I have been finding out as much as I can about sprites since they came out. Their attacks, to be specific. How much food it takes to level them for a given level or such isn't really interesting me as that is stuff that will eventually be behind you.
I've said most of this through scattered forum posts, but it'd be nice to have a single, unified area with it all gathered.
Here's what I know so far. Damage numbers are done in T3 GTH:
- Firebolt
Damage: 268/167/37
+3 fire strength at max level, chance seems to be at least 50%, possibly as high as 70%.
Radius seems to be about 1 tile, same as Valiance charge.
Interruption seems to be on par with a heavy Suda swing.
Maxed, with an elite harness, the cooldown is 12 seconds.Concussive bolt seems to stun as often as the fire chance. The strength isn't entirely known, but it's beyond moderate.
Meteoric bolt sems to have a radius of 2.5 tiles, same as Proto Bomb.
- Flame barrier
Damage: 115/63/22
+0.5 fire strength at max level, chance seems to be around 30%. The ability's nature makes this very hard to carefully measure.
Radius seems to be about 0.5 tile, with and orbit radius of 1 tile. (Measured from centers of both orb and player.)
Duration is 10 seconds.
During a quick test, I was able to inflict damage 25 times to a training bag by running counter-clockwise around it. This was with +3 MSI while simply running and doing nothing else.
By simply standing still in front of the bag, each orb hit twice each time it passed for a total of 16 hits.
The defence boost is around 75%.
Maxed, with an elite harness, the cooldown is 32 seconds.Backfire barrier science is still sketchy, but according to Enfeebler the base speed is about 8 tiles per second, and the backfire does indeed get boosted by MSI. it lasts for a second and a half.
Scorching Backfire adds a third orb. I have no data yet about how many ticks of damage I'll be able to inflict using it, stay tuned!
- Firestorm
+1.5 fire strength at max level, chance seems to be less than Ash of Agni per second, but is compensated for by having multiple rings.
It's possible for two rings to set fire to an enemy at the same time during the same tick. When this happens, the enemy instantly takes two ticks of fire damage.
Radius of the rings of fire is about 1 tile, 1.5 tile and 2 tiles for the first, second and third ring with a total length of 6 tiles. The first ring's center is 1 tile ahead of the player, and each ring is displaced from the center of the previous one by their own radius. This creates a "sweet spot" in the center where all three rings are able to touch the same enemy.
Duration is around 5 seconds, and the effect seems gone as soon as the fading animation starts.
Maxed, with an elite harness, the cooldown is 40 seconds.Frenzied Firestorm increases the damage of your entire team by 10% for 5 seconds, but can be extended to a total of 10 by having an enemy get caught in the blaze both in the beginning and the end of the fire's lifespan. Don't know anything about the speed buff.
Explosive Firestorm deals 49/34/13 damage. Each ring of fire generates an explosion at a random position within itself at random intervals not straying too far from 0.7 seconds, totaling out for an average of 7-9 explosions per ring. The diameter of each explosion is somewhere around 1 tile.
- Lazor
Damage: 115/63/22
Length is about 4 tiles.
Duration is about 5 seconds, hitting 3 times per second for a total of 15 hits.
There's a hit limit preventing more than 5 hits from inflicting on a stationary target, but if you're fighting something like a lumber you can lure them out for a tick or two and push them back in for more damage.
Maxed, with an elite harness, the cooldown is 16 seconds.Disintegration Ray reduces defence by 25%, same as +8 poison.
Dazzling Light Ray increases damage by 12%, same as a high damage bonus. It's not even remotely worth it compared to the alternative.
- Heart Attack
This skill is sketchy. Estimates for heart increase are all over the place. 40%-ish? Maybe? People say they don't notice it at all at first, so it could be something like 10%, and then another 10% for each level in extra hearty.
The radius is about 6-7 tiles.
The enchantment lasts for about 26 seconds.
