Of course, other than SK, what's your favorite game or games? (Online or console, doesn't really matter)
What's Your Favorite Video Game?

1. Super Smash Brothers Melee
2. Fusion Frenzy
3. Mario (Original)
4. Sonic (Original)
5. GTA Series
6. Madden Series
7. Nba 2k Series
8. Pokemon
9. Runescape
10. Halo Series
1. The legend of Zelda: A link to the past
2. Monster Hunter Tri
3. Super Metroid
4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
5. Final Fantasy 9
My top 5... in no particular order
1) Metal Gear Solid 1-4
2) Final Fantasy 7,10,12
3) Devil May Cry 1-4
4) Mass Effect 1-2
5) Soul Calibur 1-4

1) MegaMan ZX (one of the first games I ever bought, so has some nostalgic value. Plus the music is awesome.)
2) Super Smash Bros. Melee (generally great fun to play)
3) Battlefront II (Very involving battles, and space fights are awesome)
4) Armored Core: For Answer (for some reason nearly every NPC character that you come across is a total badass, and customization is excellent)
5) Halo Reach (Fun campaign, Forge World is great, and after a bit of time you can get pretty good at multiplayer)
I just can't answer this question without mention Legend of Dragoon. It is STILL my ALL TIME favorite game on the PSX.
"I just can't answer this question without mention Legend of Dragoon. It is STILL my ALL TIME favorite game on the PSX."
Ah! I got glomped by Cheeserito!
I'm taking it that someone is familiar with such a game that was underestimated and under appreciated?
Legend of Dragoon? That was a pretty entertaining game, I'll admit. Not a top favorite, but good.
Heck, I can't even say what my favorites are. I like games, some more than others. But some tops:
FF 6
Soul Blazer
FF 10
Left 4 Dead 1+2
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina + Past
Master of Orion 2
Chrono Trigger
That'll do.

I don't have a favorite game but I'm glad legend of dragoon and Megaman ZX got a mention. I like alot of the big game popular games (Halo/portal/COD) but its boring to list those as faves since everyone likes them.
I'll just list a few not as well known but amazing titles from independent game developers that have delighted me.
Cave Story (great/cute story about a robot who wakes up on a strange world and fights hostile...wait does that sound familiar?)
Noitu Love 1-2
As I said before I can't exactly make a top list for all video games, but I can do a top list by system. These are only for console specific games. There are MANY games that I love and like that span across both 360 and PS3.
PSX=Legend of Dragoon and Spryo
Gameboy=Pokemon Yellow
N64=SM64 and OOT
PS2=tie between Jak Series and Ratchet and Clank Series
360=Gears of War
Wii=Donkey Kong Country Returns or SMG2

1. Chrono Trigger
2. Stepmania
3. DISSIDIA 2: Final Fantasy
4. Patapon 3
5. Final Fantasy 13
Super Nintendo: Super Bomberman 4 and 5.
PS1: Crash Bandicoot and Tomba!.
PS2: Shinobido Imashime.
Wii: Monster Hunter 3.
PC: Team Fortress 2 and Monday Night Combat.
MMORPG: Runescape (Old version), Dofus (1.29 version), Dragonica, Warhammer Online, Spiral Knights.

Tomba! - good times. My family still has that disk among a collection of other great PS1 games.
Really? I thought I was the only person who played Cave Story. :)
Always difficult to come up with this sort of list, but here goes...
1. Valkyrie Profile (PSX)
2. Alundra (PSX)
3. Final Fantasy VI (Super Famicom)
Honorable mention to Breath of Fire 3 (PSX).
Also props to Providence for Okami and MeSako for Castlevania: SotN.
I'll start from when I got into gaming till now based on systems/platforms I've gamed on.
C64 - Maniac Mansion
NES - The Guardian Legend
Master System - Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Genesis - Shining Force 2
SNES - Final Fantasy VI
TurboGrafx-16 - Dungeon Explorer
N64 - Zelda OOT
PSX - Sled Storm
PS2 - Shadow of the Colossus
Wii - Monster Hunter Tri/SMG/SMG2 hard to choose one
PC - Diablo 2
@Droganis props for mentioning Soul Blazer!
Honestly though it's hard to pick overall favorites I've enjoyed well over a thousand games so these aren't set in stone however they're all games I love.

