Heavy Vitakit
Arsenal: Gunslinger Hat, Gunslinger Sash, Swiftstrike Buckler, Magnus, Antigua, Irontech Bomb (used like grenades)
Personality: bubbly, impulsive, intelligent, loyal
Bio: Born to Astran and Evera Valderis, he followed in the footsteps of his father, becoming a hunter by the age of 6. His mother Evera disappeared when he was 5 years of age, and he never got over it. Neither did his father. The two of them grew closer with Evera's absence, and have worked together in the field as hunters with splendid coordination.
He is an excellent shot with his Magnus.

Noted but their seems to be a trend here Thinslayer xD You like guns. And I can respect that.

I'm actually a hybrid swordsman-gunslinger with a preference for swords, but these characters are best described as gunslingers.
Besides, my swordsman characters outnumber my gunslinger characters:
*Gwenyvier: swordswoman, Myrtenaster (Flourish/Rigadoon/Flamberge)
*The Finder: swordswoman, Barbarous Thorn Blade
*Arkus: swordsman, The Third Troika (shock troika)
And my first RP character in "The Fangs":
*Jakuras: bomber, Super Blast Bomb
My favorite weapons, in order of most favorite to least:
*Divine Avenger
*Argent Peacemaker

Ah, well I suppose we all have our vices. Mine just happens to be the Shadows. I mean look at Deadman, or Skotino. They are both Wardens by the Spiral Order's records. But at the same time, both of them are normally baring Shadow Weapons. #60 is a Bomb tech. Don't count. And The Operator his a computer guy so he don't count xD

I'm a swordsman. I'm pretty decent with a sword in real-life (if fencing counts) and it seems easier for me to describe a fight with a character that uses a blade. I can relate more.

Sorry for my inactivness, I've been busy with other stuff.
Nau-Aeysen Is a regular knight. . . Right??? (Archemiday, cue the- Oh. Right. . .) I also forgot to mention that she has a Maskeraith which she treats like a Tool.
@Possiblespy: Characters with two identities: 4 DUN DUN MEEEHHHH

Well, I like what I have to do xD kinda set my self up here. A group who works and hides at the same time, not to add on the experiments that follows for them to do. Mah the more the marrier. Just wanted to say, if you feel like making a Regulator feel free. However you better be repaired for any order from the Operator. Only the Bomb Techs and some medical can get away with out getting a 'Order 6' on some one.
Also I have been more active then most people on the forum/story. This might make me an odd person but mah, insomina is a B*t*h.

Someone throw me a hook please? Noticing Astran on a camera isn't exactly useful...

Well does he have a Radio system? I can get you into the action but I need to know if he as a Radio/comincation device.

Good. This is going to a bit long but look at the story Forums. Your in, watch out for #66

This is why I will handle the Operator. He has a way of finding people and moving them to the right place, even if its at the wrong time.
Just remember, I suffer from insomnia so I might be 'trolling' the fourm more then anyone. Ya I have problems >.> Mah better then what Skotino has. Rather suffer from Sleep depervation then mental condsion where I talk to some one who is not their....right...*That moment when no one is their*

Before I go any further in the story, I'll need to figure out a few things:
1) What's the name of the guild whose hall Astran is entering? (I'm guessing Darkwatch)
2) How does this guild hall (or that bomber nut) relate to the Dragon Worshippers and/or the assassination of the king?
3) Who/where are the people in the guild hall? (Or will you leave that up to me?)
4) Who is that bomber nut inside the hall? Who is he affiliated with?

1) Your entering the Guild Hall's of the people of Haven. The Darkwatch has a different place else where not on map for reason for security as well as many back up sights.
2)Their was a bombing by a Dragon Warshipper in the Guild Hall and the bumber Nut as you put him was sent their to disarm any bombs that might have been set but not triggered.
3) Your call. But from the looks of it their is a Group still in their Guild Hall via one of the others on the Fourms.
4) his name is Number 66. He is a Demo Tech. He is one of the 8 Demo Techs that work for The Darkwatch. So at the moment, he is on your side. Number 67 is out side trying to understand what went down completely. This is just everyone trying to make sure their is no more danger before something goes south for the winter.

The only reason my Guild Hall was intact was because it was deep in the Clockworks - right next to Moorcroft Manor.

If intruders have to go through Seerus, cliffs and whatnot to reach the guild hall, how on Cradle do the guild members get there??

They use a special contraption (really a warp device) to get to the entrance pad. One is given to every guild member and high-ranking member of the Order. For example, Feron will have one.

Well Remember, the more their is to move, the more energy you need as well as the ability to transport matter, reconstuct or pinpoint at a point where it will reform. Constucts would be the easiest because you can program them and stop them in that moment meaning their is not advanced mathmatics when it comes to movment involved because you can shut it down and reactivate it once it has reached the point of destonation. Just like the Darkwatch and the love Puppys. It takes alot of Dark Matter to move just seven constructs. Adding into the fact of humans body is always ative and moving you have to add where their body, muscle, orgen ETC are at the moment and where they will be once they arive as to make sure the matter distubusion is correct and does not stop the heart/mind/orgens on arival. Even the Darkwatch is trying to get this technology right. Mah just thinking aloud is all :/

If I want to be wearing a specific disguise to cause or avoid causing certain reactions to happen, I'll be sure to mention it in the story. If I don't specify what my disguise is, just that I am disguised, feel free to assume it's whatever gear you'd like it to be, within reason.
Also, I wonder what our Almirian is up to? Skotino mentioned that he waited until Trey had left the castle, and I imagine the explosions at the guildhalls may have attracted his attention, so I figure he'd be somewhere around there now... I escaped before the blame was shifted to the gremlins, so I'll have the misconception that Trey is going after the worshipers first, and needs to be dealt with immediately.
They both seem like more weapons a Noble would hold. Mind me saying.