Maxed, with an elite harness, the cooldown is 40 seconds.The defence orb of Iron Heart increases defence by no more than 20%, possibly just 15%. It's a really insignificant amount. The buff lasts for 15 seconds per orb picked up and the stack will hold if you can bring it to elevators.
Violent Heart Attack has a radius of 1 tile, a fuse time of 1.1 seconds after the enemy despawning, and is currently vastly outdamaged by proto sword.
- Angelic Aura
I don't know how to begin testing this thing. It goes down in four swings of Warmaster Rocket Hammer or just the combo (swing + dash, actually.) It's obliterated in an instant if you step into DR. Sometimes it'll go down in two swings of WRH if they're close enough to eachother, suggesting the shield has some amount of regenerating health possibly? You can use it to run across spike pads or take a single hit from an enemy if that hit is not too strong, like being a rocket or something. It's also great for just tanking stuff in Normal mode or running through most the traps in IMF.
Without interruption, the shield lasts 5 seconds until you upgrade to an ultimate, then it'll last 8.
The radius of the shield is about 2 tiles.
Allies caught under the shield are not immediately shielded, nor do they immediately stop being shielded when exiting. Instead, the radius of the shield applies a defence buff status for 1 second every second.Seraphic Aura increase your shield regen by what would be a really good amount if it wasn't limited to such a short timespan and did nothing for the cooldown before your shield can being to regenerate or is broken. I'll fetch the exact amount soon enough.
Valkyrian Aura ups your CTR to max from med, don't really know what happens if you don't have a level 10 weapon. The CTR does not go past max.
- Caustic Quills
Damage: 187/136/34 (while poisoned)
The strength of poison appears to be 1.5, but it's kinda hard to measure. Infliction rate is basically 100% on training bags, but I've seen them fail in practice. Probably related to some monsters having a bit of poison resistance.
There are 12 quills fired, 4 of them can stack on the same enemy at the same time, and you can overcome this limit through fast weaponry.
Quills from multiple players come in conflict and the hit limit is shared between all players.
Maxed, with an elite harness, the cooldown is 16 seconds.Vengeful Quills spawns an extra quill on an arbitrarily selected enemy in the vicinity for each hit. This'll be the same enemy multiple times, so if you're doing the fast weapon thing to overcome the hit limit, you need to be doing the same thing at the other enemy at the same time if you want to optimize damage output.
Virulent Quills have a 10% chance or so of exploding and producing an AoE haze about 1 tile in radius which lasts for about half a second. The poison strength is increased, but I haven't researched in detail. It possibly goes up as far as 4.
- Shadow Cloak
Turns you invisible for 15 seconds.
Defence buff is about 20%.Vengeful Cloak drops a bomb with a fuse time of ~1 second and a ~1.5 tile radius. The stun rate is basically 100%. I don't know the strength, assuming moderate. There is a small amount of knockback.
Deadly Cloak increases attack power by 30% while cloaked, 40% for 3 seconds after uncloaking. Don't know anything about the speed buff.
- Hexing Haze
Damage: 248/187/40
Surrounds you by a haze that hexes your enemies. The hex takes 3 seconds to explode and the enemy can immediately be re-hexed.
Each hex increases duration by a bit. Base duration is 5 and the first couple of hexes count for a second each but the effect diminishes. According to Nick, the duration can be doubled with enough enemies, which should allow for 4 hexes per enemy in total. Usually you'll get 3 in, and this can be achieved by just hexing a single enemy over and over, rendering the mechanic largely pointless.
The radius of the cloud is about 3.5 tiles.
Multiple players can stack hexes on an enemy without problem.Chaotic Haze has something like a 15% chance of infliction of moderate status. All statuses except sleep apply.
Haunted Haze does basically nothing. Damage is 7/5/3. There is a tiny amount of knockback and interruption. The homing is both surprisingly intelligent in its pathfinding and annoyingly floaty int its actual homing. The targets appear picked at random.
Impressive. Maybe it's worth starting the Battle Sprite Tamer Guide? :-D