I understand if this thread gets locked, but I would rather post here than my real suggestion get lost in the sea of people moaning and whining over how sad their lives are.
Here goes.
I think we should be refunded the list price fee if the item doesn't sell, otherwise that's a huge deterrence to using the auction house, and potentially is a lot of wasted crowns. I think the .1*(final sale price - initial bid price) is enough of a crown sink to suffice, and doesn't royally screw you over if you happen to be undercut on a number of items you put up for sale. It also increases motivation to use AH instead of recluttering the trade channel.
Also, I think it needs to be more clearly explained how the minimum bid price is decided, and how the list price vs. sale price is actually resolved (since it took me more than a couple sales and experiments to figure it out).
@Eurydice I apologize for making a new topic! But that one wasn't really "on topic" so to speak -- it's generally just a rant. I'm hoping people who actually want to comment on the (I think really well done) new auction house can post here.
PLEASE refrain from posting complaints on this thread, keep it on topic (unless it's a complaint to some aspect of the _Auction House_, not to locking 4/5*)
Just trying to get this Auction House comment noticed in the sea of comments about the other changes:
I have about 100 mails sitting in my mailbox reading "you have been outbid" I must now go through each one individually and remove the crowns from them.
Perhaps there is a more elegant way to do this?