1 super mario galaxy 1 & 2
2 okami
3 super smash bros brawl
4 all dragon ball z games
5 halo
6 call of duty
7 need for spped
8 sonic and the black knight
9 super street fighters 4 3d edition
10 pilot wings resort
11 all pokemon games
Well, I have Lots Of Favorites, But ill only list some of the best.
Wii: Monster Hunter 3/ Tri, Sonic Unleashed.
DS: Sonic Colours, Pokemin Black, Pokemon soulsilver.
Iphone: Sonic 4
PC: Runescape, Minecraft, And Of Course Spiral Knights.
Too hard to choose only one...
Well, the ones I remember right now are: (no specific or "Top10" order)
Patapon 2 (PSP);
Phoenix Wright trylogy (GBA/DS);
Phantasy Star Online (DreamCast/PC);
Disgaea series (PS2/PS3/PSP);
Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA);
Castlevania series (everything, even toasters);
Psychonauts (PC);
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES);
Terranigma (SNES);
Sonic CD (PC);
The World Ends With You (DS);
Final Fantasy IV and IX (SNES/PS1);
Cave Story (PC);
Shenmue (DC);
Breath of Fire IV (PS1);
Odin Sphere (PS2);
Metal Gear Solid 1 and Peace Walker(PS1/PSP);
Shadow of the Colossus (PS2);
Project Diva 2nd (PSP);
Monster Hunter 3rd (PSP);
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP);
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley (PSP);
... and probably Rune Factory: Oceans too, I just need to buy this (PS3, hopefully in this year).
lol too much favorites.

1)Metroid Prime series.(Gamecube)
2)Super Smash Bros.(Gamecube)
4)LittleBigPlanet series.(PS3)
I know I know pretty strange choices.
Don't Knock em till you try em.
IGN The one and only, Guardianknight.
This list is in no particular order.
Tales of Symphonia (GC)
Ace Combat 6 (X360)
Pikmin 2 (GC)
Battalion Wars 1&2 (GC/Wii)
Project Reality (Battlefield 2 mod, PC)
Frozen Synapse (PC)
Breath of Fire II (GBA)
Skies of Arcadia: Legends (GC)
Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
Assassin's Creed 1-Infinity (X360)
Pikmin 2! It's SO AWESOME! Also, I really like Cave Story.
Suikoden series 1, 2, and 3

Bloodline Champions
Counter Strike
Street Fighter game(s)
And of course every single mario/link/sonic game on the Nintendo Wii
Cod is for newbies, pros play CS =]
I guess in no particular order:
LOZ- Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past
Sonic 1, 2, 3, Adventure, Adventure 2, Unleashed, and Colors
Streets of Rage 2
Halo CE
Super Mario Bros 3
Castlevanna III and SotN
Shining Force
Okami (duh)
and of course Chrono Trigger!
PC - Black Ops, Spiral Knights, Bad Company 2, Crysis 2, Mass Effect 2, Minecraft, Alien Swarm, Team Fortress 2, Half Life 2, Kane&Lynch 2, League of Legends.
Xbox 360 - Red Dead Redemption, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, HAWX 2,
Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Halo 3, Castlevania lords of shadow,
PSP - LittleBigPlanet, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Battlefront 2, The Godfather, Killzone Liberation.
I think that's all.
Team Fortress 2
Serious Sam
Red Alert 2
Disciples 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Overlord 2
Monday Night Combat
1. Okami (One of the few great games I've had the chance to play and still pop it in from time to time, and one with a variety of good morals. And music. <3)
2. Okamiden (Shorter by a bit, but it gets down to a more personal level than Okami. And the music...<3)
3. Star Fox 64 (Sadly a dying/about-to-be-possibly-killed-by-Miyamoto series.)
4. Killing Floor (British L4D, except it came out before L4D, is more open in terms of strategy, and is freaking HARD.)
5. Metroid Prime series (Still remember nearly ruining a good pair of pants when looking at Quadraxis for the first time.)
6. DragonFable (Yes, I actually play it. And, yes, I actually enjoy it.)
It's a tie between Majora's Mask and Valkyrie Profile.

1. Custom Robo (GC)
2. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
3. Mario Kart DD (GC)
4. Scott Pilgrim (PS3)
5. Twilight Princess (Wii)
Spiral Knights Account: Varja
Favorite for Singleplayer
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IX
.hack// + .hack//G.U.: series. (INFECTION/MUTATION/OUTBREAK/QUARANTINE and REBIRTH/REMINISCE/REDEMPTION don't ask me why the subtitles are in all-caps, CC2 is crazy about all-caps.)
Mega Man X 1-4
Armored Core, partial (Silent Line, Nexus, Last Raven, 3, Nine Breaker.)
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Mechwarrior 2
Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast
Favorite for Multiplayer
Final Fantasy XI Online
Counter-Strike: Source
Killing Floor
Left 4 Dead 2
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield: Vietnam
Dungeon Siege 1
Diablo II
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War -- Dark Crusade
RoboPit ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0OdAJUTG6Y )
Bushido Blade 1
Note that this is not every game I like, just the cream of the crop.
Just. . . . . . . . . .Team Fortress 2.
Go play it.
Cause it's free now.
And it's the best thing since the universe.
I will not stop you.
EDIT: Also star Wars: knights of the old republic, if you can stand the Amazing amount of sheer glitchiness.(So Glitchy I haven't even gotten past the First Planet , It keeps crashing every time I try >_> .)

1. Guild Wars
2. Tecmo Super Bowl
3. Infantry
4. Europa Universalis II
5. Super Mario World
And three people said Runescape? Eek. That's the worst commercial game I've played since... I'll have to think about this... well, probably since a couple of SNES EA Sports games, which were so awful that I haven't picked up anything that EA has been involved with in about the last 18 years or so. Actually, no. I take that back. Wii Sports was worse than Runescape.

Final Fantasy Tactics. Possibly the best game ever :)
A few others that should certainly be mentioned, but i've yet to see.
Secret of Mana (this game is every bit as underrated as chrono trigger is overrated!!!! blasphemy, i know. but i don't care.)
Ogre Battle Serires. Both to SNES and N64. [especially to the snes, just b/c it was one of the last great games out before the internet ruined secrets in video games]
Dark Cloud (i think 3?? not sure on the number) to PS2. It was a remarkably engaging game, and a beauty to behold. Cell-shading graphics at their finest. Plus, it didn't suffer as so many role play games do, by bogging you down with endless tutorials to get started. Nope, just a boy with a wrench in a sewer smacking around some giant rats. Have at it.
The very first (american that is) Final Fantasy to the good ole NES. I've beat that game more times then i can count. Then i downloaded it to my macbook and beat it a couple more times.
7th saga (Snes). Not many played it, but it was pretty cool :D
I am glad someone mentioned Super Mario to N64......its easy to forget what a revelation that game was when it came out. The fact that it single handedly changed the platforming genre forever. The depth of gameplay, 3D atmosphere, and shear innovation....it is perhaps the biggest leap ever in class b/w itself and its predecessors. I dare say, no game has so thoroughly outpaced all its peers at the time of its release. Heck, if you go back and play, it still stands up to the test of time.
And of course all the zeldas. The first Metal Gear solid to ps2 (or was it PS? where you had to use controller 2 so the mantis couldn't read your mind XD ) Shining force series...and too many others i'm leaving out.
yes, clearly, i'm a huuuuuge fan of RPGs.

monster rancher series was pretty sweet.
And monster hunter too, but its been mentioned quite a bit already. deservedly so.

My favourite game is hipsters. You've probably never heard of it.

Shadow of the Colossus. Hands Down, easily my favourite and best game, in my opinon, even Yahtzee liked it! (If you've never heard or seen Zero punctuation, you won't get it).

I like Doom 1, Heretic, Spelunky, Angband, and OpenRA.
I remember my good ol' PS1 games. Brave Fencer Musashi, Bust A Groove (the dancing one, not the bubbles), Crash, Spyro, Monster Rancher! I had the weirdest game called Pepsiman. Legit.
And Shoebox, stop making me giggle :(
It was only a matter of time until a COD troll found his way into this forum.

I made that post before you even joined.

well for fps halo. halo always was the best halo will always be the best
Trackmania United Forever - just huge multiplayer nutty arcade races. Loop-d-loops and huge air at breakneck speeds. Trackmania2 finally has some release teasers and I'm so excited.